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2� 17� 1912 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 7 D13��5D'i �Continued} Page � <br /> Trus�vr presently assigns ta Lender �alsa known as Beneficiary in �his Deed o� Trusty a1� ❑f Trustar's right, title, and <br /> in�erest En and tv a!I pr�sent and �uture leases o� the Property and all Ren�s from the Pr�perty. ln addition, Trustvr <br /> g�an�s�o Lender a Uni�orm Cammercial �ade security in�erest in#he Personal Praperty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST. INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SEC�,JRITY lNTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, 1S GIVEN T� SECURE {A} PAYMENT �F THE [NDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PEFiFORMANCE OF <br /> EACH DF TRUSTDR'S AGREE{VIENTS AND C3BLI�ATI�NS UNDER TH�S DEED �F TRUST. THIS DEED QF TRUST IS <br /> GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL�WIN�TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Excep� as otherwise praUided in this Deed o� Trust, Trus�or shall pay �❑ Lender all <br /> amaun�s se�ured by this Deed of Trust as they become due. and shal! strictly and in a �ime[y manner per�orm aEl �� <br /> Trustar's obligatians under�he Credit Agreement,�his Deed a�Trust, and�he Related Documen�s. <br /> P�SSESSI�]N AND 11liA�NTENANCE QF THE PROPERTY. Trustar agrees that Trustvr's poss�ssion and use o� the <br /> Property shall be gv�erned by the fol[owing pr.o�isions: <br /> Possessivn and lJse. lJntil the occurrence of an E�ent of Default, Trustor may {�} remain in possession and <br /> con�rol of the Prvperty; ��} use, aperate or manage�he Praper�y; and {3} c�lle��the Rsn�s f�vm�he Prvperty, <br /> Duty �o Maintain. Trus�vr shall maintain th� Prvperty in go�d candition and pr�mpt�y per�arm al[ repairs, <br /> repEacements, and maintenance necessary�o preser�e its Wa�ue. <br /> Hazardous Substances. Trustor represents and w,arran�s �hat�he Pr�perty ne�er has been, and ne�er wi!! be sa <br /> long as this Deed of Trus� remains a Iien ❑n �he Praperty. used fvr the generation. manu�ac�ure, starage, <br /> �reatmen�, disposal, release or �hreat�ned release of any Ha�ardous Suhs�an�e in �ialativn o� any En�irvnmen'tal <br /> Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lendsr and its agents to enter upon the Proper�y t� make such inspectivns and tests as <br /> Lender may deem appropriate to d�termine campiiance of th� Pr�perty wi-�h this secti�n o� the Deed o# Trust. <br /> Trustar hereby �'�f reieases and wai�es any future claims against Lender fvr indemnity or cantrEhution in the eWent <br /> Trustor becomes liable for cleanup❑r other costs under any such iaws. and {2y agrees t❑ ind�mni�y, de�end, and <br /> hold harmless Lend�r against any and all claims and l�sses resuEting�r�m a breach v�this paragraph of the Deed a� <br /> Trust. This v�ligation to Endemnify and defend shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebtedness and �he sa�is�action <br /> ❑�this Deed of Trust. <br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT 6Y LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's aption, de�lare immediately due and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upon the sa[e vr trans�er, without Lender's prio�written consent. af all ❑r any part v�the <br /> Real Praperty� ar any in�erest in the Real Prap�rty. A "sale ar transfer" means�he conWeyance v� Real Prvper�y ❑r any <br /> right, title or in#er�st En the Rea[ Pr�p�rty; whether legal, bene#icial ❑r equitable; whether �olun�ary ❑r in�oiuntary; <br /> whether hy ou#right sa1e, deed, installment sale can�ra�t, land contract, can�rac� far deed, leasehald inter�st with a <br /> term grea�er�han�hree �3f years, lease-op�ivn �ontra�t, ❑r by sale, assignment, or transfer a�any bene�icial interest in <br /> ar t� any land trust hvlding titie to the Real Proper�y, or by any other me�hvd ofi con��yan�e of an interes� in the Rea[ <br /> Property. Howe�er, �his option shaf� not be ex�rcised by Lender i-� such exercise is proh�bi�ed by #ederal law ar by <br /> N�hraska law. <br /> TAJCES AND LiENS. The faiiowing proWisions r�lating to the taxes and liens on the Pr�perty are part o�th�s f]eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen#. Trustor shaff pay when due �and in all e�ents prior to delinquency} a!�taxes, speciai�axes. assessments, <br /> cha�-ges {inc�uding wa�er and sewerf, -F�nes and impositions IeWied against or on accvunt a��he Prvp�rty, and shall <br /> pay when due all cfaims �or wor� dane on or far ser�ices rendered ar material fiurn�shed tv the Property. Trustvr <br /> shall maintaEn the Property�ree vf aI! liens ha�ing privrity o�er or equal tn the inter�st of Lender under this ❑eed o# <br /> Trust, excep� �or the iien of taxes and assessments no� due, except �ar th� Existing fndeb�tedness re#erred to <br /> be[ow, and except as otherwise prv�ided in�his ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> PR�PERTY DA{111A�E lNSURANCE. The fv[[vwing pro�isions rela�ing�o insuring �he Praperty are a par�vf�his ❑eed v� <br /> Trust. <br /> Main#enance of lnsurance. Trustor shali procure and maintain pv��cies ot �ire insurance wi�h s�andard ex�ended <br /> co�erage endorsemen�s an a �air �ralue basis fvr �he �u�! insurab�e �alu� ca�ering all Impra�ements on the Real <br /> Prope�ty in an amaunt su��icient tv aWoid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mvrtgagee <br /> clause in fa�or��Lender, �vgethe�wi�h such o�her hazard and �iability�nsurance as Lender may reasonably require. <br /> Policies shatE be writ��n in �arm, amounts, ca�erages and I�asis reasonably acceptai�le to Lender and issued lay a <br /> company vr cvmpanies reasvnably accepta�le to Lender. Trustor, upan reques� afi Lender, wi11 de�i�er to Lende� <br /> from time ta �ime�he polic�es vr�er#i�icates �f Ensurance in farm safiis�ac�ory to Lender, including stipuia�ions that <br /> co�erages will nat be cance[{ed or dimin�shed w�thvut at least ten ���y days prior wri��en notice ta Lender. Each <br /> insuran�e palicy also sha�l include an endorsement providing that coverage in �a�or o� Lender will not be impa�red <br /> in any way by any act, amissivn or de�au��of Trus�or or any othe� person. Shou[d�he Real Property be located in <br /> an area designated by the Administrator ��the Federa� Emergency Management Agen�y as a special �I�od hazard <br /> area, Trustar agre�s to ❑btain and main�ain Federa{ Fload Insurance, if availab�e, �or �he maximum amount ot <br /> Trustor's credEt line and �he �ul[ unpaid principal balan�e of any prior I�ens on th� property secu�ing �he Ivan. up ta <br /> the maximum pviicy iimi�s set under�he Na�ional F�vvd lnsurance Program, vr as otherwise r�quired by Lender, and <br /> to maintain such insuranc�for#he term af the Ioan. <br /> LENDER'S Ei�PENDITURES. If Trus�or �ails �A� �o �€eep the Praperty frse of all tax�s, liens, se�urity in�erests, <br />