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2� 17� 1 � 1 � <br /> DEED �F TR�JST <br /> Loan NQ: 173�5'1��3 �G�ntillued} Pag� � <br /> ❑ocuments �a Trustee �r Lender or �� which �ither �f thsm may be ��herwise entitled, may be e�cercised, <br /> can�urrentfy ar independently, fram time �o time and as oft�n as may be deemed expedient by Trustee ar Lend�r, <br /> and ei�her of them may �u�su� incansis�ent remedies. No�hing �n �his aeed of Trus� shall be canstrued as <br /> proh�bi�ing Lender from see�ing a defi�ien�y judgment against the Trustor to the exten-�suGh action is permitted by <br /> law. <br /> E�e�ti4n o� Remedies. All �f Lende�'s rights and remed.ies wil� be cumulati�e and may be exer�ised al�ne or <br /> tagether, [f Lender de�ides to spend money �r ta per�orm any �f Trustur'S C]�3II���[dC15 under this Deed of Trus�r <br /> after Trus�ar's failure to do sa, that de�ision by Lender wil� n�t a��ect Lender's r�ght ta �ie�lare Trustar in d�fault <br /> and�a exercise L�nder's remedi�s. <br /> R�quest f�r NQ�ice. Trus�tor, an �ehalf of Trus�or and Lend�r, hereby requests�hat a capy of any N�ti�e��Default <br /> and a ��py�f any N��ice af Sale under th�s aeed of Trust �e mail�d to �h�m at the addresses set farth in the first <br /> parag�aph o�this De�d��T�us�. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses, �f Lender insti�utes any suit ar action to en�or�e �ny o� the terms afi �his Deed of <br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti�led to reco��r such sum as the court may a�ljudg� reasonable as at��rneys' f��s at trial <br /> and u�an any appeal, Vllhether ar not any cour-� ac�ivn is invalv�d, and to the exfent n�t prohibited by lawr a[f <br /> reasonable expenses Lend�r incurs that in Lender's apini�n are nec�ssary at any time f�r th� pro�ectian �f its <br /> intsr�st or th� �nfor�ement o�its rights sha(I become a part af the Indeb�edness payable on d�mand and shall bear <br /> �n�er�st at the fVate rate from�he da�e of the expenditur� un�il repaid. Expenses cov�r�d by this para�graph include, <br /> without limi�a�ian, hawever sub}ect ta any limits under appliGable law, Lend�r`s a�tarneys' fees and Len�er's fegal <br /> exp�nses, whether ar not there is � lawsuit, including attorneys' fees and ex��ns�s �ar bankruptcy proceedings <br /> {in�fuding effo�ts�� modify ar va�ate any automatic stay or injunction�, appeais, and any an�ic�pated pos�-judgment <br /> collect�on services, �he casfi �f searGhing records, obtaining ti�[e r�pnrts �including foreclasure reports�, surWeyors' <br /> reparts, and appraisal fi��s, titl� insurance, and fees for th� Trust�e, to the extent permitted �y appli�able Iaw. <br /> Trust�r also wifl pay any caurt cos��, in addifiian�a a�l ��her sums provided by�aw, <br /> Righ�s vf Trus�e�. Trust��shall have all of the righ'�s and duties of Lender as set�orth in�his �e��ion. <br /> P�IlVERS AND �BLIG�TI�NS �F TRU�TEE. The fvllvwing �ravisions refatin� ta the powers and abligatians af Trustee <br /> are part a�this D��d �f Trust; <br /> P�wers �f Trustee, !n additi�n to all powers of Trustee arising as � matter of law, Trustee shall hav�the pav�rer to <br /> taI�� the fallov►ring actions vvitf� r�spect ta �he Property upon the written raques�of Lender and Trustor: �a� join in <br /> preparing and �ifing a map o� plat �� the Real Prapert�, including the dedi��tian�of streets or �ther rights ta the <br /> public; �b} join in granting any easement ar crea�iny any res�riction on the Real Pr�p�rty; and �c} j�in in any <br /> subordinati�n ar ather agreement affecting this D�ed❑�T�ust or the interest o�Lender under this D�ed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee, T�ustee shall m�et ail qual�ficatians required far Trus�ee under applica�le lavv. In additi�n to the rights <br /> and r�medies set forth aba�e, with respeGt to a�l or any part �f �he Pr�p�rty, the Trustee shall ha�e the right t� <br /> for�c�ase by notice and sa[�, and Lender will hav� the right t� foreG[ose by�udicial fvreclasure, in either case in <br /> ac�ordance wrth and to the fiull ex�ent pra�rided by applicaiale law. