2� 17� 1479
<br /> ta pay the sums secured by �his Security �nstrument, shall cont�nue unchanged. Lender may require
<br /> that Bflrrow�r pay such r�ins�atement sums and expenses in ane or more of�he fol�owing forms, as
<br /> se�e�ted by Lender: �a} cash; �b} money order; �c} ce�-�if�cd check, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashi�r's check, pro�ided any such check�s drawn upon an instztution whose depos�ts are insured by a
<br /> federa� agency, instrum�ntality or entity; or �d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstatcmen� by
<br /> Borrower, this Security�nstrument and ob�xga�ions s�cured hereby sha�l remazn fu�ly effective as if no
<br /> acc;e�eration had occurred. Ho�vever, th�s righ� to r�ins�a�e shall not apply in the case of acceleration
<br /> under Sec�ion �$.
<br /> 2�. Sale of Note; �hange of Loan Ser��cer; Na��ce af Grie�ance. The Na�e ar a par�ial �nterest in the
<br /> Nate �together wi�h �hrs Security �n�trument} can be soid one or m�rc �imes without priar no�xce ta
<br /> Borrower. A sale m�gh� resu�� in a change zn �he ent�t� �knov�n as tihc "Loan Servicer"} �ha� co��ects
<br /> Per�adic Pay�nentis du�under�he Not� and this Securi�y�nstirum�n�and perfarms other m�r�gage �oan
<br /> ser�icing obligations under�he Note, this Securi�y �ns�rurnent, and Applicable Law. Thcr� also m��ht
<br /> be one or mare changes of the Loan Ser��cer unrelated�a a sale of the Not�. If there is a change of�h�
<br /> Laan Ser�icer, Borrower will be given wri��en notice of the change wh�ch �vill state the name and
<br /> addre�s of �he new Loan Scr�icer, �he address to vvhich payrnents should be made and any o�her
<br /> informat��n RESPA requires in connec�i�n �i�h a no�ice of�ransfer af ser�icing. If�h� Note is sold
<br /> and thereaf�er the Lflan is serviced by a Loan Serv��cer o�her �han �he purchaser of the No�e, �he
<br /> mor�gage �oan servi�ing obligations �o Barro�ver v�ill rema�n with the Laan Ser��cer or b��ransferred
<br /> to a successor Laan Servicer and are no�assumcd by�he Note purchaser unless a�h�rvvise provided by
<br /> the Na�e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may com�nence,�oin, or be j ained ta any j udi�ial action �as either an
<br /> indi�idua� li�igant or �he member of a c�ass} tha� aris�s frnm �he other par�y's actions pursuan�ta this
<br /> Security Instrumen� or that alle��s tha� the other par�y has brea�hed any provzsion of, ar any du�y
<br /> owed by reas�n of,this Security�nstrument,un�i1 such Borrower ar Lender has notifed the other par�y
<br /> �v�i�h such notice gi�en in comp�xancc w��h the requirem�n�s of Section 1 S} of such alleg�d breach and
<br /> afforded �h� o�her par�y her�to a reasonable period after the givxng of such no��ce to �ake correc�ive
<br /> action. �f Applicab�e Law provides a�ime period v�hich must elapse before certain ac�ion can be�aken,
<br /> tiha� time p�r�od wil� be d��med to be reas�nable for purpas�s of this paragraph. The na�ic� of
<br /> acce�eration and apportunity �o cure giv�n to Barrawer pursuant �o Section 22 and tih� no�ice of
<br /> acc�lera�ion giv�n to Borrowcr pursuan� to Sec�ion I$ shall be deemed �o satisfy �he nat�ce and
<br /> opp�r�unitiy to�ake corrective ac��on pro�i�ions of�his Secti�on Z�.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substanee5. As used �n this Sec�ifln 21: �a} "Hazardaus Substances" ar�those subs�ances
<br /> defined as toxic ar hazardous substances, pallu�an�s, or wastes by En�ironmen�a� Law and �he
<br /> f�llowing substances: gasolinc, kero�ene, o�hcr flammable or �oxic petraleum produc�s, taxic
<br /> pesticides and herb�cides, �ola���e sol�ents, ma�erials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials; �b} "Env�ron�n�n�a1 Law" means fed�ra��aws and lav�rs of the�urisdic�ion�uher�
<br /> the Property �s located that r��ate �o heaith, saf��y or environmen�a� pro�ec�ion; �c� "Environmental
<br /> Cleanup" �ncludes an� response ac�inn, remedial ac�ion, ar remo�a� ac�ion, as defined in
<br /> Environmen�al Law; and �d} an "En�ironmen�al Cond��ion" means a condi�i�n �hat can cause,
<br /> co�tribu�e t�,ar o�her�nris�trigger an En�ironmental��eanup.
<br /> B�rro�cr sha�l n�t cause or permit the presence, us�, d�sposa�, storage, flr r��ease of any �3azardous
<br /> Substances, ar thr�aten tfl release any Ha2ardous Subs�ances, on ar�n�he Property. Borrawer shall no�
<br /> do, nor a11ow an�one clse to dfl, any�hing affec�zng the Property �a} �hat is in �iolation of any
<br /> En�rironmen�a� La�v, �b� which creates an En��ronmental Condi�xon, or��)vvh�ch, due to�he presence,
<br /> use, �r re�easc �f a Hazardous Subs�anc�, creates a condi�ian tha� adversely affects �he �a1ue af�he
<br /> Property. The preceding�o s�nten�es sha�� no�apply to the presence, us�, or stnrage on�he Property
<br /> of sma�l quan�ities of Hazardous Subs�anccs that are generally rec�gnized to be apprapria�e to normal
<br /> �iEBRASKA-Single l�amiiy-Fannie fViael�reddie��ac UNiFURM 1'�STRUiNENT Fnrn�3U28 1101
<br /> C 20Q4-2fl16 Catnpliar�ce Systeins,Inc.eSlcicfc-bd2459ee-2�1G.4$2.1.4
<br /> Single�'amily Real Estate-Se�urity Itistrumeni DL�D47 �'age i 2 aF 14 � www.con��liancesystcrns.can�
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