. .
<br /> ='•�:�6�.��i - - WsL_`'_.`��a-.�i4i� '�c:.�-. _�'��;bY��,x;�a;���;:�. .F k r. � c .�:'.,._-, �ti rc-�._'=:�` �:.;�i�,.�s�;.i� �s':e sc:h���.�,�.w.v,{_.`V�u��i.a=wx3ti:��'r,^k.: .� w .,.-�:,- E'r
<br /> - —=.�rt�''s.�iz "ie�ti.�c��.shv'--`s.��ai�'�o'y'°.�,..�a kEE$�e�`.����il%i�`c�-- - - — -- �����•`.�
<br /> — - ° — `�`acic'�`l`�`��14 i �`
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<br /> 9. Ccndemna4ior�.The proceeds of any award ar ctaim for damages,difpCt ar CQSi'33QUQtiti8l. in c�nneation with any
<br /> � condemnationorothertakrrtgoftheProperty,orpartthereof,ortarcanvey�rtaein!ieu��fcondemnation.areherebyassignFS3;
<br /> and shatl fos paid to Lender_
<br /> � in the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be app{ied ia the suma securasl by this Oeed ot Trosl,arith�'
<br /> Me excess,it any,paid to Borrowe►.In the event at a partiat taking¢t tha Rrnper��,uNesa��r�ower ars�Lender otherwise
<br /> agree in writing,there shali be appfied to the sums secured by this Deed ef Trc�st su ch�raperrian of ths proceeds as is equal to
<br /> � thatQroportionwhichtheamountofthesumssecuredtsythisDeedafTrust'smmsd�atedpari�tr4nthedaleoftakingbearstothe
<br /> - tair market value of the property imrtiediatsly prior ro the clate of taking,w'rth thc�halenae nf tha procQeds paid to Borroxrer:
<br /> � If tt��Property is abandorsed by Borrower.or if,after notice by Len4t�ta Esrrr��vs�tfiat tha�ondemnor ofiers to make et�;
<br /> award or settle a ctaim for darrrages.Borrower tails to respond to Lertder within 30 dal�g aft�rme dats such no�Ce i8 Rt3i18d.
<br /> tender is authorized to coilect and apply the preceeds,at f�en�ers dpt�on.eilhsr t0 rasLaratian or repair ot the P.FOy!�rty orto
<br /> _ the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower athgrwise agree in writing,any such app{ication r�i prrlceeds to principal sh2��'not extersd or
<br /> � pos�one the due date of the month{y inata!Im�nts rE�R�t to in paragraphs t and 2 harsaf or ch2nge the�r-a�sst of sucte
<br /> instatlments.
<br /> 10. BorrowerNolRN�ased.Extensian�ftfi�!ime�orpayment�rmaditicetian+afamartizatiortQttnes�mssecuredbf��s
<br /> Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any�uWr.��sor in interest of Barmwer shail nat aperate te cc'crase,in any manr�er,��re
<br /> liabiliiy althe original6arrowerand Barroxrt.'�successors intsrest LendershteU�at�e require�fl��ommence proceedin�s
<br /> against such successor ar reiu�to exte.r���ne for payment�r othen�riae madify smartiza�u��the sums secured by t�ts
<br /> Deed of Trust by reason of an�ct��nand m�de by the original Bormwer anci Eartawgr.'�su �a'rs in interesL
<br /> 1/. Forb�annse by Lander Ni�si a iiK�r�Any torbearance hy Lender in er.'.y�a�ii�c:Yn�ri�t ar rertsedy hereunder.,oJ
<br /> otherwise affarded by applicable�aw,�sai1 r�t.�t ba a waiver of ar preclude Ute�r��.ce ot a�such right or remedy.'Eh�
<br /> procurement of insurance of the paymeri�¢fta.>:�s or other lien��r charges���i.ena'r�-�;�all n�t be a waiver efLender'srightto
<br /> acceterats the�naNriry of the in4ebtecne�:�cured by this Deed af Tru�t
<br /> � 12. Rtmedfes Curt�ulative A:1 remedies prcvided in this Deed of Truat•ar�cfi.=_�i-+:and cumulative to any other right ar
<br /> remedy under this Qeed af T�,�: or aftorded by law ar equity, and may be e.;.��•�^�ised concurrently, independently or
<br /> success�vety.
<br /> _ 13. Succassors and Asr���Beun�; :olnt and Severaf tfabifit�,:�y:tfans. Th� covenar.ts and agreements h�`u:�.
<br /> contained shall 0ind,and:iie�i�nts t�ere:�n�',�Shall inure to,the respecSn•r-_auccessors and assigns of LenderAnd BorcGtwaa;
<br /> subject to the provisinns af p�r�rr2ph 1 i iz�rc�of.All covenants and agreernents af�3rrower shall be joint and severau The �
<br /> capiions and headings of rhe���zMrG��s,f this Deed of Truat are tar convenienc�::+��j and are not to be ase�c�interprelor
<br /> - define the provisions hereof.
