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2� 17� 1 � 1 � <br /> ���� �F �`���� <br /> �..V�1"� ■!�a ���RJ�����i 4���������} ����i ■ <br /> �� <br /> 5�verabi�i�y. If a court finds that any proUision of this Deed of Trust is not Walid ar shau[d nat be enfor�ed, that <br /> �act hy itse!#will n�t rnean that th� res�k af this De�d of Trus�t will nat be valid �r en�orced. Therefore, a caur�will <br /> en�rarce the rest o�th� pro�isi�ns of thi� Deed of Trust e�en if a pro�rision af this Deed of Trust may be#ound to be <br /> in�a�i��r unen�vrceab�e. <br /> Succes�oa�s anCl I�SSi��iS. Subject tQ any limita�i�ns s�ated in this De�ci of Trusfi on trans��r of Trustar's interest, <br /> this ❑eed of Trust sha�l be binding upon and inure to the benefit af the parties, the�r successars �nd assigns. If <br /> �wnership o��he Pr�p�r�ty becames �ested rn a persan �ther than Trus��r, Lender, vvifihout natic� t� Trustor, may <br /> � deal with Trus�or's successors wi�h reference to this Deed ❑f Trust and the Indebtedn�s� by way af forbearance or <br /> e�tension withaut releasing Trustor from the abligatians a�this Deed of Trusfi❑r liab�iity under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time ws vf th�Essence. Time is of th� e�sen�e in the �aerforman�e of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> W�ive Jury. a411 parties t�this 17�e� of Trust h�r��y waive the righ�to ar�y�u�y tr�at in any action� prace�ding, or <br /> cQun����lairr�bruugh�by any par#y against any other�arty, <br /> �11laiver of Hamestead Exemptit�n. Trustor hereby releases and waiv�s al[ rights and benefi�s of �he hom�s�ead <br /> e��mp�kian laws af th� State of Nebraska as ta all Indebt�dness secured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> DEFIIVITl�NS. The fiallawing w�rds shal! ha�e the following m�anings v`rhen used in this ❑eed af Trust: <br /> Ben�ficiary. The �ord rr geneficiary" means E�uitable Bank, and its sue�ess�rs and assigns. <br /> Borrawer. The word "Barrower" means �al�n E Gerd�s and Tam�ra M �erd�s and in�ludes al� ca-signers and <br /> co-makers signfng the Note and al[their successors anc! assigns. <br /> Deed 4� Trust. The words "�eed vf Trust" mean �his Deed of Trust amang Trusto�, Lender, and Trust�e, and <br /> inc�udes v�ithaut limi-�ation a�l assignment and security �nterest provisions relating �o th� Personal Property and <br /> . Rents. <br /> Enuironmen#aI Laws. The wor�s "EnWironmenta� Laws" mean any and all state, �ederal and local statutes, <br /> regulatians and ordin�n�es rela��ng to the pratectian v# hurnan health ar the environment, inciuding wEthaut <br /> limitation the Camprehensive Enviranment�l R�sp�nse, ��mpensatian, and Liabili�y Act a� '198�, as amended, �� <br /> U�S.G. Secti�n 95a�r e� seq. {"CERCLA"}, �he Super�und Amendm�nts and Reauthori�ativn Act o� �986, �ub. L. <br /> No. 99--�99 �"SAR�1"�, the Ha���daus Materials Transp�r�ation Act, 49 U.S.C. Se�tion 1801, et seq., the Resaur�e <br /> ConserWatian and Recov�ry Act, 4� U.S.�. Section 69��, e� seq., or ather appli�abl� sta�e or federal laws, rules, <br /> -� or regulati�ns adapted pur�uant th�reto. <br /> E�ent af De��u�t. The w�rds "Event of De�ault" mean any of the events of default set farth in th�s �eed af Trust in <br /> �he e�en�s of default section vf�his D�ed�f Trust. <br /> Exis#ing �nd�btedness. The ►rv�rds "Existing Indel�te�iness" mean the,inde�tedness described in th� Exis�t�n� Liens <br /> prvui�i�n o#:�his Deed �f Trust. -� .,.�.,.,.. �;_-�.,...,o..:. ._...�.: .,..T.., .�, :,..