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2� 17� 1835 <br /> �a�Ev t�� -r�u�T <br /> L�an Nv: 'I�13��49� tContinu�d� F'�ge � <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLI�ATl�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D��UNlENTS, AND TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> D�ED�F TRUST 1S G1VEi11 ANQ ACCEPTED t�N THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMAN�E, Ex��pt as otherwise pra�id�d in this Deed of Trus#, Trusfior sha11 pay to Lender all <br /> amaunts secured by this Deed vt Trus� as �hey become due, and sha[[ s�krictly and in � �ime�ly manner perform aii of <br /> Trustvr's ab�+gativns under the No��,thiS Deed v�Trus�, and the Reia�ted Docum�n�s. <br /> P��5�S51�N AN❑ MAINTENANCE �F THE PRC�PERTY. Trus�vr agrees �that Trus�pr's posse�sivn and use ot the <br /> P�ape�r�y shalf be go��rned by the folivwing prv�i�ions: <br /> PassessiQn and lfse. Un�il th� occurrence v# an �Wen'� of ❑e�auit, Trus�or may {'i} r�main in pvssessian and <br /> contr�ol vf the Prape��y; ��} use, apera�e❑r manage�he Prope�ty; �nd �3} col�ec�the Rents�rom the Property. <br /> Duty to Mainta�n. Trustor shall main�ain the Property in goad ��ndition and pramptiy perfarm all repairs, <br /> repia�emen�s, and main�enance necessary t❑ preser�e i�s�a�ue. <br /> C�mp[ian�e �IVith En�ironmental L�ws. Trust�r represen�s and warrants tv L�nder�hat: �1 f nuring the period ot <br /> Trustar's vr�vnershi�af the Proper�y, �here has been no use, generation, manufia�ture, storage,�reatmen�, disposal, <br /> releas� vr threa�ened r�lease a� any Ha�arda�s �ubs�ance by any per�an on, under, about ar �rom the Proper�ty; <br /> ��� Trus�or has no knowrl�dg� af. ar reaS�n �v b�lie�e �hat there has been, �xc�pt as �re�iously discfvsed tv �nd <br /> ackn�wl�dg�d by Lender in w�iting� �a� any breaGh or �iafa�i�n o� �ny En�ironmen�al Laws, ��y any us�f <br /> ��nera'�ivn, manu�aG�ure, s�arage, �tre�tment, dispos��, �efease �r �hrea�ened rel��se ❑t �ny Hazardaus Substan�e <br /> on� unde�. abou� or �rvm th� �raper�y �y any privr r�wners ar �Gcupants �� �he Praperty, vr �c} any actual vr <br /> fhrea�ened fi�igation vr claims v� any kind by any persan re�a�ing �v such matters; and �3� Except as pre�iQus1� <br /> dEsc�osed to and acknvw�edged by Lender�n wri�ing, {a} neither Trustar nvr any tenant, ��n�ractor, ag�n�❑r vther <br /> au�horized user o�F�he Prvperty shall use, generate, manu�acture, $�vre, �reat, dispose o�vr release any Ha�ardvus <br /> Substance an, unde�, abvut ar fram�he Praperty; and �b} any such act�Wity shall be conduc��d in Gompliance with <br /> a�i appsicable federal, s�ate, and Facal laws, regula�ions and ardinances, incRudin� without limitativn all <br /> En�ironm�ntai La►n+s, Y�ust�r au'�h�rizes Lender and its agents t� en�er upQn �he Praperty to make such <br /> in��eG�ions and �es�s, �t Trus�or's e�cpense, as Lender may deem apprapria�e �o determine comp�Eanc� of th� <br /> Prvperty wi�h this se�tion a� the Deed of Trust. Any inspectians ❑r �es�s m�de by Lender shall be '�vr Lender's <br /> purpvses oniy and shas� na�be construed to create any res�vnsibili�y or fiabsltty on the part a�Lender�v Trustvr or <br /> ta any �ther person. The represen�a�ian� and warranties cvntained herein are b�sed an Trustor's due difigenGe in <br /> in�es�igating �he Proper�y for Hazardous Substances. Trustar hereby {�� rel�ases and w�i�es any �Future ��aims <br /> against L�nder far tr�demnity vr contrihutian 'sn �the e�en� Trustor b��vmes liab�e �ar �leanup ❑r ather c�sts under <br /> any such 1av►rs, and ��} agrees �v ind�mni�y, de�end, and hoid harmless Lender against any and all �laims, losses, <br /> �iabilities, damages, penal�ies, and exp�enses which Lender may direc��y�r indirec�sy sustain ❑r suffer resu�ting�rom <br /> a breach fl�F�his sec�tR�n ot the ❑eed o�Trust vr as a consequence af any use, genera�ivn, manufa�ture, storage, <br /> di�posai� releas�or threatened release accurring prior to Tru�tvr's a�wnership or int�rest�n the Proper�y. whe�her❑r <br /> nafi the same was ar should h��e been knawn �a Trus�ar. The provi��an� a� �hss seG�ian Qf �he �3eed o� Trust, <br /> inGluding�he❑b�iga�i�n to indemnify and d�f�nd, shail sur�i��the �aymen�t��fihe Inde�tedness and�he sa�is�ac�i�n <br /> and r�canW�yance af the fien o�this Deed ❑f Tru��t and shafl n�� be a���ct�d by L�nd�r's �cquisi�ion of�ny in��re�t <br /> in th� Property, whethe�by�oreclasure or o�herwise, <br /> Nuisance, Vllas�e. Trus�vr shail no� cause, canduc� or �ermit any nu�san�e nor commit, permi�, or suf�er any <br /> stripping of�r waste on ar to the Property or any portivn v�the Proper�y. 1Nithout limiting th� gene�ality of the <br /> #ore�oing, Trustor will no� r�mo�e, or grant tv any ather party the right�a remo�e, any timber, minera�s {including <br /> oil and gasf, coal, ��ayr SC�f Sai soii, gra�ei or rock prvducts without Lender's pria�-written cansent. <br /> �iemoval of Impra�emen�s. Trustar shai� nat demolish or rem��e any lmpro�ements�rom the Real Praper�y withaut <br /> Ler�der's priar wri�ter� consent. A� a �vndition�o�the removal o�any lmproWemen�s, L�nder may require Trus�ar ta <br /> make arrangem�nts sa�istactory tv L�nd�r to �eplace such �mpro��m�nt� with Impro��ments o� at iea�� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> L�nder'$ R�ght tn En�er. Lender and Lender's agen-�s and representati�es may enter upvn the Real Prvp�r�y a� a�! <br /> reasonable �imes tv a��end tv L�n�ie�'s in�erests �nd to inspec� the Rea� Praper� �or purposes v� Trus�or's <br /> camplian�e wi�h the t�rms and �flnditEons ot�his �]eed vf Trust. <br /> Cnmpliance wi�h Go►►ernmen�a� Requiremen#s. Trustar shall pramp�Iy compiy with all laws, ardinances, and <br /> regulati�ns. now or her�after in e��Fec�, v� aSf �v�ernmental auth�ri�ies app�s�able ta �he use or nccupancy af the <br /> Proper�y. Trustor may con�e�t in gvad faith any such law, ❑rdinanc�, ❑r r�gula�ian and ws�thhold cvmpliance during <br /> any p�a�eeding, incIuding appropria�e app�afs, so iong as Trust�r h�s notified Lender in wri'�ing privr �o daing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's sol�opinion, Lender's interes�s En the Property are nat�eopardi�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trustvr to post adequat�securi�y❑r a sur�ty bvnd, reasc�nably satis�ac�ary�o Lender,�o pro��ct L.ender's in�ereSt. <br /> Duty to PrQfiect. Trus�ar agrees neither �o abandvn or iea�e unat�ended �he Pr�per�y. Trustar shail d❑ ali c��her <br /> acts, in additian to thvSe acts set��rth abo�e in�his seG�tRon. which fram�he �hara�ter and use af the Property are <br /> reasvnably necessary to pra�eGt and preser���he Praperty. <br /> DUE �N SALE-G�NSENT BY LENOER. Lende�may, at Lender's option. de�lare immedia�ely due and payabEe all sums <br /> secured by thfs Deed o�Trus�upon�he sale or�ransfer, wi�hou�L�nder's prior wri�ten consen�, v�ali or any part v�the <br /> Rea! Proper�y, ❑r any interes�in�he Real Property. A "sale ar trans�er" means the �vn�eyance of Real Prvperty qr any <br />