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2� 17� 1713 <br /> interes� from the date of dzsburs�men� a� the same ra�e assessed on advances under the Can�ract and sha�1 be <br /> payabley v�rith interes�,upan notice from Lender to Borrawer reques�ing payment. <br /> Inspecti�n. Lender ar its agen� may mak� reasonab�e en�ries upon and inspecrzons of�he Prap�rty. Lender sha11 <br /> give Barravver notice at the��me of or prior ta an inspec��on spe�ifyzng reasonable cause for the�nspe��ian. <br /> Candemnatinn. The pr�ceeds of any aWard or claim far damages, dxrect ar cvns�queritia�, in conn.ection vt�i�h any <br /> condemna�ion ar other�akir�g❑f any part of�he Proper�y, ar for�onveyance in �zeu of candemna��o�, are hereby <br /> asszgned and shal�be pazd to Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a �o�al takzng �f the Property, �he praceeds shall be app�xed tn the sums s�cured by this Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, whether or n�� then due, vvz�h any excess pa�d �o Borrovtjer. �n �xe even� �f a partial �aking of th.e <br /> Property in whzch�.he fair marke�value af��� Praperty immediate�y before �he �a�ng �s equal to or greater than <br /> �he amoun� �f the sums secured�y �hi.s 5�curz�y Insfirumen� immed�ately befare �he �aki.xzg, untess Bfl�ra�ver and <br /> Lender athex�vvxs�agree in wri�ing,th�sums se�ured by this Se�ur�ty Instrumen�sha��be reduced�y�he amaun�of <br /> the praceeds mul�ip�zed by�he f��IoW�ng fract�on: �a}�he�a�a.l amount of�he sums seCured imrn.ed�ately befor��he <br /> �aking, d���ded by �b} the fair marke� �a�ue of the Property zmmed�a�e�y befare the �ak�ng. Any bala�ce shall be <br /> paid�o Borro�er. In �he even� of a part�al �a�ing of the Propez-�y z� v�hich the fair mar�et value �f the Praperty <br /> immediately before the taking is less than the amaun� of the sums secured imm�d�ate�y before the taking, unless <br /> B�rro�t�ver and Lender o�herwise agree �n wr��zng nr wn.less Applicable Lavv��herw�se pro�r�des, the pr�ceeds shall <br /> be app�zed�o the sums se�ured by�h�s 5ecuri�y�ns�rument whe�her or not the sums are the�.due. <br /> Zf�h�Proper�y is ahar�doned by Borro,wer, �r�f, after na�ice by Lender�o Barrower tha�the condemnar offers �o <br /> mal�e an a,ward ar settle a claim for dama�es, Borrawer fa��s �o respond�o Le�der wi�hin the m�nimum numb�r af <br /> days es�ablished by App��cab��Law after the date the notice�s given,Lender is aufhor�zed ta�o��ec�a�.d app�y�he <br /> pr�ceeds, at ��s op���n, ex�her �� res�oration or repair af the Property or �a the sums secured by thxs Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rurnen�y whe�her ar no��h.en due. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrotiver otherwise agree in wr��ing, ar�y application of proceeds�o principal shall na�extend <br /> ar pas�pone�he due da�e of the payments due under�he Coni�-act or change the amoun�af such paymen�s. <br /> Bvrrawer Not Released; Forbearance B� Lender Not a yVaiver. Extension af the �ime for paymen� or <br /> mad�f cat�on �f amort�..zat�on �f�he sums secure�. by �hzs Secur�ty Instru�me�.� grant�d �y L��.der to Barrav�er �r <br /> any successor �n �nteres� of BarroWer shal� nat aperate �a re�ease �he liabi�zty of the ar�ginal BorroWer ar <br /> Borrower's �ucc�ssars in���eres�. Ler�der shall not be required#o c�mmence proceedings agains�any successor in <br /> interest ar refuse to ex�end�ime for payment ar xnod�fy amor�zza��on af�he sums secured by�hi.s Securxty <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any demand made by �he or�gznal Borrower �r Borrawer's successors in interest. Ar�y <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising ar�y