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<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �a� �00968
<br /> � If Lender requ:red aiortgage iasurance as a condition of making the toan secured by this Security Instrumeat,
<br /> Borrower shal!pay the premiwas rcqvired to maintain the insur.�ncs in effecs until sucte tima as the requirement for the
<br /> insurance terminata in aerot@ance aith Bonawer's and Lender's written agreement ar applicable law.
<br /> B. Ia�pection. I.e�sdu or it�agent may make reasonable entri�s upon and inspectians af the Froperty.Les�der
<br /> shnll giv�Bvrm�ver noticx as t�ae tinze of or prior to an inspection spccifying rcasonabte cause for the iaspection.
<br /> 9, Conde�nattoa. The practeds of an�awud or claim far damages.direct or consequcntial,in conaection with �
<br /> ang condemaatian or athsr ta�ing of any part of the Property,or fot canveyance in tieu of condemnatian,are hsreby
<br /> asugi:a!ar�d shalt be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the eveat of a totel taking of the Property,the proceeds shali be applied to the sums socured by this Security
<br /> — Fnsintmeat.whether or noi thea d��aith any excas paid w Bosrower.In the evtnt of a pastiail taking of the Propaty,
<br /> untess Borruwer and Lenda vihraav9se agree in writing,the sutns secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amount of the prc�oee�s multiplied by the following fraction: (a)the total amount af the sums secwed iramodiatety
<br /> before the t�kia8,dividcd 6y�b)the fair muket vulu�of the Prope3ty imm�liutely beforc the taking.Any balanct shall be
<br /> gr�to Bortower.
<br /> If the Property is�oned by Borrower,ar if.after notice by Lea�er to Borrowu that the vondemeor offets to
<br /> ns:prz�n awud or settle a clai�for damages.Horruwu fails to respond to Les:3er within 3a days afur the daie the notice is
<br /> given,Leadecis wthorized to collcct and apply the proaods.at ias o�+tion,either to restoration or repair of the P��y or
<br /> r.�tL•e sums s�urod by this Secwity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unlcss I�ender aad Barrower otherwise agra in writing,any application of praceods to principaE st all not extend or
<br /> � �s�trone the due date of the monthly paynaents referaed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amou�ze ccti�sisch payments. �
<br /> 10. Boreowtr Not Re1ea�;Forbearance By Leader Not � Wai�er. Extrnsion of the�far payment or
<br /> modi8cation of amortization of the su�s secured by this Security Instntment granted by Lenda to any succe�r in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Barrower or Borrower's successors in�r�es�
<br /> Lendet svall not be regu'ued to commence proceedings agains� any successor in interest or rofi�se to extend time for
<br /> piyment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums securd hy this Security Instrument by reason of any dcmand made
<br /> � by tlte original8orrower mr Borrower's succ�ssors in interest.A:.��forbearanc�by Lender in e.xercising any right or remody
<br /> sh�U not be s�iver of or prxlude the exercise of any right er�3y. . _
<br /> 11. Sn�ors�nd Asrips Bamd:Joiat�ad See�C T:da�iUty;Co�i�ers. �'p:is•:cyeaant�and agree��nis of . .
<br /> t}us Security lnstrument sbsll bind and beaefit tbe suc^.ss:?s�..��ssigns of Lender and Bo����,subjxt to the provisions
<br /> _ of puagraph 17.Boaowe�s covtnants and agreeffi�;�s.'�a?i belaint and several.Any Bonaxva arhn c�.,.^�igns this Security
<br /> firnstrumtnt but doea not exxute the Note:(a)is c�-b:gning this Security Instrument only to mare,��3�,grant and convey � .
<br /> that Borrower's intcrest in the Property under the tern�s of this Security Instrument;(b)i�r�t perso:.�:iy obligated to pay �
<br /> the sums secured by this Security lnstniment;and(c)agrees that Lertder and any other 16orrower may agree to extend, .
<br /> modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Nate withont
<br /> that Borrowcr's conseut.
<br /> 12. Lon Gl�ar�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjxt to a law whicls�s maximum loan ,
<br /> chArges, and th�t law is anslly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected�r to be collocted in '�� �,
<br /> connxtion v►�r.�the loan excad the permitted limits, then: (a�any such toan charge shall be reducod by the amount
<br /> necessary to reduce tht charge to the petmitted limit;and(b)a..y sums alrcady cofleeeed from Barrower which eacceded . ;�
<br /> permitted timits will b�c�nded to Borcower. Ler,..�er may ehoose to make this refund by reduc6ng�the principal owed � ""
<br /> ' under the Note or by maSc�c�g s direct payment to Liarr,owes.If a refund reduca principal,the reaic��oa svill be treated as a ��
<br /> partia!prepaymrnt without any prepayc�esst ch���der the Note. `
<br /> 13. I,egblatios AReetSe� Lcedi�s At�hb. li enactment or eapiration af applicable laws has the eSect of
<br /> rendering u�y provision of the Note ar tF�is Seeurity Instrument unenforceable according to its terms�Lender.at its option, � �
<br /> may roq�ire immodiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies � .
