2� 17� 1883
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontit�ued} Page 3
<br /> to maintain such insurance for the�erm of�h� loan.
<br /> Appiicativn of Prviceeds. Trus�ar sha�j promp�ly notify Lender of any loss ar damage t❑ the Property i� the
<br /> �stimated cas� ❑f repair or repla�ement exce�ds $'I,D�n.��. Lend�r may make praof o�loss if Trustor�aiCs t❑ do
<br /> s� within fifteen t�5} days o�F�he casualty. Whether ar not Lender's security is impair�dr Lender may� a�Lender's
<br /> elec�ion, receive and re�a�n th� proce�ds of any insuran�e and apply the pr��eeds �❑ �he reduc�ian of the
<br /> lndebtedness, paymen� of any lien af�Fecfing the Praperty, ❑r the restora�ian and repair a��he Prap�rty. If Lender
<br /> eEects �n apply the proceeds tv restoration and repair, Trustor shall repair or replace �he damaged or destroyed
<br /> Improvements in a manner satisfactary t❑ Lender. Lend�r s�aII, upon sa�isfactory praof❑f such expenditur�, pay
<br /> or reimburse Trustar fram the proceed� for the reasvnable �os� af repair or restorati�n i�Trustar is not in de�aul�
<br /> under fihis.Deed of Trusfi. Any proceeds which ha�� not been disbursed within �8� days af�er their receipt and
<br /> which Lender has not commitked�o the repair or res�oratian of�he Property shall �� used first ta pay any amount
<br /> owing to Lender under�his Deed ��F Trusf� �hen fo pay accrued interes�, and the remaznderr i�any, shalE be applied
<br /> to �he principal balance v� �he Indeb�edness. lf Lender holds any praceeds after paymen� in �ull of �he
<br /> Indebtedness,such proceeds shalr be paid to Trustor�s Trus�or's in�eres�s may appear.
<br /> Gompliance with Existing Indebtedness. During fhe period in whi�h any Existing Indebtedness described below is
<br /> in effec�t, complianGe with the insurance pra�isians cvntained in the instrument e�idenGing such Exi�ting
<br /> lndebtedness shali cQnstitu�e compliance with the insurance pra�isions under this Deed of Trust, to the extent
<br /> compliance with the �erms of�his De�d af Trus� wouId �anstitute a dupIica�ion of insurance requiremen�. If any
<br /> proceeds from �h� insurance become payable on �oss, the provisians in this Deed of Trust�or di�ision ��prnceeds
<br /> shall apply only�o that portion o�the praceeds no�payable to�he holde�-of fhe Existing indebtedness.
<br /> LEN�ER'S EXPENDITURES. lf Trustor �aiIs {A} �o keep the Prvperty free af a�l taxesr liens, security interests�
<br /> encumbrances, and o#her claims, {B} �o pr��ide any r�quired insurance on �he Property, {C} t� make repa�rs to �he
<br /> Praperty ❑r to comp�y w�th any obtiga�ion ta maintain Exis��ng �ndebtedness f� good standing as r�qu'tr�d be�nw, t'h�n
<br /> Lender may da sa, lf any action or prace�ding is commenced that wauId mat�rially affect L�nd�r's interests in the
<br /> Prap�rtyr th�n Lender on T�us�ar's behaif mayr bu� is nat r�quired to, fiake any a�tzon �hat Lender beIi��es ta be
<br /> appropria�� to protec� Lender's in��rests. All expenses incurred ar paid by Lender �ar such purpos�s wiII then bear
<br /> interes� a� �he ra�e charged under �he Credit Agr�ement from the da�e incurred ar paid by Lender �o th� date of
<br /> r�paymen� by Trusto�. All such expenses wilI be�ome a part❑f the Indebtedness and, a�Lender's ap�ian, will {a} be
<br /> payabl� on d�mand; {B) be added fo the balance ❑�th� Credit Agreemen�and be apport�on�d amvng and be payable
<br /> with any instaiiment payments t❑ become due during either {�} the term of�ny applicab�e insurance poli�yr vr �2� the
<br /> remaining term a�F the C�edit Ag�eement; ��r �C� he trea�ed as a ba�lo�n payment wh3ch v+�il� be due and payahle at the
<br /> Credi�Agreement's maturity. The ❑eed of Trust aiso wi11 secure payment o��hese amounts. The rights pro�ided for in
<br /> �his paragraph shall be in addition �o any other rights or any remedies f❑ which Lender may Ia� entitled on accoun� of
<br /> any defauit. Any such ac�ion by Lender shall not b� cons�rued as curing fhe d��ault so as �o iaar Lender fram any
<br /> remedy�ha�it o�herwise would ha�e had.
<br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE❑F T[TLE. The�Following pro�isions reiating�v awnership ❑�fhe Prap�rty are a parf ot�his �eed
<br /> o�F Trust:
<br /> Trt�e. Trustor warran�s th�t: �a} Trustar ho�ds good and marketable �itle ❑f r-ecord �o the Property in �Fee simple,
<br /> free and ciear ❑�F ai! liens and encumbrances other�han those set forth in the Real Property description or in th�
<br /> Existing lndebtedness sectian beiaw or in any title insurance policy,ti�le repart, ❑r finai ti�le ❑piniQn issued in favar
<br /> of, and accepfed byt Lender in connec�ion with this �eed a�Trust, and {b} Tru��ar has the fulI right, power, and
<br /> authority to ex�cu�e and deIiver this D�ed�f Trus�to Lender.
