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<br /> r UN!FORM COVENANT3_Borrav�er and lender covenant and agrep as f4flows: d��QQs7Q s
<br /> � 1. Paymtnt o1 Printipai and Intsrest Borrowe- shall promptly pay when due the pnrtcipai cf and irsterest on the
<br /> � �ndet�tednessevideacedbytheNote.prepaymeniandfatechargesasprovidedinthe�late.andthe�rinc+Qai�f�ndinsereston
<br /> arey FuNre Advances secured Dy the Deed of Trust.
<br /> 2. FundstorT�c�sartdlasunnee.Subjecttoapplicabletawartoawrittenwaiverbytender.Bor�swershall;taKinl.ender
<br /> on the day monthty inslaliments of principal and mterestare payable underthe Nate,until the fYd4e;8 pt�id in fUq;e 9utr14h�rein
<br /> "Funds"►equet to one-twelfth oi the yearty taxes and assessments which may attuin priarity aver thic Deed af�'�i�at,ane
<br /> — grourtd ceniu�n the PropeRy,if any,plus orte-twetffh af yearty premiurr+6nstatiments tar hazard Enaurance.Qiuu�aaa�L�vAinh of
<br /> yearty prc3mium ins4a9iments for mortgage.insurartce.�i any,atl as reasonabty esHmatea initiailg end tram t�mn tu tlme by
<br /> Lender on the basis of assessments andbilts and reasonahte estimates thereot.
<br /> _ The Funds shatl be hetd in an institution the deposits or accaunts of which 3re insure0 ar guaranteed,pS�a Federal�r state
<br /> agency(including tender it Lender is such an institutien�. Lender shall appty the funds to aay rsaid/�xas,assessment�,
<br /> insurance prem�ums end ground rents.Lender may not chargefor so holdirtg and applym�thaFunda,anni��zing said account
<br /> — orverifyingandcompilingsaidasse�smentsandbiUs,untessLenderpaysBorratverinterest�an+.hsFundaand$pplicabtelaw
<br /> permits Lender to make such a charge.Parrower and Lender map agree m writing at the timc�efaxscutian ef this Qeed of Tru st
<br /> that interest on the Furtds shatl tre paid to Borrower,and untess such agreement is made ar applicaihe law requires such
<br /> interest to 6e paid,Lender shall not be rc�quired to pay Borrower any interest or earFtings cn the Funda I.ender shatl give to
<br /> �arrower.withoutchar e.anannuaf�ccaunHrtgaftheFundsshowirtg creditsart�de�itstotfisFund�tartdthe purpasetor
<br /> ; s�hicheachdetritia+.h��undswasrnad�.TF►eFurrdsarepladgedasadditianal�ecu� ����_*th8su�t�A88CU��d iythiSDeedot
<br /> Tr�tst .
<br /> If the amaur►t af th�furrct�ttetd bp L�nder,tog�ther with the futura monihi�inntaltments at Fund�t payah{a priart�the due
<br /> dates crt taxes,assessmgr�ts,insurance premiams and ground r�nt�,shall exaeed the amaunt requ�red to psy card taxes,
<br /> assessments,insurancg premiuma and ground'rents as they tall dus,such excess stiail:be.at•BoROwer's aa�an,either
<br /> promptly repaid to Borra�v¢r or credded to Borraever 9n rnonthty�nstafimenta af,Funds.�t the amount af the Funds heid by
<br /> I.endershailnatbesu�cf�ttopaytaxes,asssssmsrtb,insurancepremiumaertd groundsentsastheyfsll�ue.BoROV+rershall
<br /> pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency wdhm 3a daf�s fram.tfis dats notice Is mailed by Lender to
<br /> Borrower requesting payment thereof. ,
<br /> — Upon payment m ful l of ail sums secared bythis�eed of Truut,Lendershail�rnmptll�cefund io Sorrowerany Funds hetd by
<br /> Lender.Ifunderparagraphl8hereaf:hePrapert�issoldorthaPrnpert?,�'s�►oth�rNiseaaquiredbylende►.Lendershallappty.
