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2� 17� 1713 <br /> Payment of Pr�nc�pa�ant�I�.teres�; �ther��:larges.L�►�rravver s�za1�1 prampt�y pay�hen due the princtpal flf and <br /> interest on�iE�e deb�ov�ed ur�der the Cont�-ac�an���ate charges or any��her fees and charges due under th��on�ract. <br /> Appli�ab�e Lav�. As used in this Security I�s�ru.m�n�, �he �errrn "Applicab�e La�v" shal� mean a�� c,on�r�l�ing <br /> appl�cable federa�, s�ate an�� 1oca� statutes, reg���atrons, ardinance� and administrative rules and orders (tha�have <br /> the effect�f'law�as vve�I as a�I applicab�e fnal, na�-app�a.lab�e judicial apinions. <br /> Ch�rges; Iliens. �3orrower. sha�� pay aIl �axe�►, assessme��s, cha.rges, and �mpositions at�ributa:ble �o �the <br /> Property wri�ch may atta�n:priarxty over this Security�nstrumen�, and Ieaseh��d payr�ents or ground rents, if any. <br /> At the request�f Lender,�+�rrower shall promp t1y furni�h ta Lender i-eCeipts e�vid�ncing�he paymen�s. � <br /> Borrovver s��aXl promp�ly discharge any l�en vvhich has priar�ty ov�r this 5ecuri�y Ins�trumen�unl�ss Bor�rovver: �a} � <br /> agrees in vvri�ing to txi� p�iy�nent of�he oblig,�tion secured by t�e Iien in a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> contests in ��ood fai�h the lien by, or defends �zgains�t ��f�r�ement �f�he Iien in, l�gal pr�ceed�ngs which in the <br /> Lenc�er's opini�n aperate tc� preven� �he enfflrc:�men� of the �ien; or ��} secures from the holder �o�`the �ien an <br /> agreement sat�sfactory�a Lender subordi�a�ing the �ien to th�s 5��u�i�y Instrument. If Lender de�ermines�hat any <br /> part of�he �'roperty is subj ect to a l�en�vhich rnay a�tain pr�orit� over �.h�s S�cur�ty�nstrument, Le�.dex�ma�g�ve <br /> Barrower a no�ice identifyi:ng the �ien. ��rrotiv��r shall sa�isfy�he ��e11 or�ake one 4r mare�f the ac�ions set for�h <br /> above withi�� ��days af�he giving of notice. <br /> Ha�ard or Pr��ert�Insuranc�. Borr��v�r sha.l�keep�he improv���ents nQw existing or h�rea�er erected on the <br /> Pr4perty insur�d against lo�,s by fzre,hazards�n�;luded within the term"ex�ended coverage" and any a�h�r hazards, <br /> in�luding fl��ods or flaod���g, for which Lend��r require� �nsuran.ce. This insurance sha�l be ma�ntained zn �h.e <br /> amotuzts anc�for�he period�:tha�L�nder requires. The insurance carrier pr�vid�ng the u�.surance shal�be chosen by <br /> Borr�vv�r s��bj ec� t� Lender's approval �vhich ��ha�� not be unr�asana�aly withhe�d. If Borrower fails �o maintain <br /> �overage d�:scribed ab��e, Lender may, at L�:nder`s �ption, abtain coverage to pra�ect Lender's r�ghts �n the <br /> Prop�rty�n���cordance�vit��s�c��on�z�Ied Protectifln of Lender'�R��h�s in the Proper�y. <br /> AlI insuranc�e policies and _renevtra�s shall be acceptab�e to Lend��- a.nd shall include a s�andard mortgage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha��have�he righ�to hold the palzcies and renevva�s. �f Lender re�u�res,B�rr�vver�hall pr�mp�;ly give�� <br /> Lender alI r�wcezp�s af paid��remiums and reneu�al natic�s. �n the event af 1�ss, Barrovver shall giv�prompt no��ce <br /> t��he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may rna�e proflf of��s5 zf not mad�promp�ly by�orrovver. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borrov��er otherwise agree in wri��ng, insuran.ce proceeds sha�I be applxed to r�s��ration or <br /> repair �f th�. Pr�pert�r dam��ged, �f, in L�nder's sole discre�ion, the r�s��ratian ar repa�r is econamica�ly feas�ble <br /> and Lender'� security is not: �ess�ned. �f, in Ler.