2� 17� 1883
<br /> �aEE� �F -rRusT
<br /> �Cont�nued� Page 4
<br /> Tax�s. Th� fallawing shal� c�nstituts �axes ta which this sect�an applies: �1) a specitic �ax upon this type of
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust or upon al! or any part o�the Indebtedness se�ured by this �eed of Trusf; {�� a specific tax ❑n
<br /> Trustor which Trustor is authorized or required to deduct��-om payments on the lndebtedness secured by�this type
<br /> o�F❑eed ot Tr�ust; {3} a tax❑n this type af Deed of Trusf chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Credit
<br /> Agreemen�; and �4} a specific tax on all or any partion ❑f the 1nd�btedness or on payments of principaI and
<br /> interesf made by Trusto�.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. 2f any tax ta which this se�tion appliEs is ena��ed subsequen� to �he date o� this Deed �fi
<br /> Trust, this even� sha1I har�e the same effect as an E��n� of Defaul�, and Lender may exercise any or aII a-� its
<br /> avaiIable remedies fio� an Even� ❑f Default as prov'rded belaw unless T�ustvr eithe� ��� pays the �ax befare it
<br /> [�ecomes delinquen�, ar ��� contests the tax as pravided abave in the Taxes and Liens sec�ian and depasits wrth
<br /> Lender cash or a suffi�ien�co�porate surety bond or other security sa�isfactory�o Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANGING STATEMENTS. The folIowing pro�is�ons relating �o �his Deed af Trus� a� a
<br /> security agreemgnt a�e a part❑f this Deed �f Trust:
<br /> Security Agreer�nent, This instrument shall constitufe a 5ecurity Agreemen� to the exfen� any of the Property
<br /> constitutes�Fixtures, and Lender shall h��e a�1 of the rtghts o�a secured party under the Llnifo�m �ommercial Gode
<br /> as amended-From�kime ta time.
<br /> 5ecursty [nterest. Upon �eques� �y Lender, Trustor shall take wha�ever action is reques�ed by Lender to perfect
<br /> and �ontinue Lender�s security interes� in the Pe�sana! Property. in addi�kivn t� reco�ding this Deed ❑f Trus�in the
<br /> reaf property records, L�nder may; a� any time and wifhaut further autharization from Trustor, file �x�cufed
<br /> counterparts, copies or repradu��ians ❑t this Deed ❑f Trust as a financing sta�ement. Trusto� shall reimburse
<br /> Lende��fls a�� expenses incursed fn pe��ecting or confinuing this security tnter�st, Upon defau4�, Trus�or shall na�
<br /> r�mave, se�er or de�a�h �he Persona! Property from �he Property. Upan default, Trustor shaII ass�mble any
<br /> PersonaI Property nvt afFi�c�d to �he Property in a manner and a� a place r�asonabEy con�enien� ta Trusto�- and
<br /> Lender and make it availabl� �a Lender wifhin �hree {3} days after reG�ipt ❑� written demand �ram Lender fo the
<br /> exten�perm�tt�d by applicab4e Iaw.
<br /> Addresses. The maiIing address�s o� Trus�or {debtor} and Lender {secured parky} �ram wh�ch information
<br /> concerning the se�urity interest granted by �his Deed of Trus� may be ab�ained {each as required by�he Llni�orm
<br /> Commer��ai Code7 are as stated an the first page o�F this ❑eed Q�Trust.
<br /> FLJRTHER ASSURAIVCES; ATT�RNEY-[N-FAGT, The fo��awing pro�isions relating �o further assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-�ac�are a part o�this Deed o�F Trus�:
<br /> Further AssuranGes. At any time, and �ram fime to time, upon request af Lender, Trustor wi�i make, exe�u�e and
<br /> deli�erf o�w�l) cause tv be made, executed or de�i�ered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lenderr cause to be filed, recarded, refi�edr or �-erecorded, as th� case may be, a� such times and in such office�
<br /> and pla�es as L�nder may deem appropria�e, any and all such mortgages, deeds ❑-F trust, security d�eds, security
<br /> agreements, financing statements� continuation statements, ins�rum�nts of furth�t- assurance, certificatesr and
<br /> other dacuments as may, in the sole opinion o�Lender, be necessary or desirab�e in ❑rder t� effectuate, �amplete,
<br /> per�e�tr cvntinue, or prEserve �'1) Trustnrrs obIigations und�r�he Gredit Agreement, �his I�eed of Trust, and�he
<br /> Related I�ocumentsr and (�} the Iiens and se�urity in�erests created by �his l�eed afi Trus� ❑n the Propertyr
<br /> whe�h�r naw owned ar h�reafte�-acquired by Trus�ar. Unless prvhibited by Caw or Lender agrees to the contrary in
<br /> writing f T�ustor shall reimbur-se Lender�or all costs and �xpenses in�urred in �onnec�ivn with �he mat�ers refer�ed
<br /> to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in�Fact. If Trustor faiis to do any of�he things refierred �o in the preceding paragraph, L�nder may do so
<br /> �or and in the name of Trusto�-and at Trus�ar's exp�n�e. For such purpases, T�us�or hereby irre�ocably app�ints
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's atforngy-in�fact far the purpose of making, execu�ing, delivering,fiIing, recording, and doing aII
<br /> o�her�hings as may be n�cessary ❑r desirabI�� in Lender's soie opinion, to accamplish the mat�ers referred tv in
<br /> �h�preceding pa�-agraph.
