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2� 17� 1479 <br /> res�den��al uses and to maintenanc�of�he Prflperty�inc�uding,but not limited�o,hazardous subs�ances <br /> in cnnsumer products}. <br /> Borrower sha�l pro�nptly g�ve Lender wr�t�en not�ce of�a�any inv�st�gatian,claim, demand,lavvsui�ar <br /> other ac��on by any governmental or r�gulatary a�ency or p��zva�e party invol�ing th�Proper�y and any <br /> Ha2ardous Subs�ance or En�ironmental Lavw flf v�hich Barrower has actual knou�Iedge, �b} any <br /> Env�ronm�ntal �ond�tion, inc�uding bu� not 1imi�ed to, any spilling, leaking, d�s�harge, rel�ase or <br /> �hr�at of release of any �azardaus Substane�, and �c� an� condition caused by the presence, use or <br /> release af a Hazard�us Substanc� �nrh�ch ad�erse�y affec�s the value of �he Property. If Borrou�er <br /> lcarns, or �s not��ed by any gavernmen�a� or regulatory authority, or any private party, tha� any <br /> remo�al or ather remed�a�i�n af any Ha2ardous Substance affec�ing the Pr�perty is necessary, <br /> Borrov�er sha11 promptly �ake a11 necessary rernedial ac��ons in accordance wz�h Enviranmenta� Law. <br /> Nothing her�in sha11 create any obliga��on on Lend�r for an Environmental C��anup. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM.��VENANTS.Borro�nrer and Lender further co�enant and agree as fo�lows: <br /> 22, Acceleratian; Reme�ie5. Lend�r 5ha�� g��ve not��e to Borrower priar to accelera�ian fol�ow�ng <br /> Barrower's br�ach of any co�enant vr agreement in this Secur��y Ins�rum�nt tbut na� pr�or t❑ <br /> acc�lerati�n under Sect�on 18 uni�ss Applicab�e Law pro��des othervvise). The no���e shall <br /> specify: (a} the d�fault; �b) the action requrred �o cure the defau�t; (c} a date, nv� less than 30 <br /> days from the date the natic��s g��en to Borrvwer, by whi�h the d�faul� must be cured; and (d} <br /> tha� failure to �ure the default on ar �efor� th� date specifed in the notice may rQ�u�t in <br /> acce�erat�on of the�ums se�ured by this Security Instrumen�and sale of the Property. The notice <br /> shaxx further rnform Borrower of the right�a re�n��ate af�er acce�eratian and the right ta bring a <br /> caurt a�t�on to a5s�r� th� non-ex�stence of a default or any other defense af Bflrrawer to <br /> accelerat�on and sa��. If �h� defaul� �s nat cured on or �efore the date spe�ifed in the not�ce, <br /> Lender at its vpt�on may require immed�ate payment in fur� vf all�ums s�cured by this S�curity <br /> Instrument without further demand and may invoke the pawer af sa�e and any other remed�es <br /> perm�tted hy App�icable LavW, Lender sha�� be ent�tled to c�l�ect all Qxpenses �n�urr�d in <br /> pursuing the remed�es pro�ided in �hXS Se�t�on 2�, inc�uding, but not limited to, reasonable <br /> a��orneys' fees and co5ts�f��tle eWidence. <br /> If the power of sai� is �n�aked, Trust�e sha�� record a notice of defau�t xn ea�h �ounty in wh�ch <br /> any part of the Property is lvcated and shall mail copies ❑f such natice in the manner prescriloed <br /> by Appiicab�e Law fio Borrower and to the oth�r persons prescribed by Appli�able Law. After <br /> the time required hy Applicable Law, Trustee sha�� give publ�� not�ce of 5a�e tv �he p�rsons and <br /> xn the manner prescr�bed by Appl�cable Law. Trustee, without demand on Borrawer, sha�� sell <br /> the PrapQrty a� pub��c auction to the highest bidder at the time and pla�e and under �he termrs <br /> des�gnated �n the notice af sale �n one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. <br /> Trustee may postpone sa�e of a�l or any parcei of the Property by public annaunc�m�nt at the <br /> t�me and p�ac� of any previ�usiy s�heduied sa�e. Lender or it5 designee may purcha�e the <br /> PropQrty at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of paym�nt af�h� price bid, Trust�e shaxx deliver to the purchaser Truste�'s deed <br /> con�eying th� Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fac�e e��dence of the <br /> truth vf the statemen�s made therein.Trustee sha��appZy the proceed5 of the sale in the fo��ow�ng <br /> order: �a} to all costs and expens�s af exercising the power of sale, and the sale, inc�udxng the <br /> payment of the Trusteers fees actua��y �ncurred and reasona�l� a��orneys' fees as permitted by <br /> App�icab�e Law; �b� ta ail sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt; and �c} any excess to the <br /> per�on ar persans Zega�ly entitl�d�o it. <br /> i�lEBFtASKA-Single�amily-Fannie iNaelFreddie,�'lac LJi�lI�URi�'I I�iSTRUtV1Ei�T Form 3U28 1101 <br /> ���3Q4-2�16 Compiiance 5ystems,Ir►c.cS I c 1 cfe-bd2059ee-20 l G.482.1.4 �-� <br /> Single Fanuly Rea�Estatc-Security Instrun�er►t DL2U47 Pagc 13 of 14 ��� WWW.C�Iri�]i1�T1CCSy5l�I]7S.Cd[Tl <br /> � <br /> i �;;';i'�j;�' !�I':i;;�� i'�''i� j�::�'i !'�i' ��'! li�lI��'' �';; 'j'I ����i j li�����i��'i I{ '�j���:�:�j:;;'I 'i i i;' <br /> � !::I!�'�i i �I'l l�II �I! 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