<br /> notaterthanimmadiatelypriartathesateofthet�rapertyoritsac u�sit�anbl�L'ender,andFundsheldbyLendsratthetirneof
<br /> �pplication as a credit ag2inst the sums secured E�y 9his Deed af�rust
<br /> � 3. Appifcation af Pa�r.nants.Unless applic�bin;r=�provid�s othenHit�e;aU�payme�ts received by L�ttder under the Note
<br /> a�d paragraphs 1 and 2 h�reof shafl be applied a2^l�nder first;n paymentai'amounts payable to Lend�rby Barrower under
<br /> �aragraph 2 t�ereof,then to interest�syR tlle c n;9�e ttiate,then ro tfi e principaf of the Note,and then to interest and principal on
<br /> any Futur�Advances. �
<br /> 1. Charp�s;Liens.Borrowerssha(t�ayatttaxas,assessmentsandothercharges,tinesandimpositionsattrib��Jsletothe
<br /> _ �roperty whtch may attain a priority over this�r�;l.of Trust,and teasehotd payments or ground rents,if any,in the manner
<br /> n:rovided under paragraph 2 hereof or,if not p�2 n such manner,by Borrower making payment,wh�s due.directly to the
<br /> �:�yee thereof.Borrower shall promptty furmsh:a I�:nder all notices of amounts due under th�s paragl��h,artd in the event .
<br /> t3orrower shall make payment directly. Barrawer shall promptty furnish to Lender receipts evide��.�g such payments.
<br /> Bonower shall pramptty discharge an+;':en wh�ci�has priority over this Deed of TrusG pro�cdes,that Borrower shall no!be
<br /> rgQ�r1►edtodischargeany such lien sa�:^g as Borrowershall agree in writing tothe paym�ntoftheobligatian secured bysuch
<br /> lien in a manner acceptabte tu Lende�.or shall in geod faith contest such lien by,or detend enforcement of such lien in,legal
<br /> proceedings which operate 4o prevent the eniorc ���nt ot the lisn or torteiture of the P�operty or any�art thereot.
<br /> 5. Hassrd tnsuranc�E3�.rrower shstl keep the:�ri:rovements now existing or hereafte�erected ar L�e Property insured •
<br /> and ingsuch��nounts and fo�such c���'s as Ler�:��,.extended caverage",and such other hazards as Lender may require
<br /> -nay r�quir�;provided,that Lender siTa1�not reqoire that the aRrount of
<br /> such ca�:�°�r�e exceed that amount c���sverage r�c�.:sred io�=_t•ti7e sums secured by this�Eeed ot Trust ,
<br /> � This,n�:.�r.�nce carrier providing tr.e msura1ce�^aII be chosen by 8orrower subject to���r.v�i�+r Lender,pravi�Ced.that '
<br /> such approval shall nat be unreasonably withh�ct.F�;V premiums on msurance policies shall be paid�n�s'^re manner prov�ded � ,..�°
<br /> ur.der paragraph 2 hereof or,if not paid in sucP�rr.z��.ner,by Borrower meking payment,when due,d�r��v:r.iy to the insurance
<br /> cartier.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals thereof s�?��,be in form acceptable to Lender and shall inc�ude a standard moRgage � •
<br /> clause in favor otand in form acceptable to Lender.Lendershall havethe rightto hold the�u'iciesand renewalsthereof,and
<br /> Borrower�hatl promptiytu�ni3h to Lender all renewal noticesand a11 receipts of paid prer-�ums.ln the event o}loss.9oROwer ; ��
<br /> shall give r����mpt noticeto the insurance carrierand Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if noi madepromptty by Borrower.
<br /> �RiL'S::.°[lder end 8ar.rawer otherwise agree tn writing,insurance proceed�ahall be Applied to restoration or repair afthe ',:.:
<br /> �opery c�^�afled.pr�svi�ed such restoration or r��;:�ir is economically fee���e and the security of this beed of Trust is not '1���
<br /> thereby i;�:;,a'sred.N sucR restoration or repair is r��r aconomicetly feasible or if the securiry of fhis Oeed af Tru�t wauld be
<br /> impaired,"r��.�nsurance procesda shall be applie�t��he sums_ecured by this Deed o}Trusf,wlth the excess,if a�-:y�.�aid to
<br /> Borrower. :?r�e Property is abandoned by Borrowe�•,cr;�Bcrr��rer faits to respond to Lender within 30 days ironr iise date � '
<br /> notice is n�.,ed by Lender to Borrower that the ins�:r�r.ce c�::�'�er ofters to settle a cfaim for insurance benefits,L��nder is
<br /> authorized to collect and appty the insu:ance proc���s at lenuor's uption either to restoration or repfii7 of thv Property or to
<br /> — the sums secured by this Deed o1 Trus� •
<br /> Untess Lender and 8orrower otherwise agree irt�w�:iing,any such application ot proceeds tm pr'rnc�.�al shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date at the monthly installments ref2rred to in paragraphs t and 2 hQreaf or change the amount o1 such
<br /> mstaltments.tf undor paragraph 18 heraof the Property is acquired by Lender,all right,titt��.�d interest of Borrower in and to
<br /> anyinsurancepoticiesandinandtotheproceedsthereofresult�n�tromdamagetothePrc(��typrlortotheseleoracquisition
<br /> shall pass to Lender to the extent ot ihe sums secured by this�r�d of Trust Tmmediately pr�or to such sale or acquisitton.
