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<br /> ` lf I,eader required mortg�ge iasvrana as a candition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrunsu4�
<br /> � Borrower sh�ll pay the premiwns aquire�to maintain the insurastce in effect unti!such time as the requarecaent for the }
<br /> insusance cerminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's w�ritten agroaneat orapplissble law.
<br /> �. I��eetEoa. Lacder or its ageat may malce rasonable rntries upon and inspections of the Property. Leader �
<br /> s6a11 jive Boiro�ver notice at the.'ime of or prior to an inspection spocifying reasonable cause for the insp�tioa.
<br /> 9• Ca�i�a�sadoe. The proce�s of any awud or claim for damsges,dirrct or consequeatial,in connxrian with
<br /> � any candemnarion or other taicing of my part of the Praperty,or for conveyance in Iieu of condaanation, are hereby
<br /> ass�nea u�d shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> In tbe evmt of a total t�lcin�of the Property, the procceds sha116e app]ied to the sums sa;ured by this Secarity
<br /> - Instramatt.�vhether or not t6en duG�vith aay excess pasd w gurroxer.In ebe event of a partiat taking vf'the Pruperty.
<br /> untas BormMer snd Leader other�vise a�ee in�irriting�the swns secured by this Securiiy Instrument ahall be rerused by
<br /> tbe unonnt of tt�►e proceeda mWtiplied by the following frutioa:(aj the total amount of the surns secured iaimediateLy
<br /> bd'ore the taking,divided�y(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking.Any balance sha11 tx
<br /> p�id to Borsower.
<br /> If the Property is abtndaned by Barrawer,ar if,after notise by Lender ta Barrowu that the cuadtm�or off�to
<br />- maka�tn awud or settte a cltim for dasna�Barrower fiila to respand to Lender within 30 dsys aRa the date tl��natia�is:
<br /> givae,Laidrr is authot�zed to coAect and s�rtriy the proceeds.at its option.eit&er to restoration or repsir d5she prnperty,vg
<br /> ta the swns socus�d by this Securiry Iattrument.whether or not then dua � � �
<br /> Unlrss Lmder ar�d BorroMer othmvise aaree ir��riting.any application af�rocoeds to prir�cipal sir�nr�i e�stardi�r
<br /> , postpcne the due date oPthe monthty paymrnu referred[o in parsgrap;�s 1 and 2 or change the arnount af such pa}�it�. �
<br /> _ 10. Borrowet Not Rekaud; Forbeuance By Les�der 1��a WJ�u. Extensioa uf tha time for paymea�o�
<br /> modiflestion of aaaortization of the sums secured by thss Sec�t} Lnstruinent gRanted by I,tndu to any succe�sor in. �
<br /> n
<br /> intetat of Borrower sl�all not opetste to release the tiabe�,.�ty of shc original Bonawer�or Borrower's successors in intesesi.
<br /> I.�ndtr shaU not be roquited ta comtnrnce procadings against any success�s in interest or refuse to eatend ti�.e for
<br /> payment or otherwise modify�rrQrtizati�n of the sums secured by this 5xurity�r.strurratnt by reasan af any det�an�m.�a
<br /> by the ori�Horrower qr Borrower•s successars in interest.Aap f�c�rance by Lena�r ir�excrcisin,�any righ:ar ru�edy �
<br /> � slWl not bt s Maiver of or prxiude tht exercise of any right ar remaiy. �
<br /> 11. S�ccaro�s a�d Aarf�s Boo�Jotat�ud StrerN IjabUity;Co-sioue�s. The covenant�aad�gr�anenu of
<br /> tlus Se�urity Instrument abiU fri�d and beneSt the suc�sr�ss aud assi � �
<br /> gns of i,ender and Borrov�er,sutject t�titr_provisions
<br /> of p�n�Pb 17.BorroMer's cavrnants and agraraents s�all be joins ind several.Any Hosrav�er.wlu3 casign.s E.his Security , .
<br /> Instrum�ent but daes not eaxut,s the Note:(s)is co-aigning this Scciuity Instrumene only to racngagG grant and convey
<br /> that Borro�ver's inierest in the Property uscdcr tbe tenas of this Security Instrurr,.c�nt;(b)is not pe�sonally ob2igated to pay � �
<br /> the sums secured by this Sccusity Inst�ument;and(c�agras tt�at I�nder an�aray a�L�er Bonower may sgree to eatrnd.
<br /> modify,forbear or m�tice a�y sr�ra�rnmotluions wit�rsgnrd to the temrs o6�tsis Sscutity Instr�ment ar the Note without
<br /> s
<br /> that Bbnower's conaent. ' �
<br /> 12. Lan Char� Ifr'tne lwin securad by tbia Security�tsumcnt Es subjcct Ro a law which sets m�ximum loan
<br /> charges. aicd thst law is Bn�lJy intsrpretpci.�o that the inteast �r.at�cr lcan charges collected or to be collected in �
<br /> connxtion writh tht loan eaceed the perm:t2ed limlt9, t�en: {a�au��such 24sn shsrge shail be reduced by the amount ,;�_
<br /> necesury to reduce tht eharge to the permitted limit;ar�(h)any su�ns atr�dy callected from Bonawer whfch excaded � —
<br /> � permitted Umits will be reFunded to Borrmwer.i,ender•�s.�choose to make this refund by reducing t1►r��.zcipi!owoc! � ,
<br /> urder the Note or by makin�a direct paymtnt to Borrs��:r.If a reCvnd reduces principal�the reduction wiil Fx treated as a
<br /> p u t i a l p r e p symere��vi t hout iny prepa�yment c h uge under the Notr.
