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<br /> ITN�FORM C�nvEtv�!�'cs. Borrflwer and I.ead�r covenant and agree as fottows:
<br /> � L FaYmEet of Priaciptl a�d Iaterat;Prepoy�aent and Lte C6�ss. Barrawu shall prompt�y pay w�4en due
<br /> tlte prineipal of nnd interat on the deba evidenced by the Note and any pre�aymerit and late charges dut undt�th:Note.
<br /> 2. Fued��or Tana aad Iasanaea Subject to applicable law or to a wntte�waivzr by l.ender,Borrower shal!pay
<br /> ta Lender on the day nsonthly psyments ue due und�t14e Nat�antel tht I�TOtz is p�is1 in fi�ll,a sum t"F��"1 o9ua)to
<br /> orco-trveifth of: (a�YeulY taxes attd assasments which msy attain prinrity over this Setum.,Instcument; (b) Yeu19
<br /> lewsehotd paymenu o� grouad rents on the Pnoperty. if any; (c)Yeuly hsta�td insurans� pasmiums; and (d) Y�tY
<br /> �' atort�e insuruice premiums,if any.Thae items ue called"acrow items."Lendes m�F+�tim�te the Fuads due on the
<br /> besis of current dau md rasonable atisa�ates of future acrow itEms.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposita or accouats oF whic}�are insurad os gusJantad by a federal or
<br /> — state t�eney(including Lesider if Lender is such�n institutian). Lendrs.sh�ll appiy the Funds to psy the acrow items.
<br /> Leader msy not charge for hotding and applying We Funds.aaslyzing th=ac�unt or:verif'Ying tt�ses�sow ite�s,unlas
<br /> L�eader ptys Bonower interest on the Fands and agplicabls Lw pertnits Lende�ta mtJc�e surt�a charg..aosrawer and
<br /> I,eader m�p egree iA writing that interat shall be paid on thr Funds. Unless an ag•rce��t.is made os appti�blr law
<br /> reqyires iat�t ta be paid,Lenaar sball not 6e required to psy Bonawes any irste*est os.eamings�n the Funds.Lender
<br /> s1�U givet�ScrrowEr.a+ithout eharge�an annuil accounting of the Funds sh�wirgcredits aaui d:�itt to[he Fuads and the
<br /> pnrpose for�bich rtc�debit to the Funds aas made.The Funds are ptsal�ci:�s s�sf'stiorz�:�uriYY€��e sams secured by
<br /> this Sectuif:�Instrumcae�.
<br /> � If'the amount of the Fuads iretsi by Leader.togett�er avtth the futore iisorathty�.ymtaets ot Funds payable paor to
<br /> the due dsia of the escraw items.shall exceed tht amotuit required to pay ths escrc�w'stems v�r'hes►due,the excas shall be,
<br /> � u Horro�ver's oprion,�er prompdy repaid to Hatrawer or crediud to Qcsrower on monthly.payments of Funds.If the
<br /> amouni of the Funtfs lr�:�3 by Lender is not su��.�t to pay the escraw it�wha�due,Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br /> emouat nccessary to rrialce up the deSciency ia one or more psyments as c�iired by Lender.
<br /> Upon paymmt in fu11 of all sums securtd by this Security lastrument,Lender shall psornptly refund w Banower ,
<br /> wy Funds held hy Lender.If under paragraph 19 the Proptrtp is sold or acqu'ued by I.ender.Lender shall apply,no later
<br /> than immedistely prior to the sale of the�roperty or its acq-��:=sition by Lender, any Funds hsld by Lender at the dme of
<br /> � application as s credit against the sums secured by this Socuri�y Instrument.
<br /> 3. A�tk�atlon oi Fiymenti. Untas applicibte le��erovides otherwise,e11 p�Yments re�s�ed by 1.ender under
<br /> p�rs�ir��and 2 shaU be applied:f�st,to Iste ch�rges�ue c�der the Natr,secvnd.w prepayma:t charges due undar the
<br /> 1�'ot�rhin�to�mmouata psyable nnCe.pusgraph 2;fau�.t:i�terat due;and last�to principal due.
<br /> �. �Yarp�Lie�. Bonower sh�ll pab a[I taaes►uiessments,charges.flna and impasitions sttrib�c�sls to th� �
<br /> Property ahicb m�y �uite priority,aver this �rurity lnasrumrnt, t¢c��rasehotd psyments or ground rra:�. if any. .
<br /> Bocso�vtr��11 pRy thae oblig�tiona in the m�nnet provided in pan8rag�a Z;or if not paid in th�t minner�Barr��rer alu��
<br /> psy tbem on time directly to the person oaed payment.Ba�wer�hall promptly fumish to Lender all notices���[rnounta
<br /> to be paid under this para�raph. If Dorrower mwlces these pa�y�ments directly�Borrower shall prompdy furni�.��o Lender
<br /> receipts evidericing the p�ymenta.
<br /> Horrarver sh�ll promptiy diechu�e any Eica which bas priorlty over thit Security Instrum�c unless Borro�ver:(a)
<br /> a=rea in Mdtin j to the pyment pf the obli�atiar�c r�sred by the lien in a m�aner acceptsble to Lri�;(i�)contests in good
<br /> faith the iien by,or defends�n�t enfoscemerit di t2�e Ifie�:a.leyil proceedjnp Mbich in the Le�''.�xr's opinion operate to �
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any�a.�c of the Property;or(c)s�res frat�t�s hotder cf the lien ar� _
<br /> t�rament aati�fictory w I.eader subordinadng�ke lien to this Seaurity Instrument.If Lender��:�sinea thaY�ny patt a�
<br /> the Propercy is subjeet so s lien whioh msy etc�:�paority over thi�Sorurity lnstrument,Ler�3Gr msy give 8atrower�
<br /> notiee identifyinj the tc�.8onower ehtll eatisff the lien or take one or rnore of the�ctions set forth sbove within 10 days :,
<br /> of tbe pvin j oPnotice.