��,�F, <br /> . � , � <br /> Gua�rar�ty. The ward "�uar�nty" means the guaranty fram guarant_ar, end�rs�r, sur�ty,��r accammodati�n par�y t� <br /> Lenderr inciuding w�thout limitati�n a guaranty o�aif or part�f�he Nate.. ., :� . + ' � . ��_- ;� <br /> H�zardous �uhs�an���. The war�s "Ha�ardaus Substances" mean materiais that, beGaus� of �heir quanfiity, <br /> concentrat�an or phys�cal, chemical �r infe�tiaus ChBr�Ct�r'i5�iC5� may cause or pose a present v� patential hazard <br /> ta human health �r the environmenfi when improper�y used, tr�ated, stor��1, dispased ❑f, �enerat�d, manufa��ured, <br /> -transpor�ed �r otherwise handled. The w�rds "Ha�ard�us Substances" are used in their �ery broadest sense and <br /> include without limita�ion an}� �ncf a[I hazardous �r toxiG substances, materials ar v�raste as defined by or list�d <br /> under the EnWiranmental La�nrs. The term "Hazard�us Su�stances" als� includes, without limita�i�n, petroleum �nd <br /> pe�kraleum by-praducts or any fracti�n thereof and asb�stas. <br /> Impro�ements. The ward "lmpro�emen�s" m�an� a�l existing and fiuture impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mabile homes �ffix�d on the Rea� Property, facili�ies, a�difiionsr replacements and oth�r c�nstruction on the Real <br /> Prope rty. <br /> In�eb�edness. The word "Indebtedness" means a�l principal, interest, and other amvunts, costs and expenses <br /> pay�bl� under the Note or Related Documents, tagether wi�h all renewa�s �f, extensions �f, modificafi�ans of, <br /> consol�dations �f and �ubs�itu�ivns �ar the Nate or Relat�d Do�uments and any amounts expended or ad�anced b� <br /> Lender ta discharge Trusto�`s �bligatians �or e�€penses incurred by Trustee .or Lender ta enf�r�� Trustar's <br /> obl�gat�ons under this Deed of Trust, togeth�r with int�rest an su�h amoun�s as pro�ided �n fhis Qeed a�F Trust, <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Equitable Bank, its successars and assi�ns. The w�rds "suc�essars or <br /> assigns" m�an any pers�n or cvmp�ny that acquir�s an��n�erest in�he Nate. <br /> Nat�. The ward "Note" means th� prQmissQry na�e dated flllarGh 9� ��17, in th� �ri��na1 �rin�i��l amount <br /> of $4��,���.�� fr�m Trustor to Lender, f�gether with ail r�n�wals of, e�fiensions af, modi#ications �f, <br /> refinancings af, consolida�ians af, and substituti�ns f�r �he p€�am�ssQry nate or agreement. The maturifiy �ate �f <br /> this ❑�ed vf Trust is F�bruary �$, ��18. <br /> P�rsanai Prap�rty. The words "Per�anal Praperty" rnean all equipment, fixtures, and vther art�cl�s ❑f pers�nal <br /> prap�rty nvw or hereaft�r owned by Trustor, and now or hereaft�r a�tached �r affixed �a the Rea[ Property; <br /> tQge�her wi�h al[ a���ssians, parts, and add�tians t�, all repla��ments af, and ail suhstitutions for, any of such <br /> property; and tvgethar with al[ pr'aG�eds ��ncluding trvithaut limi�ati�n all insurance prQceeds and refunds of <br /> pr�miums} from any sale vr�ther dispasitian af the Praperty. <br /> Prap�rty. The ward "Praperty" means �allectiWely the Real Property and the Personal Prop�r�y. <br /> Real Pr��erty. The wards "Real Proper�y" mean the real prope�ty, interests and rightsr as fur�her described in this <br /> Deed af Trust. <br /> Relat�d �ocum�r�ts. The irvards "Rela�ed D�cuments" mean all promiss�ry nates, cr�di� agreements, loan <br /> a�reements, environm�n�al agreements, guaranties, securi�y agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security <br /> cieeds, c�l�ateral mvrtgages, and all �th�� instrumentsl agre�ments and documents, wheth�r now 4r he�eaf�er <br /> existing, e�e�uted in c�nnec�iar�with the �ndebtedn�ss. <br /> Rent�. The wor� "F�ents" m�ans al1 present and future �ents, �evenues, income, issues, royalties, prafits, and <br /> ath�r benefits deriv�d�rQm th� Property. <br /> Trus�ee. The word "Trustee" means Equitab[e Ban� tGrand Is[and Region], whase addres� is ��3-�1 5 N L�cust <br /> St; P� Bo�c 1�a, �rand Island, hIE �88�2-�1��and any substitut��r�ucc�ssor�rus�ees. <br /> Trustor. Th�word "Trustar" means G�len E ��rdes and Tame�a IVI Gerdes. <br />