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- 2� 17�2�� 1 <br /> DEED D� TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: �D13D339� {��nt�rlued� Page 2 <br /> TH�S DEED DF TRUST, 1NCLUDING THE ASSIGNIVIENT DF RENTS AN❑THE SECURITY �NTEFiEST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, 15 G�VEN T� SECURE {A} PAYM�NT ❑F THE INDEBTEDNE55 AND {g} PERFDRMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLIGATIDNS UNDER THE NDTE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND TH�S DEED �F TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEED flF TRUST 1S G1VEN AND ACCEPTED aN THE F�LL�11tilING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as othe�w�se praWided in this I�eed of Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br /> amaunts secured k�y this Deed af Trust as �hey become due, and shall strictly and in a �ime�y manner perform al� ❑f <br /> Trus�or's ❑bliga�ions under th� No�e,this Deed af Trust, and the Re[ated aocuments. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AN❑ 1ti11A1NTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees tha� Trus�ar's possessian and use o�f �he <br /> Proper�y shall he goWerned 1ay the�Following pro�isions: <br /> P�55�551�17 and Use. Un�il the occurrence o� an Even� of Default, Trustvr may �1� remain in passession and <br /> con�rol of�he Proper�y; ��} use, opera�e or manage the Proper�y; and �3} callec��he Ren-�s from the Proper�y. <br /> Du�y to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Proper�y in govd condifiivn and promp�ly per�orm all repairs, <br /> repfacements� and maintenance necessary�o preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compliance 1Nifih Enrrironmen�al Laws. Trus�vr represen�s and warran�s t❑ Lender�hat: ��� During �he period ot <br /> Trustar's vwnership v�F the Praper�y,fihsre has been no use, generat��n, manufacture, stvrage,treafimenfi, disposai, <br /> reiease ❑r threa�ened re(ease �fi any Hazardvus Substance 1�y any person ❑n, under, abou� ❑r from �he Prvperty; <br /> ��} Trus�or has na knowfedg� ❑f, ❑r reasvn �o belie�e that there has laeen, excepfi as pre�iausly disclosed �❑ and <br /> acknow�edged by Lender in writing, �a� any breach or �iolation vfi any En�ironm�ntal Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, s�orage, treatment, dispvsal, release or th�reatened release o� any Hazardous 5ubs�ance <br /> on, under, ab�ut or �rom the Prap�rty by any p�sor owners or �c�upants o� the Prvperty, ❑r �c} any ac�ual ar <br /> �hreatened lit3ga�Eon or c�aEms of any kind 1�y any person re[ating to such matters; and �3� Exc�pt as pre�iousiy <br /> disclosed�a and aGknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trus�or nor any�enant, �ontractor, agent ar❑fiher <br /> au�harized us�r❑f the Proper�y shall use, gene�ate, manufa��ure, store, treat, dispos� af ar release any Hazard�us <br /> Subs�ance an, under, about❑r�From the Property; and {b} any such activi�y shal� be conducted in compliance with <br /> all applicable federal, sfia�e, and �ocal laws, reguiati�ns and nrdinances, �ncluding without limitativn all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or authorizes Lender and its agents �❑ �n�er upon the Property t❑ make such <br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trustvr`s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o de�ermine campliance v� fihe <br /> Prvper�y wi�h this section ❑f the Deed �fi Trusfi. Any inspec�ians or tests made by Lender shall be �or Lender's <br /> purposes only and shall nat be �onstrued�o creafie any responsibi�i�y or liabi�i�y on�he par�❑f Lender to Trus�or or <br /> t� any ather persan. The representa�ions and warran�ies c�ntain�d herein are based ❑n Trus�or`s due di�igence in <br /> Envestiga�ing th� Property�or Hazardous Substances. Trus�or hereby {�} releases and wai��s any �uture cfaims <br /> againsfi Lender for indemnity ❑r contri�utivn En the e�en�Trus�or becomes liable #o�- �leanup vr ❑ther costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2y agrees tv indemnify, defend, and hald harm�ess Lender against any and a�C claims, losses, <br /> �iabiliti�s, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direct�y o�-indirec�ly sustain vr suffer resuitin�from <br /> a breach o�r this sectivn vf the Deed af Trust or as a consequence of any us�, generation, manufa�ture, stvrage, <br /> disposaf, release or�hreatened release❑�curring prior t❑Trus�or`s ❑wnership or interest in th� Prope�ty, whe�her❑r <br /> not fihe same was or shauld ha�e been knnwn -t� Trus�or. The pro�isions of this sec�ion of �he ❑eed ❑f Trust, <br /> inciuding�he❑bliga�ion to indemnify and de�end, shall sur�i�e the payment vf the Indebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and re��n�eyance of the lien ofi�his Deed a�Trust and shall na�be a��ect�d by Lend�r's acquisition o�any inte�est <br /> in the Prvperty, whe�her hy�or��lasure ar o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance� Was�e. Trustar shalE no� cause, conduct or permi� any nuisance nor commi�, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> s�kripping af ar waste on ar �o �he Praperty or any part�on of the Property. Vllithvut limi�ing �he generality ❑f�he <br /> -Foregoing, Trustvr will no� remv�e, or grant�o any ❑�her par�y the right�o rema�e, any timber, minerais �including <br /> oi1 and gas�, cvaf, �lay,scoria,svil, gra�el❑r rock produc�s wi�hauf Lender's prior written cansent. <br /> Removal v�Improvements. Trus�or sha�� nv�dem�lish or remo�e any lmpra�ements�rom�he Real Property withvu� <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a c�ndi�ian t❑the remo�al a#any Impra�ements, Lender may requ��e Trus�or to <br /> make arrang�ments satisfac�vey tv Lender t� replace su�h lmpro�ements w�th Impro�ements o# a� least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ�to En�er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and representati�es may enter u�vn �he Real Prvper�y a� all <br /> �-eas�nable times tv at�end t� Lender's interests and tv inspect �he Reaf Proper�y fvr purposes ❑f Trustar's <br /> compliance with�he�erms and �vnditions of this ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Cvmp[iance with Go►rernmen�al F�equirements. Trus�vr shall promptly campfy with aIl laws, ordinances, and <br /> regu[ations, naw or hereafter in effect, ❑f aIl go�ernrr�ental au�horiti�s applicable t� the use ❑�- occupancy of the <br /> P�-operty. Trustnr may c�ntes�in go�d �ai�h any su�h law, ordinance, o�-regulativn and wi�hhvld cvmpliance during <br /> any proceedsng, inc�uding appropriate appeals, s❑ �ang as Trus�k�r has no�ified Lender in wri�ing prior t� daing sv <br /> and so long as, in Lender's sole opinivn, Lende�'s infierests in fihe Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trus�ar�❑ post adequate securi�ty❑r a surety bnnd, reasvnably satisfactory to Lender,tv protect Lender's interest. <br /> ❑u�y to Prv�ec�. Trus�or agrees nei�her t� abandvn or lea�e unafifiended the Property. Trustor sha�i do all other <br /> a�-�s, in addition ta thase acts set forth a�o�e in�khis section, which from�khe charac�er and use ❑��he Property are <br /> reasanably ne�essary tv protect and preser�e the Prvperty. <br /> DUE aN SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ian, declare immediately due and payable al� sums <br />