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2, Application�f Payments or Proceeds.Except as other�ise desc�ibed in this 5ection 2, all payments <br /> accepted and app�ied by Lender sha��be applied in the following order of priority: �a}�nterest due under the <br /> Note;�b}principal due under the Note;�c}arxaounts due under S�c�ian 3. Such pa�ments�ha�l be agpiied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order in which it�ecame due, Any remaining amounts shall be applied f�rst to <br /> late charge�,sec�nd to any other amounts�ue und er th�s Secur�ty Instrument,and then to reduce the <br /> princ�pal balance of the Note, <br /> If Lender recei�es a payment from Borrower for a de�inquen�F�riodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> amour�t to pay any late charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquen�payment and the late <br /> charge.If more than ane Periodic Payment is outstanding,Lender may apply any payment recei�ed from <br /> Borrower to t�e repayment of the P�riodiu Payments if,and t�the extent that, eaeh payment can be paid�n <br /> full.To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of ane or more <br /> ��riodic Payr�rien�ts,such excess may be applied�o any�ate charges due.Vo�untary prepa�ments shall be <br /> applied first to any prepayment charges and#hen as described in the Note. <br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceed�,ar Mxscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Note <br /> shall not exte�d or postpone t�ie�ue date,ar change the amaunt,of the Periadic P�yments. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Es�row�#ems. Borro�ver sha11 pay to Lender on the day Periadic Payments are due under the <br /> Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum�the "Funds"}ta pro�ide for payment af amounts due for: �a)taxes <br /> and assessments and ather items�uhich can attain priority over this�ecurity Instrument as a lien ar <br /> encumbrance on the Property; (b}leasehald payments or ground rents an the Propert�,if any;(c}premiums <br /> for any and all insurance required by Lender un�er Section 5;and�d}Martgage insurance prerniums,if any, <br /> or an��ums gayable by Borrower to Lender in tieu of the payment of Mortgage I�asura�ce premiurns in <br /> accordance v�ith the provisions of Section 1�,These itcros arc called"Escrow Items."At origination or at <br /> any time during the term of th�Loan,Le�der rnay reyuu-e that Community Association Dues,Fees,and <br /> Assessments, if any,be escrowed by Borrot�ver, and such dues, fees and assessments shail be an Escrow <br /> Item.Borrower sha�1 promptly furnish to Lender all aotices af amounts to be paid under this Section, <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds�`or Escrow���ms u�l�ss Lender�aives Borrower'�ob�igation to pay <br /> the Funds for any or a11 Escrow Items. Lender may waiv��3orro�ver's obligat�on to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or a��Escrow Items at any time.Any such wai�er may only�e in writ�ng. In the e�ent of such wai�er, <br /> Borrawer shal�pay directly,when and where payable, the amounts du�for any Escrow Items for which <br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and,if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender rece�pts <br /> e�idencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borro�er's o�ligat�on to make <br /> sueh payments and to provtde ieceipts sha��for all purposes be deemed to be a cavenant aad agreemea� <br /> contained in this Security Instrumcnt,as th�phrase"c�venant and agreement" is u�ed in Section 4.�f <br /> Barrower is ob�igated to pay Escrow Items dir�ct�y,pursuant to a wai�er,and�orr�wer fails to pay the <br /> arr�ount due f��r an Es�rQw Item,Le��ier ma}�exe�cise its�ri�ht�t�r�der Sectiat�9 and pa�such arriount and <br /> Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to r�pay to Lend�r any such amount.Lender may re�okc <br /> the waiver as to any ar a11 Escr�w Items at any time by a notice given in ac�ordance with Se�tion 15 and, <br /> upon such revocation, Barro�ver shall�ay�a Lender a�l Funds,a�d in such amounts,that are then required <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may,at any time,caitect and hold Funds in an arnount�a}sufficient ta permit Lender to app��the <br /> Funds at the time speci�ed under RESPA,and(b)aat to exceed the max�mum amount a Iender can require <br /> under RESPA.Lender shall estima�e the amount af Funds due tan the basis af current da�a and reasonable <br /> estimates of exp�nditures of fu�ture Escrow�tems or other�ise ir�accordance with Applicable Law. <br /> NE6RA5KA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRLIMENT WlTH MERS Farm 3428 114� <br /> VMP� V4JIPBA(NE}(1342}.fld <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5enrices Page 5 vf 17 <br /> q�33713�7637 4233 358 �517 <br />