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2� 17� 1912 <br /> DEED QF TRUST <br /> L�an No: '�U'i3D25C�'� {Co�lt�nu�d� Page 3 <br /> encumbrancesr and oth�r claims, ��f tv �ro�Ede any required insuran�e an th� Proper�y, �C} to ma�e,r�pairs tv the <br /> praperty or �o compfy with any ob�igation �v main�ain Existing Indebtedness �n good s�anding as required belavu, then <br /> Lender may do �o. l� any ac��on or proc�eding is commenced that would materially atfeGt Lender's in�erests in the <br /> Prr�perty, then Lender on Trusta�'s behai� may, but �s nat r�quired to, ��ke any actian that �.�nder belie�es �❑ be <br /> apprvpriate to prot��t Lender's interests. Ail e�cpenses incurred or paid by Lender far suGh purpos�s wi[I then bear <br /> in�erest at �h� rate charged under the Cr�di� Agreem�n� from �he �a�e in�urred vr paid by Lender to the da�e o�F <br /> repayment by Trustor. Ali such expenses will becvme a part o�the lndet�tedness and, a� Lender's vp�ion, will {Af be <br /> payable on d�mand; ��� be added �a the balance o��h� �redi� Agreem�n� and be apportioned amang and be payable <br /> wi�h any installment payments°t� becvme due during either ��} �h�term ❑�any appli�able insur�nc� poisGy; ar �2y the <br /> remain+ng term o'�the Credit Agreem�nt; or 4C} be�reated as a halfaon Payment which wiil be du� and payable a�the <br /> Credit Agreern�nfi's maturi�y. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE DF TITLE. The follawing p�o�isEvns rela�ing to❑wnership af the Prflperty are� part�#�his �eed <br /> ❑�Trust: <br /> Ti��e. Trustar warr�n�s tha�: t�} Trus�vr holds g�od and marketable ti��e of recvrd �a the �r�aperty in fe� simple, <br /> #ree and clear �f al! liens and encumbrances ❑fih�r than �hvse se� �or�h in �he R�a� Proper�y description or in the <br /> Existrng Indebte�ness sec�ion below ar in any�i�te insurance pvlicy. �i�le repvrt. ar final ti�le Qpinion issue� in fa�ar <br /> a�, and a�cepted by, �ender fn cQnn�ction vvi�h �his Deed v�Trust, and {b} Trus�or has th� �ufl righ�, pawer� and <br /> authvrity to exe�ute and deli��r tF�is Deed❑�Trus��� Lender. <br /> De�en�e vt Ti�ie. Su��ec� td th� excep�ion in �he paragraph abo�e, Trustar warr�nts and wil! fore�er de�end the <br /> titEe to the Praperty against the fawful claims v�ali persons. <br /> E�iSTING INDEBTEQN�SS. The�a��owing pro�isivns �oncerning �xis�ing ind�b�edn�ss �re a par��f this ❑eed�t Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien vf this De�d v� Trust �ecuri�g �he Indebtedness may b� seevndary and in�eri�r #v an <br /> exis�ing lien. Trus�vr expressly ca�enants and agrees to pay, ar see ta the payment❑�, the Existing lndebtedness <br /> and �o pre�en�any de�aul�an �uch indeb'�edness, any de�ault under the in�truments ��idencin� such indeht�dness� . <br /> or any de�aul�under any s�curity doGum�nts-tar such indeh�edness, <br /> �VENTS �F QEFAULT. Trus�ar will be in d���uit under�his Deed vf Trus� i�any ❑�th� �vllawing happen: tA� Trus�or <br /> cvmmits fraud or makes a ma�eria! misrepresentativn at any�ime in connection wi#h �he Cred��Agreemen�. This can <br /> inGlude, ��r ex�mple, a �alse statem�nt a�ou� TrustQr's incom�, assets, liabi�ities, or any ather aspects of Trustor's <br /> �inancial Gondition. �E�� Trustar dt�es not meet th� repayment terms ���h� Cred�t Agreement. �C} Trustor's ac���n ar <br /> inac�Eon ad�ersely a�feGts �he collateral ar Lender`s �ights in the Gol�a#erai. This �ar� incEude, for �xample, �ailure tfl <br /> main�ain requir�d insur�nce, was�e ai•des��uc�ive use o��he dwe[ling, failure�Ca pay�axe�, dea�h a�al[persvns liable an <br /> -the accaun�, frans�er of title or sale of #he dwelling, crea�ion ❑f a senior lien on the dwelfing wi�hout Lend�r's <br /> permissi�n, �Foreclosure by�he holder af another Sien, o��he use of�unds ar th�dvuelling for pr�hibited purpases. <br /> RIGHTS AND REIVIEDIES 4N ❑EFAULT. Upon �he occurrenc� of any E�en� o� De#ault under any indebtedness, or <br /> shvu�d Trus�vr fail ta cvmply wi�h �ny o�Tru��vr's obli�a�ians under�his Deed o�Trust, Trustee Qr Lend�r may exercise <br /> any one ar more v�the fo11a►nring rights and r�medies: <br /> AG�elerativn Upvn De�au�t;Addi�ivn�� Reme�iies. I#any ��en�❑�D��aul�fl�Gurs as per�he�erms of the Credit <br /> Agreement secured herei�y, Lender may decfare af1 Indebte�ness secured by�his Deed o�Trust'�a be due and <br /> payable and �he same sh�l� thereup4n be�om� due and payable wi�hout any presentmen�, demand, pro�est or <br /> natice o�any kind. Thereafter, Lender may; <br /> {a� Either in persvn or by agen�, with or withou� bringing any aGtian or proceeding, ❑r ay a receiWer <br /> appvinted by a court and withaut regard�o the adequacy o� its s�curt�y, enter upon and�ake possession <br /> of the Prvpertyf vr any part th�reaf, in its �wn name ar in�he name ❑f Trus��e, and dv any ac�s which it <br /> deems ne�essary ar d�si�-able�o preser�e�he �alue, marke�abifE#y❑r ren�Cabili�y o�the Praper�y, or part of <br /> �he Prvperty or interest in th� Prvper�y; increase �he incame fi�-om the Prop�r�y nr prv���t�he security of <br /> the Proper�y; and, with or vvi�Chvu� taking possessinn o� �h� Prvperty, sue ��r or otherwise collec� the <br /> rents, issues and pra�i�ts ❑f the Prope�-�y, including �hose past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> casts and expenses �f opera�ian and �alie�tian a�tarneys' �e��,�a any indeb�edness ���ured by�his Deed <br /> v� Trust, all in such order as Lender may determ�ne. The entering upon and taking possessivn vf the <br /> Praper�y, the cc�llection of such rents, issues and prc��i�s, and the appli�a�i�n �herea� shal� n�t cure or <br /> wai�e any defaul�or notice ❑�default under t�is Deed o�Trus�❑r in�alida�e any act done in response�o <br /> such de�ault ar�ursuant�a such nvtic� o�default, and, notwi�hstanding�he cantinuan�e in p�ssess�on v� <br /> the Property vr th� colfectivn. receipt and applica�ian of ren�s, issues ar pra�i�s, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be en�itled t❑ exercise e�ery right provided �or in the Gredit Agreemen�or the Relat�d DocumentS ar by <br /> law u�vn�he c�cGurrence��any e�ent ot de�au�t, in�lud�ng#h�r�gh�ta e��rcise the power Q�F sale; <br /> tb} Commence an action t�fareclase�his ❑eed ❑�Trus�as a mortgage, appvint a rec�i�er or spe�ifi�a�ly <br /> enfarce �ny❑�the c��enants hereof; and <br /> ��� Deli�e�-tv Trustee a wri�en declarat+on o�de�ault an�demand�ar saie and a written natice a�defaul� <br /> and e[�c�i�n to c�use Trustor's in�erest in t�e �rvperty�o be sa�d, wh4ch na�i�e Trus�e� shall �ause ta be <br /> duly filed for re�vrd in�the appropriate affices of the Gounfiy in which the Property is Ivcated; and <br /> �dy 11VE�h resp�ct�n aEl or any part���he Personal Property, Lender shail ha�e a!i the rights and remedies <br />