<br /> — 6. Pr�strvation and Mai�tenan�e ot property;F.�asehoida�G�ndominl�rrts;Planned Unit O�rNogen�fb.Borrower shall
<br /> keep the Proporty in gaqd repair and shall not camrriv.wa�te�r permit imamirment of deterioretlon o tf �.�Property and shell
<br /> comply w�ththeprov�s:a�+�ofanyloaaeifthlsDeeCo'rTrus4�sorafeasehold.lt�;�sDeedofTrustisona�r,itinacondominium
<br /> — or a pfanne�u^�t de��c'�pment,Borrower shall poHOrr�a I c`Barrower's abligations urder the declaration or��ven�nts
<br /> creat�ng�sr gair�r�.ng tAe condominium or planned unit de���'cl=cnent.the by-laws ar,��r•.�ulationa of the conm��+:':anium or
<br /> planned u��t�_+ovetaprnont.and canstituent docaments.Ii a c�,.�'�ominium or planned�r.�development rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recorded together with this Deed of Trust,the covenants and a�greements ot such rlder Sl�all be incorporated
<br /> ;nto and shall amend ar.d supptement the covenants and agreements of this Deed ot Trust as if the r���r were a part hereof.
<br /> 7. Prot�etlon of Lendu'�Sseurlty.If Borrower faits to pertorm the covenants and agreements contairted in this Deed ot
<br /> � Trust,or it any actlon or Proceeding is commoncad wlth materially affects Lender's interesf in the Property,including but not
<br /> , lim;ted to.em+nent domam,insolvency,code enforcomont,or arrangements or praceedings invotving a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> then i.ender at L�nder's option.upon notice to 6orrower,may make such appearances,disburse such sums andlake such . --�--_-
<br /> actionasisnecessarytoprotectlender'sinterest,including butnotlim►4edto,disbursementolreasonableattorney'steesand �
<br /> � ; entry upon the Proporty to make repairs.If Lender requiredmortgage insuranceas a condit�on of making the loan securad by
<br /> the Deed of Trust,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such insurance in eNect until such time es the
<br /> requiremenfforsuchinsutanCeterminatesinaccordancewithBorrower'sandLender'swrittenagreementorapplicalbelaw.
<br /> — Borrowei shall pey the amoun!ot all mortyage insurance permiums in the manner provided under pareg�aph 2 hereot.
<br /> �: !tny �:���nts Qisbut56A Dy LenBer pursuant to this paragraph �, with lnterest thereon, shalf beCOmo additian�l '
<br /> �ndebfe6:*�s o1 Bo�rower secured by this 0eed of TrusL Unie�Borrower and lender agreetn other terms oi payment,such
<br /> amounts shall be payabte upon notice taom Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereof.and shall bear interest from the �ev�
<br /> � � date of disbursomentat the rate payable from time4otime on outstandirtq pnncipal under tha Note unless paymentof interest
<br /> � at such rate woutd be costrary to Applicnbts law,in whtch event such amounts shall bear intere9t at the highest rete �C
<br /> permissibta unde��n�licabSe iew.Noth�ng ctinta�ned in this paragraph 7 shalt roquire Lend�r to incur any exponse or take any �'�,'
<br /> � < act�on hareundEr. ��
<br /> 0. Impfctiarl.Landdr m��y m1k�Or Causv to be made reasanablv dnines upon and inSpeCtidns ot thE��rope�ty,prOV�d9d �p
<br /> � that Lender shaD y�vo gorrower nut,cepnor td any such�nspgcbon spac�tymg reasonablocauseth�rrufara ref�tvdio Landc�r's �1!�
<br /> interOSt�n the Prapftrty . , T
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