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<br /> �EEn �F -rRusT
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'i❑�3�339g t�ontinu�d� Page 3
<br /> secured by�his Deed ❑f Trust upon the sale ar trans�er, wi�haut Lender's priar wri�ten cvnsen�, o�f all ar any part a�the
<br /> Real Proper-ty, or any in��rest in the Real Property. A "sale o�-trans�e�" means th� can�eyance o�Real Proper�ty ❑r any
<br /> right, �itle ar interest in th� Reai Prape�ty; whether legal, ben�ficial ❑r equitabl�; whether �olunta�-y ar involun�ary;
<br /> whether by ❑utrigh� sa�e, deed, instaIFmen� sal� contract, �and contract, con�rac� far deed, leaseha�d interest with a
<br /> term gr�ate�r than �hree �3� years, lease-op�ion contract, ❑r by sale, assignmen�, ar trans�er o�any beneficial interest in
<br /> ar�❑ any land trust hvlding ti�le fio fihe Real Pr�per�y, or by any o�her me�hod of can�eyance o� an interes� in �he Real
<br /> Properfiy. Howe�er, this ❑p�tion shall n�t be exercised 1�y Lender if such exercise is prahi�i�ed by �ederal law �r hy
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES�AND L1EN5. The �vllowing pro�isions relating to the taxes and liens on the Proper�y are par� o�this Deed ❑fi
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen#. Trustor sha�i pay when due tand in a11 e�en�s prior to delinquency� aI��axes, spec�a!fiaxes, assessments,
<br /> charges {in�luding water and sewer�, #ines and impasztions le�ied against❑r ❑n accoun� ❑fi�he Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due al� claims ��r work done an or�ar ser�ices r�ndered �r material furnished t❑ the Property. Trustar
<br /> shall main�ain�the Proper�y free of all liens ha�ing priori�y a�er or equal to the �nterest❑�f Lender under�his �eed o�
<br /> Trus�, except for the lien o�f taxes and assessments no� due, except �o�- �he Existing lndeh�edness referred to
<br /> below, and ex�ep�as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Righ��v Contesfi. Trustor may wi�hho[d paymen�of any�tax, assessment, or claim in connectian w�th a good faith
<br /> dispute ��er�he obligati�n�❑ pay, so lvng as Lender's infierest in�he Prop�rty is n�t jeapardized. �f a lien arises ❑r
<br /> �s ���ed as a resul� ❑f nonpayment, Trus�or shali within fif�keen {15� days af�er�he �ien arises or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �15} days after Trustor has notice vf�he �ifing, secure �khe discharge o�the lien, or i� requested by
<br /> Lender, depos�fi with Lender cash ar a sufficien�corparate sure�y band or other securifiy sa�isfactary�o L�nder in an
<br /> amounfi suffi�ient�o discharge th� �ien plus any costs and attvrneys' �ees, or o�her �harges thafi cvuld acc�-ue as a
<br /> resul��f a foreclasure or safe under�fihe lien. ln any confies�, Trustar shall d��end itself and Lender and shail satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgmenfi be�are�n�vr�ement against the Property. Trust�r shall name Lende�-as an additional fl�figee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the�vnfies�proceedings.
<br /> Evidence a#Paymenf. Trus�or shal[ upon demand furnish tv Lender satis�fac�ory eWidence o�F payment n�the taxes
<br /> �r ass�ssmen�s and shall authorize the appropriate gvvernmen�al official to deli�er tv Lender at any time a wri��en
<br /> stafiement❑f�he taxes and assessmen�s against the Praperty.
<br /> No#i�� of Construction. Trustar shall nvtifiy Lender at least��fteen 4�5} days be�vre any wark is comm�nced, any
<br /> serWices are furnished, ❑r any mafierials are supplied �a �he Proper�y, if any me�hanic's lien, materEalmen's lien, vr
<br /> other lien could be ass�rfied on account ❑�the work, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor will upon request ❑�F Lender
<br /> -�urnish tn Lender adWance assurances satisfiactory t❑ Lender fihat Trus�ar �an and will pay �he cast ❑f such
<br /> improvements.