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, a�L�nder`s �ption, may fram time to �im� appaint a successor Trust�e�o any Trustee <br /> ap�ointed under this Qeed of Trust by an ins�rument exeGut�d and ac�noW�edged hy Lender an�l re�orded in the <br /> office af the re�Qrd�r af Hall County� Stat� af N�brasl�a. The instrumen� sha�f containr in additi�n ta a11 other <br /> ma��ers requir�d hy stat� law, the n�mes vf the ariginal Lender, Trust�e, and Trustor, the book and pag� �or <br /> compu�er s}�stem reference} where this Deed af Trus� is recarded, and the name and add�ess ❑f the successQr <br /> trustee, and the ins�rument shall be��ecuted and acknawle�ged by a[I th� b�neficiaries under th�s Deed a�Trust or <br /> th�ir succes�ars in interes�. The success�r trus�ee, �nrithvut cvnveyance of the Property, shal[ succeed to all -khe <br /> titl�, pawer, and duties conferred upan the Trustee in�his Deed ❑�Trust and by applicahie law. This procedure far <br /> substitution af Trustee shall go��rn ta the ex�iusion af a�l ath�r pr��isians fa�su�stitution. <br /> N�TlCES. Any notice required �o he gi�en under this D��d ❑f Trust, including without �imitation any notic� vf de�ault <br /> and any notic� of sale sha[I lae gi�en in writing, an� sh�ll be effective when acfivaily d�[i�ered, when a�tually r��eiWed <br /> hy te[efacsimil� (unless flther�rvise required by lav�r�, when depasi��d with a national�y r��agniz�d oWernight couri�r, or, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in the United States mailr as first classr certified or regis�ered mai� postage prepaid, d+rect�d to <br /> th� addresses shown near the b�ginning �f�his D��d of Trust. �I� �opies �f n�tices of tareclvsur� f�om the hol�er af <br /> ' any lien whi�h has priarity ❑v�r this Deed af Trust shall be sent t� Lender's address, as shown near �he heginn�ng ❑f <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any persan may chan�e his ar her add��ss far notices und�r this Qeed �f Trust by �i�ing formal <br /> written r�atice to �he oth�r person or persans, specifying that the purpose of th� noti�e is ta �hange the pers�n's <br /> address. Fo� natic� purposes, Trus�ar a�rees to keep Lender inf�rm�d at all times of Trustor's �urrent address. Unless <br /> otherwise pra�ided or required b� law, i# there is mar� than one Trustar, any natic� giv�n b� Lender to any Trustar is <br /> deernad ta be notic�given to ali Trustors. ��k vuil� i�e Trust�r's resp�ns�bili�y fio tel�fihe others o�the not��e�Fr�m Lender. <br /> MIS�ELLAI�E�US PR�VISI��IlS, The fol�owing miscelianeous pr��isions are a part��this aeed ��Trust: <br /> Amendments. What is w��tten in this ❑eed af Trust and in the R�fated ao�uments is Trustarr5 entire agreemen-t <br /> wi�h Lender cQn�ernin� th� ma��ers ��Wered hy this D�ed of Trust. T� be efifectiWe, any change ar �mendment ta <br /> this D��d o�Trust must be in writ�ng and must b�signed by whoe�er wil[ be baund or�b[igated hy fihe change ar <br /> am�ndrnent. <br /> �apt�an Headings. �aption hea�inr�s in this Deed of Trust are far ��n�enien�e purposes anfy and are not to be <br /> used�ta interpre�o�define the pro�isions af this Deed �#Trust. <br /> �1llerger. There shail b� na merger af the infierest or�state created by this D��d af Trus�with any a�her in�erest ar <br /> esta�e in the Pr�perty at any�ime h�i� by vr for th� bene�it af Lender in any�apacityr withaut the wri�ten canse�t <br /> of Lender. <br /> Gnvernireg L�w. This D�e� of Trust wilf be g�v��ned by federal iaw app�icab�e �� Lender ar�d, tv the exten# nat <br /> pre�m�ted hy federal faw,�h�la►►vs t�f th�Stafie�f Nebraska without regard ta its confli�ts of law�rvr►isivn�. This <br /> Deed af Trus�has�e�n a��epted by Lender in the 5ta�e vf N�b�aska. <br /> Choice vf 1lenu�, I� th�r� is a fa►�vsu�t, Trustar agrees upon Lender's r�ques� to submit tv the jurisdic�i�n of th� <br /> courts o�Hail �aunty, State of 1Vebraska. <br /> Jv�nt and S���ral Liabi�ity. A�[ ob�igations af Trustor under �his Deed o� Trust shal[ b� joinfi and se�era[, �nd all <br /> references ta Trustor shal! mean ea�h and e�ery Trustor. This rn�ans �that each Trustar signin� bel��nr i� <br /> responsibfe�far all abligatians in this Deed�f Trust. <br /> No 114Iaiv�r hy Lende�. Trus�Qr und�rstands Lender�rill nat give up any of Lender`s r�ghts under this ❑eed o�Trus� <br /> unl�ss Lender d�es s❑ in wri�ing. The fac� �hat Lender delays ar omi�s to ex�rc�se any righ-� wi�� not mean that <br /> Lender has giv�n up that right, [� Lender d�es agree in writing t� gi�e up nne af Lender's righ�s, that does not <br /> mean Trus�ar will nat have to comply vtirith �he oth�� proWisions o� �his Deet� �f Trust. TrustQ� al�o unders�ands <br /> that if Lend�r d�es c�nsenfi �Q a r�qu�s�, that d�es not mean that Trustar �rvilf n�t ha�e tv get L�nder's �onsent <br /> again if�he si�uation happens again. Trust�r�urth�r unders�ands that just because Lender cons�n�s to one or m�re <br /> af T�ustar's reques�s, that does not mean Lender w�ll be r�quired to consent to any flf Trustor's fu�ure requests. <br /> Trustor waives presentm�nt, demand for payment, pra�es�, an� notice af dishonor. <br />