EMIL K. BADMAN, Deceased.
<br />In the Natter of the Eatate of
<br />Ndna K. Batsman, Wife, age legal, Ravenna, Nebraska,
<br />Karl E. Bauman, Son, age legal, Chapel Hill, No. Caroh
<br />Kay 2. Blair, Daughter, age legal, Grand /eland, Nebr.
<br />•
<br />201.701t65
<br />October 24, 1968, this matter came on for hearing, having been continued from
<br />September 19, 1968, upon the final report and account and the application for final
<br />settlement of account of the 2xecntrix, and for a ddcree of heirship herein, and
<br />due and legal notice of hearing having been given as provided by law, and the Courtt
<br />being fully advised in the premises, finds:
<br />1. That said final account is correct and should be allowed.
<br />2. That said executrix took possession of the personal property belonging to
<br />said estate and has paid all debts and claims allowed and the costs and expenses of
<br />administration.
<br />3. That the Inheritance Tax due the State of Nebraska from the heirs, devisees
<br />and legatees of the deceased has been duly determined and paid in fell.
<br />4. That there is now left in the bands of the Bkeembrix the sum of $3786.19,
<br />being $3798.17 recited as balance dneon final report less $11.98 paid for back per-
<br />sonal tax, together with all of the unliquidated personal property recited on the
<br />inventory filed herein, consisting of an automobile, dental office equip., fur. &
<br />fix., stock certificates, via: 6 shs of A.T.I&T., 2 shs Farmers Co-op. Assn., 6 shs
<br />Ravenna Golf Club, 200 shs U.S. Plywood Champion Papers, Inc. (common), 300 shs
<br />Plywood Champion Papers, Inc. (pfd), allshares held in "Street" account with Merrill
<br />Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. #681-73081 including dividend credits in said
<br />account.
<br />S. That Neil K. Bauman died Testate, a resident of Buffalo County, Nebraska,
<br />on the 3rd dayof 1968, and left as his sole and only heirs at law the follow-
<br />ing named persons, to-wit:
<br />