2� 17� 1481
<br /> C]�ED �F TRU�T
<br /> Laan No: �[]'�3�234$ ��Dntlnued� Page 3
<br /> s❑ lang as Trustor h�� nvti�ied Lender in writinc� privr t❑ d�ain��a and s❑ long as, in Lender's sale❑piniQn, Lender's
<br /> in�eres�s in the Proper�y ar� not jeopardi��d, Lender may requi�e Trustv�- t�a pvs� adequate securi�y or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfactary ta Lender,to pra�ect Lender's in�ere�t.
<br /> ❑uty tv Prote�t. Trus�or agrees nei�h�r �o abandon ❑r lea�e unat��nded fihe Prop�rty. Trustor sha�� da afE ❑ther
<br /> ac�s, in additson to�hose ac�ks se�fo�th ab��e in�this se�tion, which��om the charac�er and use af the Proper�y are
<br /> r�asonably neGessary�o protect and preserve the Prvperty.
<br /> ❑UE❑N SALE- CONSENT gY LEN�]ER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ian, declare imm�diately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by�his Qeed o�Trus�upc�n the sale ar�r�ns�er, with�ut Lender's pr�ior written Gonsent, of all ❑r �ny par�of�he
<br /> Real Property, ar any interes� �n�he R�al Property. A "sale or trans�er" means the conveyanGe o� Real P�operty❑r any
<br /> right, �i�le or interes� in the Rea! Praperfiy; whefiher legal, beneficial ar equitabl�; wh�ther valunfiary or involuntary;
<br /> whe�her hy autright sale, d��d, ins�allmenfi sale con�ract, land �ontract, cvntrac�k far deed, �easehvld Fnt�rest with a
<br /> term greater�han three ��} years, lease-vp�ian cantract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of any b�neficial intere��in
<br /> ar t� any ��nd trust hofding �i�le �a �he Real �raper�y, vr by any o�h�r meth4d o� c�nveyanGe o# an in�ere�t in the Re�l
<br /> Properfiy. l� �ny Trustor is a corpvra�ivn, partner�hip ar limited liabElity cvmpany, tran��er alsv includes any change in
<br /> ❑wnership ❑f more than twenty��i�e per�ent ��5°��} of the�vfiing s�ock, partnership int�r�sts �r�imited liabili�y campany
<br /> inter�s�s, as the Gase may he, of such Trustor. HQvvever, this aption shaf f nv� be exercised by �ender if su�h eacer�ise
<br /> �s prohibified by��deral law ar by Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�ES ,A,ND L1EN5. The �vllvwing pra�isi�ns re�ating tv the �axes and liens an �he Praperty are p�r� of�his D�ed o�F
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen�. Trustor shair pay when due �and in �II euenfis privr ta delinquency� a!I�axes, specia[taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges {including water and ���v�r}, finss and impasitians �e�ied against or on accaunt of the Property, and sha11
<br /> pay when due aIE claims for v►rark done on ❑r�nr ser�ices rendered ar ma�erial �urnished tv the Pr�p�rty. Trustar
<br /> shal! maintain the Proper�y free o�all liens ha�ing priari�y�ver�r equal t��he infier�st of Lender under this Qeed o�
<br /> Trust, except for �he lien af taxes and �ssessments nv� due and excep� as otherw�se pro�id�d in this Deed ❑�F
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right�o �ontest. Trustor may wi�hhald paymen�❑f any tax, as�essment, c�r claim in connec�ion wi�h a good �ai�h
<br /> dispute o�er the obfiga�ion to pay, sv long as Lender's interest in the Proper�y is not jeapardized. lf a lien arises �r
<br /> is fi�ed as a resul� of nonpayment, Trustor shall within �Fifteen {�5y days after the lien ar�ses or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fift�en �'!5� days after Trustar has notice ❑f the filing, �e�ure the dischar�e a��he lien, or if r�quested hy
<br /> Lender, depasit wi�h Lend�r cash❑r a su�i�ient c�rpara�e surety bond or other securi�y satis�ac�ory ta Lender in �n
<br /> amr�un��u��icient�❑ dis�harge fihe lien plus any �os�s and ���orneys' fees, or ��her charges �ha�Gc�uld a�crue as a
<br /> resul�a�a fa�e��osure❑r s�le under the lien, ln any contes�,Tr����r shall defend i��el�and Lender and shai�satis�y
<br /> any ad�erse judgment he�vr� enforcement agains�the Property. Trus�ar shall name Lender as an addi�ional abligee
<br /> under any surety band furnished in the cQntest prv�eedings.
