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2� 17� 1979 <br /> aEED �F TRUST <br /> ���ntlrlued� Pag� 5 <br /> effect �including faiiure of any coiiateral document to create a �alid and per�rected security interest �r li�n} at any <br /> tirne and for any r�ason. <br /> �nsvlv�ency. The dissolutian or te�mination of the Trust, the insol�ency o�Trus�or, the appointment of a r�cei�er fvr <br /> any p�ar� of Trustor�5 property, any assignment �or the benefi� of creditors, any type ❑� creditor �vorkout, vr �he <br /> c�mrr�encement of an� proceed�ng under any bani�ruptcy or insol�ency laws by vr against Trustor. <br /> Credi�or vr For�ei�ure Proceedings, Cammencemen� of foreclvsure or forfeiture prv�e�dings, wh�ther by �udic�af <br /> proceeding, self-he�p, repvssessi�n or any o�her methQd, by any creditor of Trustor Qr hy any go�e�nmen#al ag�ncy <br /> against �ny pr�per�y securing �he lnde��edness. Th�s includes a garnishment ❑f any o� Trustor's accounts, <br /> includi~�g depos�t ac��un-�s, with Lender. H�we�er, �his E�ent of Defauit shail not apply if there is a good fai�h <br /> dispu�te by Trustar as �a the �alidity or reasonab�eness of the claim which is �he basis o�the credi�or ar �orfeiture <br /> proceeding and if Trustor gi�es Lender written notice of the cred�tar or �vrfeiture proceeding and deposi�s with <br /> Lender monies ❑r a surety bond far the credifior or fvrfei�ure pr�c��ding, in an amount determined hy Lender, in �ts <br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate reserve or bond fvr the dispute. <br /> Brea�f� a��ther Agre�ment. Any breach by Trustor under the terms ❑�any other agreement be�ween Trustor and <br /> Lender that is not remedi�d within any grace pe�iod pro�ided ther�in, including without limi�a�ion any agreement <br /> �vncerning any indebtedness or other vkaligation of Trustor to Lende�, whe�her existing now or la�er. <br /> Errents Affecting Guarantar. Any of the preceding e�enfis occurs with respect to any guarantar, endorser, surety, <br /> or accorr�moda�ion party vf any of the Indebtedness or any guaran�or, end�rser, surety, or ac�orr�mada�ion party <br /> dies ❑r becomes incompe�en�, or re�okes or disputes the �alidi�y of, ar liahi�ity under, any C uaranty of the <br /> I ndebtedness. <br /> Ad�erse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in Trustor`s financ�al conditivn, ar Lender belie�es the <br /> , <br /> prospe�t o�payment�r per�ormance o�fihe lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaod fai�h be�ie�es itself insecure. <br /> Right to Cure. If any default, other than a default in payment, is �urable and if Trustor has not b�en gi�en a notice <br /> of a b�-each vf the same prv�isi�n o�this Deed vf Trust within the preceding twel�e �12� months, it may be cured i� <br /> Trustor, af�er Lender sends written natice tv Trustor demanding cure❑f such de�ault: 41� cures the defaul�within <br /> twent�r ��Q� days; or ��} if the cure ��quires more than twen�ty �2�y days, immediately initiates s�eps ►rvhich <br /> Lender deems in L�nd�r's svle discretion tv be suffici�nt to cure the de�ault and thereafter �ontinu�s and <br /> �ompletes al� reasonable and neGessary steps suf�ficient to produce complian�e as soon as reasona�ly prac�ical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMED[ES �N QEFAVLT. �f an E�ent af Default occurs under this Deed a�Trust, at any �im� thereaf#er, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one or more o�the following rights and remedies: <br /> Acceleratian Upon Default; Add�tional Remedies. If any E�ent vf Default occurs as per the terms of the IWote <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a�� Indebtedness se�ur�d by this Deed �f Trust t� bs du� and payable and <br /> the same shall#her�upon beCome du� and payable withvut any presentment, demand, pro�est�r notice of any <br /> kind. Th�reafter, Lender may: <br /> �a� Eithe� in person or by agent, with or withaut bringing any action vr proceeding, vr by a recei�er <br /> appo�nted by a court and wi�hout regard to the adequacy vf �ts security, enter upon and take possession <br /> of the Property, ar any part thereof, in its own name ar in the name ❑f Trustee, and da any acts which it <br /> deems n�ce�sary or desirat�le to preser�e the �a�ue, marketability vr rentability of the Property, ❑r part o� <br /> the Pr�perty ar �nterest in the Proper�y; incr�ase the income fram �he Praperty or protect the se�urity af <br /> the Pr�p�rty; and, with or withou� taking possessian af the Prvperty, sue �or or athe�v�rise col�ect the <br /> rents, issues