2� 17�2�� 1
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: '1�'130339g �Continued} � Pa�e �
<br /> Fraud vr IVlateria� Misrepresentativn. Trustor c�mmits fraud or material misrepresentation in cvnnec�ian wi�h the
<br /> terms o�F fihe Nofie.
<br /> Paymenfi Defaul�, Trustor fai�s to mee��he repayment terms of the Note fior any outstanding balan�e.
<br /> �ther De�aults. Trustor's act ❑r failure �❑ ac� ad�ersely affects Lender's securi�y interest in the Prvperty, or any
<br /> right of Lender's in such secur�ty.
<br /> Right to Cure. ff any de�aulfi, ather than a default in paymen�, is curable and i�Trustor has not been gi�en a nvti�e
<br /> �f a breach❑f�he same pro�isian of this Deed of Trust within the pre�eding twe�ve ��2} monfihs, it may be cured if
<br /> Trus�or, after Lender sends wri�ten noti�e�o Trust�r demanding cure�fi su�h de�ault: ��� cures the default within
<br /> �en �1 a} days; or {2� i�fihe cure requires more�han�en ���} days, immedia�ely Fnitia�es s�eps which L�nder deems
<br /> in Lender's so[e disGre�ion t❑ be suffiicient tv cure the default and�hereafter continues and comple�es al[ reasonab�e
<br /> and necessary steps suf�icient t❑ produce compliance as soan as reasonably pra�tical.
<br /> RlGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an E�enfi o�F De�aulfi occurs under this Deed o-�Trust, a� any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exerc3se any ane or mo�e❑fi the following rights and �-emedies:
<br /> A�ce[era�ivn Upon De�auR�t; Addit�vna� Remedies. I�F any E�ent of�3efaul�occurs as per the terms ❑fi the Note
<br /> secu�-ed hereby, Lender may declare ail �ndebtedness secured by�this aeed v�Trust tv be due and payable and
<br /> the same shall�hereupon 1�ecome due and payable without any presen�ment, demand, protest�r n�ti�e o�F any
<br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Ei�th�r in person or by agent, with or wi�hout hringing any activn or- prviceeding, ❑r by a rec�i�er
<br /> appointed by a court and withvut regard tv �he adequacy of its security, enter upon and ta�e possessEan
<br /> o�the Property, or any par�thereof, in i�s ❑wn name or in the name❑f Trus�ee, and dv any acfis which it
<br /> deems ne�essary or desirable fio preser�e the �aEue, marke�ability ar r�n�abili�y of the Proper�y, vr par�o�
<br /> �he Property or interest in the Property; increase the incame �Fram �he Praper�y ❑r protect�he se�uri�y of
<br /> �he Prop�rty; and� WE�h or without taking possession af �he Prvperty, sue �or ❑r ❑fiherwise caE��ct the
<br /> rents, issues and prvfi�s o�F the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply�he same, less
<br /> casts and e�penses a�operativn and �ollection attarneys' fees,to any indebtedness secur-ed by this �3eed
<br /> of Trusfi, all in such order as Lender may determine. The en�e�ring upon and taking possession ❑fi the
<br /> Praperty, the co[lection ❑f such rents, issues and pra�its, and the applicatian �herev� shall nat cure or
<br /> wai�e any default❑r nv�i�e ofi default under�his Deed o�f Trus�❑r in�alida�ke any ac� d�ne in resp�nse fio
<br /> such d�fault or pursuant to such no�ice ❑f de�ault; and, notwi�hstanding the c�ntinuan�e in possessian af
<br /> the Property or the colle�tian, re�eipt and applicatEon of ren�s, issues ❑r profi�s, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> he entitled �❑ �xercise eWery righ� pro�ided �or in�he No�e or the Re�ated �ocuments or l�y law up�n the
<br /> vccurrence❑f any e�en�v€defiaul�, in�lud�ng the righ�to exercise the power of sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an action to fa�re�l�se this ❑eed of Trust as a mortgage, appvint a recei�er or speci�ically
<br /> enfiorce any❑��the co�enants hereof; and
<br /> 4c� Deli�er�v Trustee a written declaration o�defauft and d�mand for sale and a wri�ten notice of default
<br /> and elec�ian�a cause Trustor's �nteres�in the Prvperty�v be svld, which notice Trus�ee shaff cause to be
<br /> duly filed�a�-recvrd in fihe appropriate❑f�ices of fihe County in which the Property is iocated; and
<br /> td� With respe�t to all vr any par�❑fi�he Personal Prvperty, Lender shall ha�e all the �-Eghfis and rem�dies
<br /> ❑f a secured party under the Nebraska Uni�orrn Commercial Code.
<br /> Foreclvsure by Pvwer of 5ale. l�Lender elec�s to forecl�se by exercise of the Power af 5a�e herein cvntained,
<br /> Lender shall noti-�y Trus�ee and shall depvsi� wi�h Trus�ee this ❑eed a�Trus� and �the Nate and such receipts
<br /> and evidence vf expenditures made and secu�-ed by�his ❑eed ❑f T�-us�as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a} Upan rece�pt o�such natice from L�nder� Trustee sha�l cause t❑ be recnrded, published and deliWered
<br /> to Trusfivr such NofiiCe ❑� ❑efiaul� and Notice of Sale as�hen requir�d by law and by this Deed ❑�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such �ime as may then b� required by �aw and af�fier
<br /> recorda�ion �f su�h Notice af Defiaul� and after Natice �fi 5ale haWing been given as required hy law, sell
<br /> �he Prop�rty at the �ime and place v� safe �ixed hy it in such Notice of Sa�e, either as a whale, ❑r in
<br /> separate iofis vr parcels or items as Trus�ee shall deem expedient, and in such ❑rder as i�may de�ermine,
<br /> at public auction to �he highest bidder for cash in law�ul m�ney �f the United 5tates payabEe at the�ime
<br /> af sale. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser ar purchase�s thereof ifis govd and sufificient deed ❑r
<br /> deeds cflnveying the property so soEd, but wi�hou�k any co�enan�k or warranty. �X�3�'�55 or implied. The
<br /> reci�als in such deed af any matters or facts shall be cvnclusive prao€ ❑�fihe fi�uthfulness therevf. Any
<br /> person, including withvu�fi limi�afiion Trustor,Trustee, ar Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> 4b} As may be permitted by �aw, aft�r deduc�ing all casts, fees and �xpenses ❑f Trus�ee and ❑f �khis
<br /> Trus�, includ�ng cos�s ❑f e�idence�f title in cvnnecfiion with safe,Trustee sha[[ app�y the prv�eeds of sale
<br /> to paymen�o� �i} all sums expended under�he terms ❑f this Deed ❑f Trust or under�he terms o�f�he N�te
<br /> no� �hen repaid, including but nat limi�ed fiv a��rued in�erest and fate charges, {ii� all ather sums fihen
<br /> secured herehy, and {iii} �he remainder, if any,to�he person or persons legally entitled ther�ta.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in�he manner prvvided 1ay law pvstpone sale v�all❑r any portivn of the Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exc�usi�re. Truste� and Lender, and each of them, shall be en�i�led to enforce payment and
<br />