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<br /> UN1F01lM CONENAMS. Borro�erand Lender r.ovenant an�agreeas follows: 9a-�Q 1�0 5
<br /> ("' l. Payaeat o!Princi p a R asd rAtrre�p r,e R ayment sad I,ate p�r�. Qarsower shall promptly pay when due
<br /> { tlte principa!of and interest on the drbt cvidenccd by the Nose an�ary psepay�neat and lau charges d�ze under ihe Nate.
<br /> _ Z. Fo�s tor Tata asd Latoeaace. Su��eCt to applicabie iaar as ta a written waivtr by L.tudeF,Eorrower shall Fay
<br /> to I.ender on the dsy trtonthly payments ire duc uttd,er t�Ne�te,a�tii the Note is paid in fnll,a sum("Funds")oqtul to
<br /> one-t�veifth of: (a}yzarly taaes and assasments wluch a�ay attti�.prior�ty aver this Security Instrument: (ls)Yarly
<br /> kasehoid payments or ground rsnts on the Property, if araY; (c3 Yearly ha�ard insnrance premivms: and (d) Year1Y .
<br /> monp�e insur�+ce pr�miums.if u►y.'These items ue caller�"eacr�s�r it:ms."Lenda msy estimate Nhe Funds duc on the
<br /> b�sis af�cu�rent dats aad reasonahle ati�tes of futuze acroar itu�s.
<br /> _ � The Funds shaU be htld ia aa instituuon the deposits�acca���*��fwtiich are insured or guaranteed by a fedenl ar
<br /> ��Y C�J�di°�LendeE if Lendet is s�ch at►insti:�t���t�I�ttder sUall apply ibe Funds ta pay the acrow+items. `
<br /> Lender msy not ch�rge for holding aad agplyiag tb�Funds,u�alyzi�g efte accaunt or verifying the escrow itsms,unlas
<br /> � Lender pays Harrower interest or�the Fuad,iad appli�caab2e ta�percQib�I.euder to make such a charg�.Bonower and
<br /> Leaster may airee in�siting thu inttrest shell'�c.�aici on the Furids:�JQless an agreemsnt is made or applicable bw
<br /> r«luira int�r�t w be paid,Leader shall not 8e rtqtiiied to pey Borrowtr cuey interest or arnings an the Funds.Lcnder
<br /> � sMU pve to Horm�ver�witFtaat charge,a�anneal sccountaag of"the Funds showing crtdits and debits ta ths Fnnds��nd the
<br /> Pur�o�e far�vI�icb ach ddut ta ttte Ewuts was made.Tfie Faadsire pledged as addition�l security for the sums socured by
<br /> . this Secwity Instrumm� , .
<br /> If tlje amouat of t�e F•o:nds held by Leader,t�getber 9vith the fittare monthly payments of Funds payable prior ta
<br /> the due dsta of'the acro�r%tems,shall ea�cxd t��aiaount required to pay tl:e escrow items whrn dne,the sxcess sl�all be,
<br /> at Borro�ver's aption,atber promptly�cepaid to 8ar•rower ar,credited to Borrower on monthJy paym=nis of Funds.If the
<br /> amount of the Fuads he�d by�der�s IIot sulBciesit to pay tE�e escrflvv itans when due,Horrower shall pay to Lender ariy
<br /> amouat n�ry ta malce u�r t�e deficfency in ozia a�pnore payiaents as requirod by Lrnder.
<br /> Upan payment ia fvll of ail sums secured isg this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under paragraph 1�t#re Property is sold or acqu'ued by Lendrr,Lender�apply.no Iater
<br /> thaa immAdiateJy prioP to the sale of the Propertg az its acguisition by Lendsr.any Funds held by�er ar the rime of
<br /> applicatioA u a crodit against the su�:r�urai by this Security Luatrument. .
<br /> 3. A�iiado�ot P�y�eeab. Cl�ias apgficable Lw pmvida oiherwise.all payments received by I�a�nder
<br /> �arajrspl�s 1 and 2 shaU bc agplied:Hnt,to late c�s�due�nder the Noi�seaond,to prtpayment charges dae under the �
<br /> Not�tbird.tu amounis p�.y�2e under par��raph�;�[avrth,to intaat du�urd tsst,to principal due.
<br /> 4 C�e�IJea� Horrowa's�11 py r!t taxa,�ssessments.c�ar�Rna and impositians attribuabte to the
<br /> pr°PettY �vhicb may attain prioriry.�v�this Sec��itY Instrumer�t, and trs�ehold p:y�enu or ground rent�� if aay.
<br /> Bomo�ver�sU p�Y thae oblisttions iu t�se manaer prorided in p�ragnph 2.or if not paid�in that mariner,Horrower�h�ll �
<br /> pax them on rirAe diractly to the peraan owed psyn�t.Horrowtr tha}1 promptly furnish to Lender�Lt notica of amounts '
<br /> tk fie paid under ti�is parrt;raph.if Borrqker ma�e�c t;hese p�yments directly.Borrower ahall pra.:���ly�furnish to Lender �
<br /> raxipts tvideacing the paymrnts.