<br /> � 11. Notice.ExcepY�Qr2ny n+31ii�reqrliri�un�er applicanle law.o begiven in a�+��`ter manner,.(a)any notice to Borrower
<br /> - provided far in thiu�eeC of Ttus,sna�l�eg;���.r�by mailing such nalice by certified tnail addresselt��Qorrowerat Me PropeRy�.. .
<br /> Address or at such cfier address as Earrav:i:r may designate 4�y notice to L'ender as�rovideA�r.arein,and(b)any notice fa ,
<br /> Iender st�all be given by certified mail,retum receipt requested,ta Lenders address�Mt.ed herein or4o such othe�address a3
<br /> lersdr�rnay designate by notic�to�orrower as provided heroin.Any notice pravideett�r in this 0eed of Trust���?!be deemed
<br /> to hav6 6een given to Borroweg o�Lender when given in tfig manrter designated{?��;in.
<br /> 15. tJnitonn D�sd of Trust;Govemtnq Lsw;Sersrats6�rty. The torm of deed c¢�rust combines uniform carenants for
<br /> nationai use and non-uniform covenants with limited variationa b��juri��iction ta constitute a unitorm security in3trum���.
<br /> coverirtg real property.This Deed of Trust shaU b$governed 5��4ha t�ty at the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.9r
<br /> the event that any�rovision or clause of thisDeed ot Truo2 pr the f�ote conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not
<br /> aHect other provis�ons o1 this Deed oi Trust oi the IVute whiah can�e given effect without the conflicting provisions,andto thi� '
<br /> end the provisions of the Deed oi Trust and the Note are declarEd to be severable.
<br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be fumished a conformed copy of the Note and oi this Deed of Trus►at the time of
<br /> execution or atter recordation hereof. , .
<br /> 1T. Transttr of th�Property;Asaumptlon.lt all o�any�part of the property or an inieres!ther�;n is sold or transferred by �..�;
<br /> Borrower without Lender's prior written consenl,excludinA(�)the creation of a lien orertcumbrac��esubordinate tothisOeed �� �
<br /> ofTrust,(b)thecreationotapuichas9maneyseCUrifyinterestf�rhouseholdapptiances,(c)atrar,sterbydevisedescentorby . ,
<br /> operation oilaw upon thedaath nla jainttenantor(d)the grunioianyleasehold intere�tcf.three yearsor Iess ro"cvntainingen
<br /> apt�on to purchase,Lendar mry,at�ender's option,d�afiire aUChe sums s�cured bti,�e�-,.,�@er.�,Of ri ru8t to G�tE'r:?�dietely du@ :�.
<br /> artd payable.Lender shaU hfi.c:�raived suah optfun tn aucettirata ii,prfor to the s�.'s or trart�f�.r,sonder ar�3 fhe peraon to
<br /> whom the Property iY to be e-3�d or trn�Eforred reach.�greeme�t in��,ris;n9 that tl;e credit of s��r.person is satisfacto��tG : �
<br /> Lender and that th�;inter��t nai•.3bta on th�surn�s�cured by this Oeed of Trust sha�!ts at such ra�e as Lender shall reques�If
<br /> Lender has waived the option to accal�rAtv pro�•;Jtt� in this paragraph 17, ana :°3orrower's successor in interest has '
<br /> executed a written assumptiov�tfgregrnanlacc�ptt����t•N/iting by Ler.dsr.Lender�f�31i.r�leaso Borrow8r from all obligatians '
<br /> unde�this DeQd of Trust and:h£IYUta. �
<br /> ti Lender exercises such opfion to dCC6lurAib. L'ender shall mail Borrower n��::;r of acce'pration in accordance with
<br /> paragraph 14 hereot.Such notice shal:provid�;a periad of not tess than 30days from the date t:�er:�st�ce is mailed within whiCh •
<br /> _ Borrower may pay the sums declared duc� ��3drrawer fails to pay such sums prior to the ex�ir�:`ion of such period,Lender
<br /> may,wlthout furthar notice or demand an Borrower,inv�ke any rern�dies pe►mitte��y paragraph 1a hereof.
<br /> — NON-UHIFORM COVENANTS,Borrower and lendar lurther covenant and agr r�s as tollow�: �
<br /> 18. Accet�ration;R�m�dteg.Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereot.uRai��;orrower's breach of�;-!covenant or
<br /> agreement of Borrower in this Deed o1 Trust,including the covenants to pay whon due any sums se^✓;ced by this Deed o}Trust,
<br /> Lender pnor to acce'sration shall mail nutice to Borrower as provided in p2r3graph 14 hereotspec;�j:ng:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br /> action required to cur��such breach;(3)a dato,not less than 30 days from the dato the rsotice is rt:a:�ed to Horrower,by which
<br /> such breach must i;�cured;and(4)that failure to cure such breacFi on cr befcre,re:��le specified in the noticetnay re�ultin
<br /> acce:eration olthe s�.ms securec�by this Oeed o}Trust and sale of the Property.The n ce-cs shall futther intorm Borroweroilhe
<br /> rigt�t ta reinstate after ecceler��ica and the right to bring o court action to assert ih��cn-existenee ot a default or any oiher
<br /> � d�'¢:^.34 of Borrotver to accele:��::on and sale.11 the breach is not cured on or beicrG-•t:+e date speG`�:ed iq the notice,Lender at
<br /> Lenc6er's optinn ma j�declare a�;i ol the sums socured by this Deed ot Trust to be irnmediately duo a-d pay8bte without further
<br /> demand and may;r,uoke the power ot sale and any other remedies permitted by app8eabtA tL�r l.ender sht�ll be entitled to
<br /> coUectall reasort���iy costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the►emodies proviCe�in the p�ra5raph 18,inoluding.but not
<br /> �imited t0,reasonable gttornelr'�fses.