<br /> �3• �� ARee��a I.�ader�s R�6t�. If enactment or expiratian of applica6le laws hns: 4he effoct of
<br /> ren�r,�g my provision of t�:Il��te or this Securiry Ir�f.cument unenforcable accarding to iu terms,Lenda,at its option,
<br /> msy r�quire immed'ute pa3�rr.tt in full of t!1 aums secnrod by this Security Iast�ment and may invokt any remodies '
<br /> permitted by puagraph 19.If Lender eaerciscs thi�option�Lender shaU tske the steps specified i.�the secand parag�aph af '
<br /> patasraph 17.
<br /> ,..r�
<br /> 14. Notias. Any notice to Borrcv�+�provided for in this Security lnstrument shaU be given by delivering it or by •:��
<br /> m�ili-�it by flrst class mail unlas applicable law reqvires use of another method, The notice shall be d'crecied to the �
<br /> Property Address or any other addresa Borrower desigrates by notia to Lendcr.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> flret clus m�il to Lender's address statod herein or any other addrrss Lender daignates by notice to Bonower.Any notice
<br /> providod'for in this Securlty Instrnment shall be damed�o have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given es providod
<br /> in thi�pan�raph.
<br /> lS• G�mda�Lw;Settr�billty. This Securit:y finstrument shal!be governed by federal law an�rhe!aw of the
<br /> jurisdictson in which the Praperty is locatod.ln the ev�t chat any provision or clause of this Secusity In4trument or the
<br /> Note ccmtlicta wath applicable law,such cvnP,aet shali r��t�ffeet other provisions of this Seeurity dnstrument or the Note
<br /> whieh c�n be given etfect�rithout the cont9iclang prar-is:r�.To this end the p�ovisions of this Se�uresy lnztrument and the
<br /> Note ue dcclar�d.to hue scvenble.
<br /> t6• Bo*en*'sr's Copy. Borrower shall be given cne conformed copy of the Note and of this Security dnstrument.
<br /> &'P. T�uter ot t6e Pro�erty or a Beneflctal Ihlwre�t ie Borrawer. Ii'all or any part of thc Pr��;erty or any
<br /> interest in it is scfd�r tr�nsferred(or if a btneficial insrrr�ia Borrower is sotd or transferrod and Borrower"ss r.ot a natural
<br /> person)without f.er�.der'a prior writtm consent,Lender t�nay,at its option,reqnire immediate payment in full of all surns
<br /> secured by this S�e�cucity Insirument. Hawever,this option shall n�t bt exercised by Lender iP txercise is psohibited by
<br /> _ federd law as of the date of this Securdty lnstrnment.
<br /> � If Lender exereises this option,Lender sha11 gi�r.t���rowu ttoiict of acceleration.The rtotice shaU provide a periad —
<br /> of not tsts than 30 days from the date the rtatice is deliver+�or mailed within which Horrower must pay all sums secured by
<br /> this 5ecurity lnstrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums priar to�he exniration of this periaf,Lender may invoke any �
<br /> remedies permitted by this Security lnstrument without gurther notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> �t.Serrowee'�AtElt to geL�tate jf RfffiMVSr f!'!�5 C!!L!1R Cfl^di:ions,���:;r s�iZjl�iiV��r�fl��"ti tv�iSVt `
<br /> enforcement oPthis 5ecurity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlibr of:(a)S days(or such oti�er periad es �
<br /> l�' applitablr law may specify for reinstatement)bcfore sale of'the Pro rt ,
<br /> pe y pursuant to any power of sale contained in this �
<br /> — � 5ecuriey lnstrument;ar(b)entry af a judgment tnforcing this Security instrument.Thase conditions are that Borr�wer. ��
<br /> (a)pays Lender al!sums wAich then woula be dut under this 5tcurity Instrument and the Note had no accelerasion �y,�
<br /> oCCUrted; (b)cures any defi�ult of any other coveoants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforeing th�s r,-
<br /> 5ecunly Instrument,irrclading, but not limited tn. reasanabJr attorneys' fees;and(d)takes such actian as Lender may c��
<br /> reawnably rcquire to�ssure Ihat �he tien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Propeny end ifarrnwer's . ��`�
<br /> — obligrtian to psy �t�e sums securcd by this Sccurity Instrumrnt shalt cbrttinuc unihangcd. U�►n teinstateanent by �
<br /> �- �itf6i. Barrowra,this Secunty Instsurrtent and the c�bfigations secured herebyshafi remain fully efFective as if n�uccr2etat�bn had � �
<br /> =="�:, accur►ed.Hawever,this nght ta reinstste shall nnt eppty�n the case of accelcrat�an under�a�agrophc i 3 a�r 17
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