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<br /> !�fI�iG:�tii� fst..IIi�E�:5, ItiC., 3. ti�b�asiu� ca��oration, herein catled Grantor, in
<br /> consi�eratia� of ttae sum of � anl� a���� .
<br /> l�i j�- s, LE'CPSD� of c,�lzich is ���e��- ackn�s�;i�a}�ad, hereb�- �rants and
<br /> con��y� unta Lhe
<br /> � CII"I ta�` GF,..4*:D .ISL,.S,:�D, NEBRaSKA,
<br /> a muni�irrai, �or�oratia� irx.. Ha12 C>ount,-, IvYFsxaska, herein called Grantee, a .
<br /> perma.nAn�. .�nd perpetu�j er��emeRt an^; ri��at-of-way to survey, construct,
<br /> insae�t, maintain, repair, reg3ace; ,F�kar:ate, extend, remove, and aperate thereot�, :
<br /> public util.i'ties, utility ILC1QGy ISY.7I1�V mains, and other appurtenances connected
<br /> there�caithF int upvn, ab�v�, along, osei•, across, und�rneath, and throu�h a tract
<br /> � 04 lan� tccaf.ed in part of L�t Tcventy Seven 1271, Goach Place Su�division, Grand '
<br /> , I�Iand, Ha.YI t_.au�t�r, �tiebraska, and the easement• �'.ract being more particularl;; � ,:x.
<br /> f -
<br /> �. ;::-
<br /> � de�r_.ibec� ��� foll�ws: `'' -
<br /> � �3eginnin� at a Southwest corner of Lot Twenty Seven 427►; -
<br /> . Coach Place Subdivision, also being the Southeast corner af �
<br /> . ' Lot Twenty Eight (281. f`oach Place Subdivir�ian; thence -
<br /> , rur.nin� :3ortherly alcn� the �vesterlv Iine of said Lot
<br /> • `I'�:enty Seven 127;. a di�tance af fifty ane and eighty-three -.
<br /> I;s.c.zdredths t 51.83) feeL, to tne ;vorth�,rest coraier of said Lot
<br /> � "T w�nt�- �evE:n t 27); thence �asterly a.lon� the ��:�rtherly line �
<br />: oY s�id L�� Ttventv Seven (27), a distance of ci,si�t (8.4) feet;
<br /> � �hence Southerly pa.rallel to the tdesterly line of �<��� Lot ,
<br /> Twenty Seven l'G7?, a distance of fifty nine and ee.rent�--raine
<br /> hu�ndredt:�.;: (v9.7�) feet, to a point bn the SouthV.est��'�i,� line j�;
<br /> of said 1_c� Twanr,y Seven (271; thence in a P:orth�vestc:•1�• ��"e
<br /> L�iirec.tiari :�i�n� ��:e �:aid Sauthwcstei 13• line oP s�.i�? Lot . , '"
<br /> � i eaentv Se��en f�'r ), a di�tance of eleven and ttve�t�%-one � •;,,�
<br /> ���:andredt�:�: {11.21) feet, to the point vf heginnin�.
<br /> 'fl:e �bot.�F.� describe:d c•asement truct cant�►inin�; U.OlU acres, . _
<br /> „���re ur l4ss, as shacvtY or� the plat ciatc:d 2114/90, rnarlcE�i
<br /> ��.=Lzibit. ":'t" r�tt��crl;Nd Yiez•eto and incarpai•ttted herein bt� •
<br /> � rEfQrencr�,
<br /> f��E:L�"1E�r with th{' S'�"1l_''J�V1Il� ri�;hts:
<br /> - � - �=-_-_
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