<br /> Defense vf Ti#le. 5ubject f❑ fhe exception in the paragraph abo�er Trus�ar warrants and will �ore�er defend �he
<br /> fitle to the Praperty against�he Iawful claims vf a�� persons. In the e�ant any action or proceeding �s Gommenc�d
<br /> tha�questions Trus�or's titie or fhe in�erest of Trust�e or Lender unde�-this Deed of Trus�,Trustar shall defend the
<br /> aG�ion at Trustorrs e�pense. Trus�or may be the nominal party in such pr�ceeding, but Lender shal� be entit�ed t❑
<br /> participate in �h� proG�eding and �o be represen�ed in �he proceeding by counsel af Lender's own choice, an�i
<br /> Trustar wi�E deIi��r, or cause to be delivered, ta Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request fram time to fime
<br /> �o permit such parti�ipatian.
<br /> Gamp[iance With Laws. Trus�or warrants that the Property and Trustor's use of the Pr�perty complies wi�h ali
<br /> exis�ing appIicable Iawsf ordinances, and reguIations o�go�ernmenta!authvriti�s.
<br /> Survival v� Prvmises. AII promises, agreements, and s�atements Trustor has made in this De�d of Trust shall
<br /> sur���e the execu�ion and de�i�ery ❑�this ❑eed ❑f Trustr shatt be continuing in na�ure and shat� t�emain in ful� farce
<br /> and effec�unti!such�ime as Trustor's indebtedness is paid in full.
<br /> EX1STlNG IN�EBTEDNESS. The following pra�isions concerning Exis�king Indeh�edness are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Exis�ing Lien. The Iien of this ❑eed ❑� Trusf securing the Indebtedness may be s�condary and infe�-�or ta an
<br /> existing lien. Trus�or expressly covenants and agrees�❑ pay, vr�ee t❑ the paymen� of, �he Existing indebtedn�ss
<br /> and to prev�nt any defauIt on such indebfedness, any defauIt under the ins�ruments evidencing such indebtedness�
<br /> ar any defau�fi under any security documents fvr such indebtedn�ss.
<br /> Na Modif�cation. Trustor shall no� enter into any agreement with the hoid�r of any m�rtgag�, deed of trust, ar
<br /> other securi�y agreement which has priarity ov�r �his ❑e�d o� Trus� by which tha� agreement is modi�ied�
<br /> amended, extended, ❑r renewed withou� the priar written Gonsent o� Lender. Trustor shall nei�her r�qu�st nor
<br /> acGept any fu�ure advances under any su�h secur"rty agreement without the pria�wri�ten cansen�af Lender.
<br /> C�NDEMNATI�N. The�FolIowing pro�isions relating�a condemna�ion proceedings ar�a part of this Deed ❑�Trus�:
<br /> Pro�eedings. If any proceeding in �ondemnati�n is �Filed� Trustvr shall prompt�y no�ify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustor sha!! prvmpfly take su�h steps as may be necessary �a defend fhe actian and ab�ain the award. Tr-ustor
<br /> may be�he nomznaI party in such pro�eeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate�n the proceeding and�❑ be
<br /> represen�ed in the praeeeding by counsel of its own choi�e, and Trus�ar will deIiver ar caus� t❑ be delivered t❑
<br /> Lender such ins�rument� and documen�ation as may be requested by Lender fram �ime �o �ime to p��mif such
<br /> participation.
<br /> App�i�atian o�Net Proceeds. 1�all or any part❑f�he Property is candemn�d by eminen�damain proc�edings or by
<br /> any proceeding ❑r purchase in Iieu of condemna�ion, Lender may at its elec�ion requir�tha�ai� or any portion o�the
<br /> net p�o�eeds of �he award be appIied to the Indeb�edness or the repair �r restvration ❑f the Property. The net
<br /> pr�ceeds o�F the award sha�! m�an the award after payment of all reasonable G�S�Sr expenses, an� attorneys' tees
<br /> in�urr�d by Trus�ee ❑r L�nder in conneGtion with the condemnatian.
<br /> [MPaS[TfQN QF TAXES, FEES AN� GHARGES BY GnVERNMENTAL AUTH�RlTlES. The fallawing pro�isians rejating
<br /> to gavernmen�al�axes,�ees and charges are a part of this Deed af Trus�:
<br /> Currenl�Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall execute such dacuments in addition tv
<br /> �his ❑eed ❑�Trust and�take wha�e�er❑�her a�tion is requested by Lender to perfec�and con�inue Lend�r's iien on
<br /> the Real Property. Trus�or sha�I reimburse Lender fvr aII taxes, as described below, tag�ther with all expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, per-�ecting or continuing this Deed of Trust{ including without limitation aII taxes, fees,
<br /> do�umentary s�ampsr and ather charg�s�or recarding or registering this ❑eed a�`T'rust.
<br />