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<br /> . 9Q-= 10�051 .
<br /> � Grantee sha11 have unrestricted ingress and egres$ to the aboi•e described � � � �
<br /> eas�ment tract for an3 pux�pose necessary for the surveying, construction,
<br /> inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocatEOn, extension, removal, and
<br /> operaLior� of such public utilitfes and appurtenanc:es. Such r�ghts �of ingress and
<br /> � , egress shsll be ehercised in a reasonable manner.
<br /> Grantee shall have the right to exca�ate and refili ditches and trenches
<br /> . necessary gor �uc�, public utilities and appurtenances; and remove and ke�p clear
<br /> trees, bushes� �edges, undergro�,;th, and/or an� other oEs�uctions interfering
<br /> � v�ith the survc;rig, constr�ctitr�; inspection, ma.intenance, rem�.i�-„ ��placement, ,
<br /> . >.
<br /> ' relacation, extensio�, . �ry�::�a�al} and operation of such �%iblic utilities 3zi.d
<br /> : appurrtenanr_�r;f, "�21 refuse from cutting and trimming trees and bushes shall be
<br /> � removed by th� turantc-�. �
<br /> Grantor -�i~�•::l have the right to use the ease�ent ti-_��.Y �r�r ;��arposes not -
<br /> , inconsistea►t with Grar.tr_�'s full enjoyment of the rights her��� granted, provided, ��
<br /> :
<br /> that Grantar shall not �:��o�v any structures, buildin�s, combustible materials, :,r . ;.,,�,
<br /> y -
<br />' � ("..
<br /> ather properts oP an� i�ind �vhatsoever, to be erected, constructed, stored, or
<br /> accum;.rt.r�.ted it�, upon, above, alon�, ove�,� �cross, underneath, oi throu�h z}�•� �
<br /> � easement trac�:. L�erein granted.
<br /> Grantee shall haE�e ra;� riglr<:: at any- tr:.:�. to relacate, add, or upgrade pu.i.�:ic �
<br /> utilities, utilitv lines, utility mains, and oti�er appurtenances cnnnected L�erewith,
<br /> in� ugon, ah�.��, alon�, over, acros�, tinderneAth, .�r throu�;h the edsement h�r��ir►
<br /> �.
<br /> ' grant�d. �--�-
<br /> � It is fuf°ti�er a�reed that the i;r�ntoi• has lawful �a�sessioe� �:P said real "�
<br /> , estate, good ri�ht ano� l�.cvfcil authority to make such •����•eysnce, and that
<br /> Uruntnr on b�t.i.r;lf of G�.at�tot•'s heirs� exccutors, act:rtinistraturs, successors, and
<br /> � �
<br /> � t�:.:r�i�;ia�, hereby coventtnts th�►t the ri�hr.a and ��riti•ilebe�; �r�erein s;rArited =.tt�,11
<br /> , run with the titlr, to such'tract of land an�i b� �inding upon t}_�� (�rantor, all
<br /> heirs, exECUtax•s, adniinisti•atars. suc.c:essoi•s, and assi�ri:..
<br /> .. � _ ,-------_
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