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6. That the said Emil K Bauman, deceased, died seised of the following des- <br />cribed real estate, to -wit: <br />Lot four (4) and Northerly eight (8) feet of Lot six (6) in <br />Block three (3) in University place, an Addition tothe City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and, <br />Southeast quarter (SE}) of Section thirty -three (33), Township <br />thirteen (13), North, Range twenty -five (25),V of the 6th. P.N., <br />Custer County, Nebraska. <br />7. That by the terms of the W111 of said deceased, all personalty, same being <br />described in paragraph 4 above, left after payment of debts, funeral expenses and <br />costs of administration, is bequeathed to Edna K.Baunan, surviving wife of the de- <br />ceased, and should be assigned and delivered to her, and all real estate of which <br />said Bail K Bauman died seized, which includes the real estate described in para- <br />graph 6 above, is devised as follows: <br />Y <br />• <br />Lot four (4) and Northerly eight (8) feet of Lot six (6) in <br />Block three (3) in University place, as Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hill Connty, Nebraska, to Kay B.Blair, daughter <br />of the deceased, and, <br />Southeast quarter (SS) of Section thirty -three (33), Township <br />thirteen (13),North, Range twenty -live (25), W of the 6th.:'.M., <br />Custer County, Nebraska to Karl E. Bauman, son of the deceased, <br />and Say E. Blair, daughter of the deceased, in equal shares, <br />201701965 <br />and should be assigned to then. <br />it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the final account of the <br />executrix herein be and the same hereby is settled, allowed and approved; that the <br />estate has been duly administered, and all debts and expenses of administration have <br />been duly paid; that the Inheritance Tax due the State of Nebraska from the heirs, <br />legatees and devisees of the deceased has been duly determined and paid in full.; <br />that there is left in the hands of the Executrix the sum of $3786.19 and the items <br />set out and referred to in paragraph 4 above =as unlignidated, which by the terms <br />of the Will are hereby assigned to Edna K. Bauman, surviving wife of the deceased; <br />that Hail K. Bauman died Testate, a resident of Buffalo County, Nebraska, on the <br />3rd day of April, 1968, leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the persons vaned <br />in paragraph 5 above; that said deceased died seised of the real estate described <br />