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2� 17� 1923 <br /> DEEa �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: '1�'1��3355 �Contir7ued� Page 5 <br /> ta permit such participation. <br /> CamplianGe Vllith Laws. Trustor war�ants that the Property and Trustar's use �f �he Property complies with all <br /> existing applicable laws, ❑rdinances, and regulatfons of go�ernmental authorities. <br /> Sur�i�a! of Representations and Vllarranties. All representations, warranties, and agreements made by Trustor in <br /> this ❑eed of Trust shal� sur�i�e the execution and deliWery ❑# this Deed af Trust, shall be cflntinuing in nature, and <br /> shaEl remain in #ull farce and effe�� until such time as Ba�rvwer's Indebtedness shall be paid in full. <br /> ExISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following pra�isions concerning Existing Indebtedness are a part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien of this Deed ❑f Trust securing the Indebtedness may be secandary and inferior t❑ an <br /> existing iien. Trus�ar expr�ssly co�enants and agrees t❑ pay, or see tv the payment af, the Existing Indebtedness <br /> and t❑ pre�ent any default on such indehtedness, any default under the instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> �r any d�fault under any securFty documents for such �ndebtedness. <br /> N❑ Modific�tion. Trustor shai� not enter into any agreement with the holder �f any mortgage, deed vf trust, ❑r <br /> ❑ther security agre�m�nt which has �riarity a�er this Qeed ❑f Trust by which that agreement is mad+#fed, <br /> amended, extended, ar renewed wi�hout the pr�or written Gonsent of L�nder. Trustar shall n�ither request n�r <br /> accep�any future ad�an�es under any such ��curity agreem�nt without the pri�r wri�ten consent o� Lender. <br /> CpNDEMNATIQN. The following pro�isions relating to candemnation prviceedings are a part of this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Pro�eedings. �f any praceeding in �ondemnatian is filed, Trustor shall prvmptly notify Lend�r in writing, and <br /> Trustor shall promptiy take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and vbtain the award. Trustar <br /> may be the nvminal party in such proceeding, but Lender shaii be entitled to part�cipate in the proCeeding and to be <br /> r�presented in the prfl�eeding by counsel of its own ch�ice, and Trustvr will deliver ❑r cause to be de�i�e�ed tQ <br /> Lender such instruments and dvcumentation as may b� requested by Lender frvm time ta time ta permit such <br /> participativn. <br /> Appiication of Net Praceeds. �f all or any part of the Prvperty is condemned by eminent domain prviceedings flr by <br /> any prnceeding or purchase in lieu ❑f condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion o€the <br /> net proceeds af the award be app�ied t� the Indebtedness ❑r the repair ar restoration ❑� the Property. The net <br /> proceeds ❑f the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasanable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender in connection with the condemnativn. <br /> 1MP�S1T14N �F TA}CES. FEES AND CHARGES 6Y G�VERNMENTAL AUTHQRETlE�. The fallawing pr��is�vns relating <br /> to ga�ernmental taxes, fees and �harges are a part nf this Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges, Upon request by Lender, Trustar shaft execute such dacuments in additian to <br /> this Deed af Trust and take whate�er other a�tion is requested by Lender to perfect and cvntinue Lender's lien on <br /> the Real Property. T�usior shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, tagether with all expenses <br /> incurred in record�n�, pertecting or cont�nuing this D�ed ot Trust, ir�c�uding without limitatian all taxes, tees, <br /> documentary stamps, and other charges f�r recarding ❑r registering this ❑eed a€Trust. <br /> Taxes. The follawing shall c�nstitute taxes ta which this se�tian applies: �1� a specific tax upon this type ❑f <br /> Deed vf Trust or upvn all or any part af the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust; �Z� a specifi� tax vn <br /> Borrower which Barrower is authorized or r�quired t❑ deduct frvm paym�nts ❑n the Indebtedness secured by this <br /> type of Deed af Trust; �3� a tax on this �ype of Deed ❑f Trust chargeable agains� the Lender ❑r the hvld�r ot the <br /> Note; and �4} a specific tax on alI c�r any pvrtion vf the Indebtedness or �n payments ❑f principal and interest <br /> made by 8arrawer. <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. If any tax t❑ whieh this sectian applies is enacted su�sequent to the date of this Deed af <br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same effect as an E�ent of �efauit, and Lender may exercise any vr ai1 �f its <br /> a�ailable remedies far an E�ent af Default as prv�ided below unless Trust�r either �1} pays the �ax before it <br /> he�vmes delinquent, ar ��} contests the tax as pra�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposits with <br /> Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security sa�isfactory t❑ Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT: F[NANCING STATEMENTS. The fo�lowing prn�isians relating to this ❑eed of Trust as a <br /> seGurity agreement ar� a part af this Deed af Trus#: <br /> 5ecu�ity Agreement. Th�s instrument shall canstitute a SeGurity Agreement to the exten� any of the Property <br /> canstitutes fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all of the rights of a se�ured party under the Unifarm Comm�rcial Code <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er a�tian is requested by Lender ta perfect <br /> and �ontinue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addit�on to recording �his ❑eed o� <br /> Trust in the real prvperty recvrds, Lender may, at any time and without further auth�rization from Trustor, tile <br /> �xe�uted caunterparts, copies or reproductians af this ❑eed af Trust as a financing statem�nt, Trustor shall <br /> reimhurse Lender �ar all expenses in�ur�ed in per#ecting or G�ntinuing this security in�erest. L1pan default, Trust�r <br /> shall n�t rema�e, sever �r detach the Pers�nal Praperty from the P�vperty. Upan default, Trust�r shall assembie <br /> any Personal Praperty not affixed t� the Property in a manner and at a pla�e reasonab�y con�enient t❑ Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�aila�le to Lender within three �3� days after receEpt vf written demand frvm Lender to the <br /> ext�nt permitted by app��cab�e law. <br />
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