<br /> Borra�sc�haU promptJy diuhar�e u�y lien�vhich h��io�ity over this Security Irzssrur•�r��unlas Horraw�r:(i)
<br /> a jraa ia Mrftiag ra the payment of the obliption secured by tke lien in�manmer acceptaGSe ta I.ezda;(b)cantest�i�IIood , _
<br /> fdth the lien by�or dd'ends sgain:t mt'orcecnent of tice lim tn,lepl proc�in�which in the Len��r°s opinion o�erate to -
<br /> preveat tha enforcement Qf s,i�e lien vr forfdturc af�y put o!t6e Property;or(c)secures from the tsc,ider of the lien an '; .�
<br /> �ent tati�'�ctory t�L,ex�der subor�isutin�ette 1i�W tbis Sacurity Instrument.If Lender deterarsr,:s that�ny part af ;
<br /> the Property is subject c�a Ua�whiclL m�ty sttain priority over this Sacurity Instrument.Lenda may Qive Hatrawer s
<br /> notice ideadfyinj tke tiat.8orrower s&at%utisfy the lirn or take one or mare oPthe utions aet forth above within 10 dsys
<br /> oi'the pviA�oPnetice. .
<br /> S• Nmrd I�wr�. Horro�ver ehall ic�r�e improvanrnt�noM eaistin�on c�raRer e�ted on the Property
<br /> tawred�nu la�by Hrr,hazuds iacluded wlt�x rlu:term'•extrnded coven�e"�nd any otherhazxn�for which Lender • '
<br /> requires inwrance. This iiuurance eh�ls be maizeaiaed in tke amounb and for the pedod� that Lender requira. 'The �� .
<br /> iruurance carrier providiAj the insururce ehall be chosen by Sc:rroMer eub�ect to Lenda's spproval which shslt not be
<br /> uanwonsbly�rlthheld. �
<br /> Alt iasutince policia and renewals sh�ll ix a�cce�table to Lender and alup include s stand�rd mortgaye al4we. �*
<br /> Lender tha11 have the ri�ht to hold the pollcies aad renewals. Ii'Lender requires.Borrower shall promptiy give to Lertder
<br /> all recdpts of paid premium�ana renawal notica.In the evmt of los�►Horrower ahsll give prompt notice to the insursnce
<br /> ear�rier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loa if not made�romptly by Borro�rer.
<br /> Un1at I.ender and BorroMer otherMise�gra ia Ndtin j,inturance proceeds sh�l be�pplied to restoration or repair
<br /> ot ehe Property damajed,it the ratorition or repair is economically fwi6le and Lender'a security is r�t tessened.If the
<br /> r�tarat�on ar r�ir is aat nconomically fwible or L,�nder'��ecvrity would be leuened,the insur��r.�:procada ah�li be
<br /> �piiad to the�utns�xuar�d by this Secu�ity Ynstrumrnt.whether or not then due,�vitb�ny eacas paid to Bostower. If
<br /> ' Borr±o�ar tbitrrcions the Property�or does not answer�ithin 3Q nsy�s notice from I,er:der thst the insuttnce cirritc hts
<br /> e�ered to�ilC a clsim�thrn Lender may colIect the insursace grxeed�.Lender may uae the proceed�to repsir or restore
<br /> /ht Property or to p�y�u�s secured by thls Security Instrument,Nhether or not then due. The 3ad�y period wi11 begin
<br /> wbat tbo notke is�ivm.
<br /> Unla�Lender ana Horrowes other�ise��ree in writin�,�ny application of procted�to principal shsl!not eatend or
<br /> patpon�the dua date of the monthly psyments refetrod to in paraYtaphs 1 ead 2 or change the amount of the psymmts.It
<br /> under pua�raph 19 the 8rop�erty is acquired by Lender.8orrower's ri�ht to any insur�nce polioies and praceeQs resulting
<br /> trom dtmt�e to the Property prior to the acquisition sh�ll pus to Lender tv the extent of the sums secnred by this Security -___---
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the scquisition. �
<br /> 6• Ptwr�attoa aai Mdet���oc�of Proper�;Leauhold�. Borrowrr shall rtot datroy�damage or subsuntislly ,
<br /> chan:e the property,d1a�the ptoperty to dettriorate or commit wute. If this Security Instrument is on a leaschaId,
<br /> Horro+rer e�uli cotnply with the provisians of tne teue�and if Borrower acquira fee title to the Property.the Iasehold and
<br /> fpy tiel'tl��lt Ee�e�nw��1:�,'t�..'�.Ctt�..�l: ...o t4i i1tC i11��"ci iS�i itii]�.
<br /> 7. Prohetlo� ot I�dee'� pl�b le the Property; Mortp�e Intursnce. If Borrower fails ta perform the .'�
<br /> cove�t�b and ajreements cantained in this Security instrument,or thers is a legsl proceeding that may signifle�ntly afiect
<br /> LI,er�der's tishts in th�Propetty(stuh u a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnation or to enforce laws or �
<br /> re�ulattan�),then Lender may do ar�d p�y for whatever is nece�sary to protect the value af the Property and Lender's rights �r
<br /> in the Ptnp�erty. Lrndtr•s actions miy include psying any sums sccured by a lien which has pnority over this Security �
<br /> Instrument.apparing in caurt.pay9nj rrssonable ettorneys'fees Nndsntering on the Property to m�kc repa�n.Al�hough � ��,�
<br /> Lender may nice setion under th�s pan�raph 7.Lcndsr doe�rtot have to do w. t
<br /> Any unaunts disbursed by Lendtr etndet Ihis pasagraph 7 sh�!!bc�orrir add�ttonal debt of Sorrower srcured by this , --
<br /> Sawnry Instrument.Unless Botrowei and Lender agrce ta oihtr tetms otQayment.these amaunts shall t+ear intetest from
<br /> , tht d�te of disbunernent at the N�te rate and stanll be payable. �ith interesE, upmn not�ce frort� Lender to Borrowet
<br /> rcquesnng paymcnt.
<br />, �
<br />