<br /> Evidenee a��P�ymen#. Trus�or shafl upon demand �urnish tQ Lender sa�isfac�ory e�iden�e of payment of the taxes
<br /> vr assessments and shall authorize the �pprvpriate ga�ernmental offiicEa!�Q deli�er to Lender a�any time a wrifi�en
<br /> s�a��ment�f the fiaxes and assessments against th� Prvper�y.
<br /> Na�ice a��vnstruc��vn. Trus�ar sha�l noti�y L�nder at �east�ift��n 4�5} days before any w�r� is c�mmenced, any
<br /> services are furnished, or any mate�r�als are supplied�o the Property, i� any mechani�'s lien, materialmen's �ien, or
<br /> a�her lien could be asserted an accoun� vf the work, services, or mater�als. Trusfior will upon request ❑� Lend�r
<br /> furnish tv Lender ad�an�� assurances satisfac�vey �v Lender that Trus�vr can and will pay the cvst v# such
<br /> imprp�emen�s.
<br /> PR�PERTY aA1VIAGE INSURANC�. The fiollvwing prv�isions rela�ing�Cv insuring the property are a par�a��his ❑eed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenance of Insu�ance. Trustor shall pxacure and maintain palicies af fire insurance wi�h s�andard extended
<br /> co�erage en�orsemen�s �n a #air �aEue basis for� the full insurable �alue co�ering all Impro�ements on the Real
<br /> Prape�ty in an amvunt sufi�icient �❑ a�aid application o� any �vinsurance clause, and wi�h a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clau�e in fa�ar vf Lend�r. Tru�tor shal! alsQ pro�ure and main�ain camprehensiW� general �iabili�y insuran�e in su�M
<br /> co�erar�e amoun�s as Lender may r�quest wi�h Trustee and Lender b�ing named as additianal insureds in such
<br /> liability insuran�e policies. Additiona�ly, Trustvr shall maintain such vther insurance, including hut nat limited t�
<br /> ha�ard, 1�usiness interruption, and boi[er insurance, as Lender may reas�nably requEre. Pali�ies shali be written in
<br /> form, amount�, c��erages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a campany ❑r Gompanies
<br /> reasanably accep�a�le �t❑ Lender. Trustca�, upan reques# vf Lender, will deli�er ta Lender fram time �ko time �he
<br /> pvlicies r�r G�rti�icat�� r��insuranc� in�orm satis�actory t� Lender, including s�ipulatians tha�co�era�es wilE na-� be
<br /> canc�l�ed �r diminished �rvithvu� a� �east �en {�D� days prior wrEtten nvt�ce ta L�nder. Ea�h �nsur�nce poiicy also
<br /> shal! include an endorsemen�pr�Widing tha�co�erage in fa�Qr❑�L�nder will not be impaired in any way by any ac�,
<br /> ❑mission or default o�Tru��ar or any �th�r persvn. 5hould the C�ea1 Property be Ivcat�d in an area designated by
<br /> �he Administra�vr o��the Federa� Emergency Management Agency as a special #laad ha�ard area, Trusto�- agrees �❑
<br /> obtain and m�intain Federaf Fiood lnsurance, if a�aila?�le, `rvi�hin �C-5 days a�ter no�ice is gi�ren by Lender tha� the
<br /> Property is �vcated in a speGial flood ha�ard area, �or the �ull unpaid prin�ipa� bafance❑f the lo�n and any prior lier�s
<br /> on fih�property s�curin��he�flan, up to�h� maximum policy I�mits se�under�he Natianai Flood lr��uran�e Program,
<br /> or as o�Cherwise required by Lender, and to maintain such insurar�ce fo�-the term o��he loan.
<br />