<br /> PR�PERTY ❑AMAGE INSURAiVCE. The�o�lowing provisions rela��ng�v insuring the Proper�y are a part of this ❑eed ��
<br /> Trust.
<br /> lUlaintenance vf Insuran�e. Trus�vr shall pr�cure and main�ain pvli�ies ❑� tEre insurance with standard extended
<br /> cvWerage endorsements on a fair �alue basis for the ful� insurabie value ca�ering all �mpra�ements on the Real
<br /> Praperty in an amoun� sufficient fio a�oid application ❑�F any coinsurance clause, and wi�h a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�a�r of Lender,�ogether with su�h other hazard and �iability�nsurance as Lend�r may reasvna�ly require.
<br /> Pali��es shal� be wri�ten in �vrm, amounts, covera�es and basis reasonably ac�eptala�e to L�nder and issued by a
<br /> company or companies reasanalaiy acceptable t� Lender. Trus�vr, upan request af Lender, will defi�er ta Lender
<br /> from time�❑ time the poli�ies or certificates ❑f insurance in fvrm satis�act�ry�o Lender, including stipuiafiivns that
<br /> coverages w'tll no� be cancelled ❑r diminished without at �eas�ten �1�} days prior writken nv�ice �o Lender. Each
<br /> insurance poficy alsv shall include an endorsement pr��iding that �o�erage in fa�or of Lender will nat be impaired
<br /> in any way by any act, omissivn or de�au��o�Trustor or any ather person. Shvuld �he Real Prvperty be loca�ed in
<br /> an area designated by�he Administratvr ❑f�he Federa! Emergency Management Agen�y as a specia! flvod hazard
<br /> area, Trustor agrees to vlataEn and maEntain Federa! Flvad Insu�rance, �� a�ailable, within 45 days after notice is
<br /> gi�en by Lender that the Property is lo�a�ed in a special -�lovd hazard area, �ar the �ull unpaid prin�ipaE baiance af
<br /> the Ivan and any prior- liens on �he proper�y s�curing the laan, up �❑ �he maximum poiicy limi�s se� under the
<br /> Na�ional Flood lnsurance Program, or as atherwise requ�r�d by Lender, and�a maintain such insuranc��ar fihe term
<br /> af�he loan.
<br /> Appli�atian of Pro�eeds. Trust�r shal� prompt�y nafiify Lender of any loss ar damage ta fihe Proper�y. Lender may
<br /> make proo� ❑f ivss if Trustar fails fio dv sa wi�hin -�ifteen {'f 5y days ❑f the casual�y. Whether vr not Lend�r's
<br /> security is im�aired, Lender may, at Lender's e�ectian, recei�e and retain the proceeds of any insurance and apply
<br /> the proceeds to the �reduc�ivn vf fihe lnde�tedness, paymen�t ❑f any lien affec�ing the Property, ❑r the restvra�tian
<br /> and repair of�he Property. if Lender ele��s fi❑ apply�he proceeds �o res�ora�ian and repair, Trus�or shall repair or
<br /> rep�ace the damaged ❑r destrvyed Imprfl�ements in a manner sa�is�factvey �o Lender. Lender shall, upan
<br /> safiisfia��ory proaf af such �xpenditure, pay or reimburse T�-us�tor from �he proceeds �or the reasonab�e cast afi
<br /> �-�pai�- or res�aration i� Trustor is not in default under this Deed of Trust. Any prviceeds which have nv� been
<br /> d3sbursed w€�htn 1 S� days afte�-the�r receipt and which Lender has not commit�ed ta �he repair ar res�vration o�
<br /> the Property shall be used first�❑ pay any amount vwing to Lender under this Deed of Trust, �hen to pay aGcrued
<br /> interes�, and the remainder, if any, shall be appfied t❑ �he principal balance o�F the lndebtedness. I# Lender holds
<br /> any proceeds after payment in full ❑�f the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid fio Trus�or as Trustor's
<br />