<br /> S. H�Insun�ce. BQC�awer sh�ll keep the improvements now existing or hera�fter erectcd on t�t�Propercy
<br /> insured ajaiast loa by Arc.huud�includod witr.in t'�e ten:�"extended cover��e"and my other h�zarda for which Lender ,
<br /> requites inswtnce.This insurance shall be rars���ined in the smounts and for the periods tlut Lender rcquires. 'fhe '.
<br /> insuruice curier pr�vidin�the insurucce sh�be ehosen by BorroMer subjcct to Lender•d approval wbioh shall nat be '•.
<br /> unrauonably Mithhetd. ,
<br /> Ali fnsur�nce polialw�nd reriew�ls ehdl be accegFS�1e to Lender and sht�l€z.�lude s sundud mflrt�ge clause.
<br /> Lender iha11 h�ve the right to hold the policies and rene��x=Tf Lendu requires,Bar�ower�hail promptty giva to Lender
<br /> all raxipu oP ptid premiums�nd renewal notica.In the ever.:t of los�,Borrower ehill�ive prompt notice to the ineunnce
<br /> canier and Lender.Lender m�y m�ke proof oPloss i!'not madr ps�mptlg ny Bomower.
<br /> Unleas Lerider and Bonower otherwise�jra in writir.�iaiur�nce proceeds shsll be�pplied to re�tontton or rcpc:r
<br /> oPthe Proporty dsms�ed�if the ratoration or reqis is ecan�smic�lly feasibte and Leader'e aecurity is not lesser:e�d.If the
<br /> raWntic�or repsir is not ecanumically fwible or LendePe�aeurity wouid be leuened�tha iniursnce proceeds sha11 be
<br /> _ sDplied to the sum��ecuted by this Security 1n�trumtnt�whether or not thsn due,with any eacss�paid to Horrower,IP
<br /> -- Eosro�vet abandon�the Property.or doa not answer within 30 d�ys�notia fram Lender that the insur�na carrier hs�
<br /> � o��red t.n acttle��laim�thrn Ltnder msy collect the insuruice proceeds.Lender m�y u�e the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Pmper�y or to pay sum�exured by this Secnr�ty Iaatrument,whether or not thrn dLe.The 30�day penod will begin
<br /> when t�tc notia is pven.
<br /> Unksf L�eeder and Borrower otherwise ajree in Nritina�a,ny�pplication of proceeda to prinaipal shal!not extcnd or
<br /> portpone the due d�tt c�f'the monthly p�yments referred to in paragraphs 1�nd 2 or chtn�e the amount of the Daymrnts.lf
<br /> ""� un�er ptra�taph 99 t�he Ptoperty i�acquired by Lendtr,Borrower's right to any inaurance policies end proceeds raulting
<br /> from daa•aje to the Property priar to the acquisition sh;ll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Inttru�:atnt immediatety prier to tke acquisition. ;- �--"
<br /> � 6. PreMr��Hon ua Mdnten�nce o!Pro�;I�elwidr. Borrowtr shall not destroy,d�mage or subst�nti�lty
<br /> ehan�e the Properly. sllow the Fropeny co deterionte or commit w�ste. if this Security Instrument is on a lasehold.
<br /> , Honower e}ul!confply with the provisions of the lease.�nd if Horrowet tcquires�ee title to the Property,the leasehold ma
<br /> tee titkttull aot mer�eunta�I.enderaareea to the merger in�ritih�.
<br /> 7. Protecdoe o! LeAde�`s It1�v In tbe Properey; Mottp�e �nfurance. ff Barrower fails ro per�orrn ii-�e � ;
<br /> covenanU�rtd�areements cantainad in this Security inserument.or there is e legal procading thit m�y signiflcantly�Rect w
<br /> L Lettder'e riahts in the Property(such a�a ptoceeding in bankruptcy.probue, for eondemnstion or to enforce laws or �
<br /> re�ulitions),then Lender m�y da and pay for wh�tever is necesssry to protect the val�e of the Ptopeny and Lender'E r1$f►t5
<br /> � in the property. Lender's actions rruy include pfying any sum�stcured by a lien wHich has pnority over this Secunty �r
<br /> instrument,appearing in coun,p�y�ng rrasona6le attorneys'fces�nd entenng on the Prnperty �o make repa�ts Afthaug�
<br /> : � Lender mry toke acttnn under this parsgraph 7.Lendtr does nnt hwe tndo so. �f
<br /> - — Any smounts disburse4 by i.ender undrr thia paregrsph'1 shai3 became addm�nal d�bt of Borrower secused by this fi•
<br /> � rr. Security Instrument.Unless$ortower ssnd Lsn@er agree to athtp te�ns of paym�nt,these amounts shall bear mterrst from
<br /> -+►� the date of disbursemtnt at the f3ote ra3e and shall t�e payc►bte, wsth �ntere�t, uqon rtattce irom t.ender to Qarr�wet
<br /> �,� rcquestina payment
<br /> t ��`;
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