<br /> ��3�L QERFflRi11tAN�E. If Trus�ar pays aif�he jndebtedness when due,�erminates the credit iine account, and otherwise
<br /> performs all the obliga�ions imposed upan Trus�or under�h�s Deed of Trust, Lender shaII execut� and deiiver to Trust�e
<br /> a reques� far fuII r�conveyance and shalf execut� and deIi��r tn Trusto� suitable s�a�ements of termina�ion �f any
<br /> financing sta�ement ❑n file e�idencing Lender's security in�eres� in the Rents an� fhe Personai Property. Any
<br /> reconveyance�ee required by Saw shaii 1ae paid 1ay Trustorr iTr permitzed by appjicable law,
<br /> EVENTS ❑F DEFAL]LT. Trustor wifl be in defauIt under this Deed a�F Trust i�any af thg fa�lowing happen: {A} Trustvr
<br /> cammi�s �raud or makes a material misrepresentati�n a�C any time in cannecfion with �he Credit Agreement. This can
<br /> include, for exampie, a fafse statement about Trustor's incvme, assets, liabiIi��esr ar any other aspects o� Tru�tor's
<br /> financial �ondi�ivn. [B} Trustor does not meet the repayment�erms af the C�edit Agreement. �C} Trustar's action or
<br /> ina�fion advers�Iy afFe�ts the �alfa�eral or Lender's rights in �he coIlateral. This can in�jud�, fo� �xample, failure to
<br /> maintain required insurance, waste or de��ruc�i�e use o�the dwel�ing, faifure ta pay taxes, death ��aii persons �iab�e on
<br /> the account, transfer �f �itle �r saIe ❑� the dwelIing, �reation o� a senior lien ❑n the dwellin� with�ut Lender's
<br /> p�rm�ssivn, fot-�c�osure by the holder o�ana�her Iien, or the use of funds or the dwelling�o�prohibited purp�ses. �
<br /> RiGHTS ANl� REME�IES QN �EFAULT. I�F an E�en�o�F Defaul� oc�urs und�r this Deed of Trust. at any�ime th�reafter,
<br /> Trus�ee or L�nder may exercise any❑n�or mare❑-F�he faflawzng rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleration Upon De�ault;Addi-tional Remedies. If any E�ent❑f Default occurs as per the terms of the Credi�
<br /> Ag�e�ment secured herebyr Lende�may declare all Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed af Trus�to be due and
<br /> payable and the same shalf the�eupan ��come due and payable withaut any presentment, demand, p�atest or
<br /> noti�e af any kind. Thereafter� Lender may: �
<br /> {a� Either in person vr by agent, with or� wi�hout bringing any action ❑r proceeding, or by a �eceiver
<br /> appo�n�ed by a court and with�ur regard t❑fhe adequacy o�F its securi�y, �nte� upon and take possession
<br /> of�he Prvpertyr or any part�here�fr in i�s own name ❑r in fhe name af Trusfi�e, and do any acts which i�
<br /> deems necessary❑r desirable ta preserve fihe value, markefability or�entabi�sty�t the P��pet�ty, or part of
<br /> the Property or interes�in the Property; increase the income from the Prop�rty ot-prafect the securi�y of
<br /> �he Property; and, with or withauf taking possessi�n o-F the Property, sue for or o�herwise �ollect �he
<br /> rents, issues and profi�s ❑�F the Praperky, in�iudin� those past due and unpaid, �nd apply�he same, less
<br /> costs and expenses of oper�afion and ca�lectian attorne�s�fees,to any indebtedne��se�ured by thts Deed
<br /> af Trust, a�� �n such ❑rder as Lender may dete�-mine. The enfer[n9 upon and taking possession of the
<br /> Property, the colfectian of such rents, issues and pro�its, and the application �hereof shal� na� cur� or
<br /> waive any defauft or noti�e of default under�his Deed of Trus�o� in�alidate any act done in respvnse to
<br /> such d�fauIt or pursuant t❑such nofice af d�fault� andr natwithstanding�he continuance in passessiQn af
<br /> the Property ❑r the co!le�tion, receip� and appfication af rents, issues or profi�s, Trustee ar Lender shafi
<br /> be entitled to exe�cise �very r�ghf pro�ided �vr in �he Credit Agreement❑r fhe R�Iated Do�uments or by
<br /> lavv upon�he oGcurrenc�o�any event of default, inc�uding fhe right to ex�rcise the pawer o�sa�e;
<br /> {b} Gommence an action�o foreclase this Deed of Trust as a mort�age, appoint a recei��r or specifically
<br /> �nfor�e any v�the co�enants h�reaf; and
<br /> �c� �eliver to Trustee a writt�n declaratian afi defauIt and demand-For sale.and a written natice o�F defauit
<br />