<br /> permitted by parsgraph 19.lf Lender ezercises this aption.Lendtr shall take the steps spccified in the second paragraph of
<br /> puagrsph 17.
<br /> i�. N�rtlea. Any notice to H�ilcrower provided for in t:b�5 Security lnstrument shall bo given by deliverir,.r�:;or by
<br /> mailing it�Y� frst class mail unless a��'.icable law roquites�e af another method. The notice shaQ be direcr.e�r�the
<br /> Property Ad:sess or any other address Borrower daignates by notice to I.ender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by �
<br /> flrot class mail ta Lender's address stated herein or b.r.ty other address Lender designates by notice to Bc�c:r�wer.Any notice
<br /> ptovided'for ia this Security lnstrumens shall be de+a�ed to havt been given to Borrower ar Lender wlce_r;given as provided
<br /> in this puagra:ylFi.
<br /> ]5. Gqyetnisa Lw;Se�enbiiity. This Security lnstsu:ment shall be governed�N*e3eral law and the taw of the
<br /> jdrisdietion in which the Property is tocated. ln the tvent that any provisian or clause oP this Sesuri ry lnstrument or the
<br /> Note canflicts with applicable law,such wnflict ska11 not sffect other provisions of this Security lrzst��mcnt or the Note
<br /> -- which can be given effect without the conflictieg provision.To this end the provisions of this Seeun.ti•y°Instrument and the
<br /> � Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. �rawer's CoPy. 8orrower shall be givrn one cGr,1`ormed copy of the Note,anc!of this Security lnstr=.�ment.
<br /> 17. Tram�ttr of t6e Property or s Be�eeflcial Interest in Borrower. 1P al1 or a::y pa�t of thc Property or any
<br /> interat in it is sold or transftned(or if a bentftciat interest in Horrower is sold or transferred ar�d Bore�wer is not a natural ..
<br /> � person)without Lender's prior written cansent,I.znder may.at its option.tequire immediate payment in fuq of all sums
<br /> secuted by this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be eaercised by L.ender if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> federAl law as of the date of'this Secuncy Instrument.
<br /> 1f Lender exercises this aption.l.ettder shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shal)pravide a periad '` `�— -
<br /> � of not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by
<br /> this Stcurity lnstrument.If Borrower fails to pgy these sums prior ta the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> — remedies permitted by this Security lnsttument without funher notice or demand on Banower.
<br /> , E�.p.�.-tC�-s*a�:d;�!!a P.t! • ��• If H�raQS�u mcetg ctri?+in c�nditi�nc,Hnrrower shall have the ri�eht to have
<br /> enfurcement of this Secunty Instrument discantinued et any t9mc prios to the earli�r af:la)5 days(or sucb���her perind as
<br /> applicable!aw may specify+for reinstatemcnt)before sale pf the Property pursuant to�ny power oPsate containcd in this -;�
<br /> ,; � Securit3r instrum:nt;or(b)entty of$judgmtnt enfnrcing this 5eeurity Instrument Thase conditinns are that &�rrower: ��
<br /> (o�piys Lender all sums which then would be due under this Stcurity tns�rumtnt and ihe Notr had no acc�leration �
<br /> � occutred; (b) cures any default of any other coven�nts nr egrcements:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforc�ng this ��
<br /> ; Secunty Instrumtnt. inctuding, but not limited to. rtasonable attomeys' fees: and Id)Iek:�s such actian as l,ender may w
<br /> -- rasottably requ�re tn gssnte that the lien af thi9 5ecuriry instrument, l.ender's nghts�n the Proprrty and f)orrower'a �''�
<br /> � �: abf�gas�os trr pny tite sum, sccured by this 5ecurity lnstrument shall cont�nue unrh�nged Upc�n remslatemcnt hy � ^�'
<br /> � ` Bosrower.th�s Sccunty f nstrument artd the obl�gahons secured hereby sh�11 ternam full}•effectrve as Tf nc�accele►auon i,ad
<br /> � f''- c��urre� Nciwever,�his nght�a tt�nstate shaft nat apply ur the c�se vf acceleratt��n under para�raphti i i nr 17
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