�der's s��e discr�ti�n, the restorat�an ar repair is not�conomically <br /> feasib�e or L�ender's secur�ty�vvau�d be��ssened,the insuraza�ce pracee�s shall be app�ied�to��ie sums secured by�h�s <br /> Securi�y �n��rumen�, vvhe�her or no� then due;. vvith any ��cess pa�id �o B�rro�vver. If Borra�rer aba�ld�ns the <br /> Prap�rty, �r does not ansvver wi�hin t�e number of days pre�cribed b�App�icable Lav6r as se�forth in a nqt��e from <br /> Lender to B orravsrer that th�; insurance carrier has offered to settl�e a{claim, �h�n Lender may collect the insurance <br /> proceeds. L��nder may use �:he proceeds �� repair or restore �he Prap�er�y �r to pay sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Instru.ment,��vhe�her�r n�t�hen due.The period Qf�im�for Borro�rer�o ansvver as se�far�h in�he na�ice�vi1�begin <br /> vvhen the no��ic��s given. <br /> Unless and B�rrov��,r a�herw�se agree ir.l vv�-�ting, any applica�ion of pr�ceeds to principa�shall na�ex�end <br /> �r pastpone th� due date o�`�the paymen�s due ur�der�he �o��rac�or �hange�he amaunt of�he payrnen��. If under <br /> �he sec�ion�itled Ac�e�erat���; Remedi��, �he Praperty i� acquired by Lend�r, Borrav�er's right�o any insurance <br /> polic�es and proceeds resul�ting from dam�.ge ��� th� Pr�per�y prior �� �he acqurs�tiarz shall pass tn Len�3er ta the <br /> exten�of the sums secured��y�his Secur�ty Instrr�m�n�immedia�el�prz�r to the acquisiti�n. <br /> �re��rvativ:n, Niaxntenanc�e and Prot�ction of �rhe Proper�y; ��orrower's Loan Appl�.ca��on; Leaseholds. <br /> Borrower shall no�des�ray, damage nr impair t�te Propez�r, a�lovv�:h�Praperty ta det�riorate, or car�m��waste nn <br /> �he Propex�y, Borrower shal��be in defaul�if any forfe��ure actian ar p�o�eedi�.g,�vhether civil or crzmina�,is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's g��d faith_judgmerit could resu:l� in f�r�eiture ❑f�he Proper�y ar otherwise material�y�mpa�r�he <br /> Iien created by �his 5ecuri��y Instrument or L�:nder's s�curity int�er�5�. Borrotiver may cure SUGh a d�fau�� and <br /> reins�a�e, as provzded in sec�i�n ti�led B�rrow�r's R�ght to Reix��ta��e, by causing the actzan�r praceeding to be <br /> dism�ssed v�ri.�h a ruluag tha�,i�Lender'�gaod fa:ith deterxninati�n;pre�c�udes forfei�ure of�he�orrow�r's�nteres��n <br /> �he �roperty ar ather mate�rial �mpairment of t.he Iien �rea�ed by �his Securi�y Instrument or Le�der'� security <br /> interes�. Bor�raurer shall als�be�n default if Bor��ovver, dur�n�the 1c�an,application prncess,gave ma��rially false or <br /> inaccura�e i��.formation or s�a�ements to Lende�� ��r fa��ed to proUide Lender �v�r�th any ma�erial znforma�zon} in <br /> connec�i�n v►rith the Iflan evidenced b��.he G�ntract. If thzs Securi#.y:Instrumer�t is nn a Ieasehold, Borrawer sha�� <br /> comp�y�th aI�the provzsiflns af�he��as�. If Bf�rrvwer�cquires fe��;it�e�o the Property,the leasehold and the fee <br /> �rtle sha�I no�:m.erge un�ess I�ender agrees�o the�:nerger in�rr�ting. <br /> Protec�ion ��f L�nder'S I�ights �n the Prope�•ty. 7f Bo�r�wer fai�s �fl perf�rm the �ovenants and a�;reements <br /> cnn�ained in this 5ecur�ty�nstrument, or�here is a�ega�proceeding that may s�gnificantly aff�c�Len�.er'�rights�n <br /> the Property (such as a prfl4�eeding in ban�rupt��y, probat�, for c��d�mna�ion �r forfeiture or t� enforc�. �av�rs or <br /> regulations}, the� L�nder ��ay do and pay for vvha�ev�r is necessar~y to pro�ec� the value af the Pro; erty and <br /> Lender's rigrits in the Prope�ty. Lender's ac�ions may include paying any sums secured by a�i�n which has pr�ority <br /> o�er�his Security Ins�rument, appearing in court,paying rea�a�ab�e a�.torneys'fees and en�ering on the P��perty to <br /> make repairs.A�thaugh Len��er may ac�i�n t�.nder�hi5�ection,Lender daes no�have t�d�so. <br /> Any amount,; disbu.rsed by :Lender under �his s�yct�an shal� become additi�nal debt of Borr�u�er secur�d by �his <br /> S�curity Inst:rument. Unles� Borrawer a�d Len.der agr�� �o vth�r ��rms of paym�nt, these amounts �ha�� bear <br /> �2004-20I 5 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.6�8A-��EI74-2Q�5.I2.3.1.t 1 t 5 <br /> �vns�mer Real Estatf.-Security�nstrurr�ent DL.2035 I'a�e Z of 5 www.cvmpiiat� <br />