and profits �f the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply �he same, �ess <br /> costs and expenses of operation and colle�tion atto�neys' fees, t❑any indehtedness secured by�his Deed <br /> o� Trust, aE[ in su�h arder as Lender may de�Cermine. The entering upon and taking possession of the <br /> Prvperty, the �ollection of such rents, issues and pro�its, and the application thereof sf�a�� not �ure or <br /> wai�e any de�ault ❑� no�ice af default under this Deed o�Trust or in�alidate any act done in respvnse to <br /> such defaul�or pursuant to such notice of default; and, n�twithstanding the continuance in possession of <br /> the Property or the collec�ian, re�eipt and app�icati�n af rents, issues or prafits, Trustee or Lend�r shall <br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery right pro�ided for in the Note ❑r�he Related Dv�uments or by iavu upon the <br /> occurrence of any e�ent o�defaul�, including the right�o exer�is�the pawer of safe; <br /> 4b� C�mmen�e an action�o fareclose this Deed vf Trust as a mortgage, appvint a recei�er or specif�cally <br /> enforce any❑f�he�o�enants hereof; and <br /> �c3 ❑eli�er to Trus�ee a written declara�ion of defau�t and demand for sale and a written nvtice ofi default <br /> and elec�ion tv cause Trustor's interest in the Property ta be sald, which notice Trustee shall cause to be <br /> duly filed for reco�d in the appropr�ate o�f�ces of the County in which�he Praperty is lacated; and <br /> {d� VIIEth respect�o a!I or any part of the Pe�s�nal 6'roperty, Lender shall ha�e af! the righ�s and remedies <br /> of a secur�d par�y under the Nebraska Unif�rm Commer�ial Code. <br /> Foreclvsure h�Pvwer of Sale. �f Lender elects to f�re��ose by exercise of the Power of Safe herein contained, <br /> Lender shall notif� Trustee and sha�l deposit wi�h Trust�e this Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence of exp�nditures made and secured by this Deed❑�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> ta� Upon receipt o�su�h natice�rom Lender, Trus�ee shal[ cause to he recorded, published and deli�ered <br /> t❑ Trustor such Not€ce of ❑efaul� and Notic� af Sale as then requi��d by law and by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, a�ter such time as may then be requ�red by law and a�te� <br /> re�vrdation ��such N�ti�e v� Defaul� and a�ter Notice vf 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as required by �aw, self <br /> the Property at the time and piace of sale fixed by it in such Noti�e o� 5ale, either as a whole, or in <br /> s�para�e lats or parcels ar items as Trustee shaft deem expedient, and in such order as it may de�erminep <br /> at public auction ta the highest bidder f�r cash in lawfu� money af the United 5ta�es payable at the time <br /> of sale. Truste� shall deli�er to such pu�chaser or purchase�-s thereof its govd and suffi�ient deed ❑r <br /> deeds �on�eying �he property sa sold, but wi�hout any co�enant or warranty, express ar implied. Th� <br /> recita�s in such deed ❑� any ma�ters o� facfis shall be cvnclusi�e provf of the truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> person, Encluding withaut limitatian Trust�r, Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sal�. <br /> �b3 As may be permitted by law, af�er deducting ali cvs�s, �ees and expenses of Trus�ee and of this <br /> Trus�, including cos�s of e�idence v�title in connection w�th sale, Trustee sha�! apply the prace�ds of sale <br /> ta payment�� �i} all sums expend�d under�he terms of this Deed of Trust or under the terms❑�the Note <br /> not then �epaid, including but n�t limited t❑ accrued interest and fate charges, �ii� all other sums then <br /> secured h�r�by, and �iii} the remainder, if any, to the person or p�rsvns legally entitled th�reto. <br /> �c} Trustee may in�h� manner pro�ided by law postpone sale ofi all or any portivn❑�the Praperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trust�e and Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled tv en�orce payment �nd <br /> perfo�mance of any indebtedness❑r abligatians secured by this Deed of Trust and t❑ex�rcise afl rights and pov+rers <br /> under �his Deed o� T�ust, under the Note, under any of �he Related Documents, or under any ather agr�sment or <br /> any laws now vr herea�ter in #or�e; notw�ths�anding, s�me ❑r al� af su�h indsbtedness and obligations secured by <br /> this Deed o#Trust may now or her�a�ter he otherwise secured, whe�her by ma�tgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> � <br /> � 0. <br /> �� <br /> < �. <br /> � <br />