<br /> �� If tt;�power ot&�te is invcEc�•��,trustee shalt rocord a noticd o}detault in each ccunty in vihich the Propc�rty or some paA
<br /> � thdreo}islocated and shall m�a;,�opi�s otsuch notice in the mt�nner prescribed by epplicable lawto Barrower and totheother
<br /> persons prescribec;sy appHcabie law.After the lapse of such timo as:�,�y be required by applicobl�law.7rustee shall give
<br /> pubtie notice of s�:��o the persons and in thv manner prescribed by a;,��cabto law.Trustee,without damand on 8orrower, ' - -T—
<br /> shallaotttheP�operryatpublicauctiontothehighestbidderalthetimeon�placeandunderthotermsdesignatedinthenotice '
<br /> � � of sale in one or more parcel9 and in such order as Trustee may delermine.Trustee may postpone sale ofatl or any parcel o}
<br /> f the Praperty by public announcement at the time and place o1 any previousty scrE��:ted�ale.i.ender or Lender's de�ignee
<br /> may purchase the PropeRy at any sale.
<br /> — Upon reCeipt o!payment af the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser�r�.s:�a's daed convey�nQ the Property_�!d '
<br /> "fhe recitafs in the'�ruste9`s deelf 8ltatt 6e prima facie evldenco ot the truth of tho st2�..-�ents made therein.Trustes shall appty
<br /> thp proceeds o11he sate in thetoltbwing order.(a)to all reasonabto costs�n0 exper<_E�;af thosale,includinc�,but not limited to, q�
<br /> Trustee'steesofnotmorothan___ -.--- 46ofthegrqssselept�ce,reasonable.�t'vmey'sfeosandcostsoftitleevidenco; i
<br /> � � (b)to nll sums secured by this Deed of Trust and(C)the excoss,i1 pny,to the p�r:..n•or persons legally entitt�d thereto. �t
<br /> t9. Borrorret's Rlpht to RNntNt�.Notwithsfand�ng londor'e acc�latntion o1 e�e sums secured by this Deod nt Trus� �',�,�
<br /> , E3orrower shall havetho�ighlto have any proceodings begun by Ldndar to eniorce the�oed o}Trust discontinuod atanytimv n,�
<br /> � :. prlortothoaarliertboccuruf(1)theliNhdaybelorethesaleottht�PropertypursuanitothopowerolsalecontainedintheDeed +
<br /> � ot T1ust(ii)ontry bf a�udgmenf ontarcinp lhis Oee�ot Y�ust it:(a)Bon�wer pays LendOr flll sums which viould b�th[�n dub �1�[
<br /> unde►this Deod of Tr�st,tlte Noto and notos securmg Futuro Advanc�s,if any.ht�d no accoteration occured:�b} E3orrowet ��r
<br /> —�F cures ali b►oa�hbs af�ny oth�r cov�+•�t�nls or agrt�oments of Borrower Cont�in�d in ihts Ueed ottrusl.(c!Borrawer p�ys��(! �.,
<br /> , rpagan8�tfi oxpansas incutrvll by L f�nd�r and truste�eritorr.mg tho cpv�nanls an8 agteemenfs o}E;orrnwe�c ontn!npd u�this
<br /> �_ b�edottrusi t�rid�n or,totc�ng ltindar's end trust�F�5 rerncdiE9�sprovidedin pnrttgraph 18 hE�ruG1.u,ctu���ry.but not hm�ted
<br /> ��. tp,r(ZOSU��Flbic��t(pfnfjy'SI(!E'S,�hd f(�►fjOttUYJUf}a]kf7S St1Ch Ft�tttl►1 t1S LE��Idet ttt<�y tE�f1SUn;�[�ly rHqti�r�'lo��SSii�e�fhht�hEf hUr�o�
<br /> �1r,�: fhi�bbed ot Trusf.!ender'�mtE�s��st ire thF>Pro{tE,�rty anci Eior►E�u�Ur s<�bl�qatran tv G,t��t the�:un�5�.ct��r��ct by th�c f1�Eed af 7r�ist
<br /> � � �'t�' S►r;wllrt,nUrtticsu*n�r�p,i;e.H Uponsu�•ript��►r�r�nt:lr�cic:ur�•byf3orr�vier.!�uSC3c•F�:l��riru�:t<in�tt�,.•n�,hry,�U���,�._:.�cu�e�dht�rc�by .
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