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2� 17� 1923 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> Loan No: ��"i 3�3355 �Continued� Page C <br /> Addresses. The mailing addr�sses of Trustor �debtory and Lender �secured party� from which information <br /> concerning the security interest granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by the L1ni#arm <br /> Commercial �ade7 are as stated ❑n the first page ❑f this Deed ❑t Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTQRNEY-IN-FACT. The following pro�isi�ns relating to �urther assuran�es and <br /> atto�ney-�n-fact are a par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Furth�r Assurances. A# any tim�, and from time t❑ time, upon request of Lender, Trustar will make, execute and <br /> deli�er, or wifl �ause to be made, executed or deli�ered, to Lender�r t� Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause to be f��ed, recorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices <br /> and places as Lender may de�m apprvpriate, any and all such martgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments af further assuran�e, certificates, and <br /> other documents as may, in the sole ❑pinion af Lender, be necessary ❑r desirable in arder ta effeG#uate, comple�e, <br /> perfect, cQntinue, ❑r preser�e �1 y Borrower's and Trustor's abligatians under the Not�, this De�d of Trust, and <br /> the Reiated Documents, and ��} the liens and secu�ity int�rests crea��d by this ❑eed of Trust as tirst and prior <br /> liens an the Property, whether now owned ❑r herea�ter a�quired by Trustar. �nless prohibited by law vr Lender <br /> agrees tv the contrary in wrtting, Trustor shall reimburse Lender #or all �osts and expenses incurred in connectian <br /> with the matters referred to in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. If Trustar fails to d❑ any of the things referred ta in the prec�d�ng paragraph, Lender may da s❑ <br /> tor and �n the name of Trustor and at Trustar's expense. For such purpases, Trustor hereby irre�ocably app�ints <br /> L�nder as Trustor's attorney-in-fact far the purp�s� ❑f making, �xecuting, deii�ering, filing, recording, and doing all <br /> ather things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sale opinion, to accomplish the matters referred t❑ in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. I� Borrower and Trustor pay all the indebtedness, including without limitatian all future <br /> ad�an�es, when due, and Trustor❑therwise perfo�ms a!I the obfEgations impased upnn Trustc�r under this Deed �f Trust, <br /> Lender shall execute and de�i�er tv Trustee a request for fuli recon�eyan�� and shall execute and deli�er t❑ Trustor <br /> suitable statements of t�rminat+an ❑f any financing statement on file e�idenc�ng Lender's security inter�st in the Rents <br /> and the Personal Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trustor, if permitted by appiicable <br /> law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each af the fo�iawing, at Lender's option, shall constitute an E�ent af Default under this ❑eed <br /> ❑f Trust: <br /> Payment Default. 6�rrower fails to make any payment when due under the Indebtedness. <br /> Uther Defaults. Borrawer or Trust�r fails t❑ comply with ❑r t❑ perform any other term, obligation, co�enant or <br /> conditivn contained in this ❑eed ❑f Trust or in any of the Related Documents or to compiy with ❑r t❑ perfarm any <br /> term, flhligatit�n, co�enant or condition cantained in any other agreement betw�en Lender and Bo�rower or Trustar. <br /> �omplian�e Default. Fai�ure 'to cvmply with any other term, obligatian, ca�enant �r conditiqn contained in this <br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust, the Note or in any of the Related Dacuments. <br /> Default on �ther Payments. Fa�iure of Trustor within the time required by this Deed of Trust ta make any payment <br /> for taxes or insuran�e, ar any other payment necessary to pre�ent fiiing of�r to etfect discharge of any lien. <br /> False S#a#ements. Any warranty, representation or statement made �� furnished t❑ Lender by BorrQw�r vr Trustor <br /> or ❑n Borrawer's or Trustar's hehalf und�r this Deed o� Trust ar the Re�ated ❑o�uments is false or misleading in <br /> any materiai respect, either naw ar at the time made or furnished or becomes false or misleading at any time <br /> thereafter, <br /> Defecti�e Colla#eralization. This Deed ❑f Trust vr any ❑f the Related Documents ceas�s to he in fuEl force and <br /> effect �including failure of any collatera! do�ument t❑ create a �a�id and perfected security �nte�est or [ienf at any <br /> time and for any reason. <br /> Death vr Insvl�ency. The dissolution of Trustar's �regardfess of whether election ta continu� is made}, any <br /> member withdraws fram the limited �iahility �ampany, or any other termination of Borrower's �r Trustar's existence <br /> as a go�ng business or the death of any member, the insol�ency o� Borrower ar Trustor, the appointment af a <br /> recei�er �or any part af Borrawer's ar Trustar's pr�perty, any assignment far the benefit of creditors, any type af <br /> creditor work�ut, or the commencement of any pra�eeding under any bankruptcy or insoi�ency laws by ar against <br /> Barrawer or Trus�ar. <br /> Credi#or or Forfeiture Proceedings. C�mmencement of forecfasure or forfeiture prviceedings, whether by judicial <br /> prac�eding, se�f-help, repassession or any �ther method, by any �reditor a� Borrower ❑r Trustor ar by any <br /> ga�ernmental agency against any property securing the Indeb�edness. This in�ludes a garnishment ❑f any of <br /> Barrvwer's ❑r Trustor's accvunts, including deposit accounts, wi�h Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent o� Default shall <br /> nat apply if there is a g�ad faith dispute by 6arrvwer vr Trustor as to the �alid�ty ar reasonableness af the claim <br /> whi�h is the basis af the creditor or forfeiture proceeding and if Borrvwer ar Trustor gives Lender written noti�e of <br /> the �reditor vr farf�iture proc�sding and depvsits with Lender monies ❑r a sure�y bond far the creditor ❑r forfe�ture <br /> pr�c�eding, in an amaun�determined �y Lende�, in its sale discretion, as being an adequate reser�e or bond �or the <br /> dispute. <br /> Brea�h vf�ther Agreemen#. Any breach by Barrower�r Trustor under the �erms ❑f any other agreement between <br />