righ�or rernedy sha��no�be a wazver of or preclude �he exerc�se of any <br /> rig�t or remedy. <br /> SucceSsors and Ass�gns Bound; Jvint and Se�era� L�ab���ty; Accvmmadation Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s of thzs Secur��y�nstrumer��sha�l bind and benef�the successars and as�igns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ect to �he provisions of sec�ion �i�led Trarisfer of the Pr�perty ar a Benef�c�a� In�er�s� in Borrower. <br /> Borrovv�r's cavenants and agreemen�s shall be j oznt and severa�.At1y person vvho co--s�gns th�s Securzty�ns�rumen� <br /> bu� has no personal 1�abi�i�r w�.der �he �an�rac� �"Accommadatxan S�gner"}: �a� is ca�s�gm.zng thi.s Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rument an�y �o mor�gag�, gran� and canvey tha� Accammvda�ion S�gner's ir��eres� in the prapez-�y under �he <br /> �erms of �he 5ecur�t� �ns�rument; �1�} �s not p�rsor�a�ly ❑bl�ga�ed to pay the sums secured by �h�� 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rumen�; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any other Barrow�r may agree ta ex�end, m�dify, forbear ar make any <br /> a�commadatzans with regard to�he terms�f�his Security Instrum.��.��r�he�on�iac�w��hout tha�Ac�ommada�ion <br /> S�gner's consent. <br /> Lvan �har�es. �f�h.e �oan secured by th�s 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen� is subj ec� �a a Iaw which se�s maximum loan <br /> charges, and tihat Iaw is f na��y in�erpreted sa tha�the �nteres�or ofher Ioan charges col�e�ted ar�o be c���ec�ed iri <br /> connec��on wi�h the �oan exceed �he permzt�ed Iirni�s, then; �a) any such Ioan �harge sha�I be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary��redu�e�he charg� �o �he perm2tted lim�its azad �b� any sums already c��Iec�ed fram B�rr�wer <br /> whxch exce�ded permit�ed l�m��s will be refunded �� Borr�wer. Lender may cho�se �o xnak� this refund by <br /> reduc�ng �h.e prz�.cipal ou�ed under the Con�.rac�or by a d�rec�payrn.e�t to Borrav►�er. If�refund reduces <br /> princ�pa�,�he reduct�on W�11 be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepayment under�he C�n�rac�. <br /> Not�ces. Any natice to Borrovv�r provided for �n �hi.s 5ecurity �n�trumen� sha�I be g�ve� by deliverir�.g �� �r by <br /> mailzng�t by frst class mazl un�ess Applicab�e Law requires use of ano�her me�hod. The notice sha��be d�rected�t� <br /> �he Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by no�ice to Lender. BorraWer agrees �� prav�de <br /> L�nder with Borr�vver's most cu.rreri�mailing address, as i�may chazxge from t�xne-�a-t�me. Any�.a�ice �a Lender <br /> shail be g�ver�b�firs�c�ass rn.ail to Lender's address s�a�ed herein�r any a�her address Lender designa�es by no�ice <br /> ��Barrovver. Any notic�provxded for in th�s Security Ins�rumen�sha��be deemed to have been given�o Borrativer <br /> or Lender vvher�given as provided in�his paragraph. <br /> Govern�.ng La�v; Severability.This Secur�ty Instrument s�aall be governed by federa��aw and�he�aWs�f�he s�a.�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n the e�ent�ha� any provisian ar �Iause of�h�s S ecuri�y �ns�rumen� ar the Con�ract cax�flic�s wz�h <br /> Applicab�e Law, such c��.fl.�c� shal� no� affec� a�her pr�v�sions of�hzs Security Instrumen� or the C�ntxac�whzch <br /> car�be given effec�vvithout�he confli�t�ng pro��si�n. To th�s end the prov�s�ans of th�s S�curi�y Instrument and the <br /> �an�ract are dec�ared tfl be severab�e. <br /> B�rrower's Capy.B�rrov�rer sha�I be gzven ane ca�y of�his Secur�ty�nstrument. <br /> Q 2004-2015 Compliance Systems,Inc.6I8A-2FAA-ZDIS,i Z.3,1,I 115 <br /> Consumer Reat Estate-Secu�€�y Instn.�ment DL2a36 Page 3 af 5 <br />