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<br /> . . � �� � a a .aa t� � )i:�Mca�,.v t.iu� ._.:i�;..
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<br /> -- . . . . . . . _. _ . . . ..
<br /> l • . . . �
<br /> NaK-UK�FORM CovElvaNTS.Boaowu and I.endrr further covenant and agree as follows: �0��o O`���
<br /> . 19.Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sball �i�e nottce to Bonawu pdor to accelerstion [alto�ring Bonaxer'�
<br /> baeicb ot�ey ca�enaet ar a�eemeat in tbis Secarity Iestrnment(but aoi pdor to accettmtioa und�r pangap6s 13 and 17 �
<br /> anlex?appUcabte[aw�aaddes otherKise).T6e aet�ce sha11 s�ify:(a)the deianit;lb) the act�oa re�uired to cuse the
<br /> � defaul�(c)a datc,not less t�u�3Q d�ys from the date the noifce is gi;en to Bonawer,by wh�ch the defiult�nust be cure�;
<br /> and(d)dtat fstilure to enre tbe defanit on or 6efore t�e date speci8ed in the aatice msy restilt in acceleration of the sums
<br /> secared by this Sec�rity Instrnmtnt and sale of the Property.The notice shall farther[nforei Bosro�es of the righ4 to ,
<br /> rciastite att�es a�[�n�a�tad ihr righ!to bri�g g ca�ri�ctIori ta asserE the no�--exisieare of a det�sit or aa;atber
<br /> defeaae af Borrower to acceleratIon aed sate.If t6e defiult is not cnred on or before tbe dzte specifltd'ea the eotic�Lead�r
<br /> st its opt�on may requjre Qmmedinte paymout in fall of a11 sums secored by tdis Secusity Iastrarnent without furt6es
<br /> deieaad and may ineoke We power of sale and�qy aiher remedies perm�Red by applicabl�la�..Lender shaU 6e entiNed to
<br /> �: caQeat ail espcnses incurred itt purtuing the rt�edIes provided ie tlus paragnph 19, [nc[udin& 6ut eot limited to,
<br /> reasonabie attorneys'fees and costs oltitle eTf dtaoa
<br /> � If the pawer oi sale is inrofced,Trustee sball record a notice of defAUlt ia euh county Ia which any part oP the
<br /> " Property is tocate@ aed aball matl copies olsuc6 natice in the mpansr prescribed by�pplicable liw to Borrower and to t6e
<br /> other persoas pre9cribed by applicab2e 1iR.#.fter the time required by appllcabie tsw,Trustee sh�ll gire public notice of
<br /> sale to the persons�nd in the m'nnw prescr�bed By appueahie law.Trustee,aithout dem9asl aa Bnrm�ver,sl�all sell the
<br /> Prap�ty at pubiic anctFon W tbe 6fghest btdder at the�i�e sad plzce aad under the terms desigaatel ia Ur.c�.rotice of sale in
<br /> o�c�mon par�els aad in any order Trastee deternti�,"�rastee may postpane sale of alI er afly gse�c���a����coperty by
<br /> p,=fiti��ar,a¢�aent at the time�nd pi�r�af a:�n�,�s;ously sc�te�3nled szle. LQnder u�r rt���,e,��'.gt�ar�3�,-«�..-�'��t6e _
<br /> . � �:i}�aif���t���l+�. � � - . � .
<br /> � ��`�.�c�°�St df ps�a�t aF t���rsrx Fru�,,.'�zs�se-s'�+SI��&e����tiz���.°�r?:�stee's �ii�aav�=asg the
<br /> . �zj�e;�..�c�Itals itt�`L`c�s'�e"�.c��s�[[t��:��a�e�s�;�e=�L��t����f*�e sta�te�s�ade t��err�n. ; �
<br /> � . ' 'fi�:�s�[f:�.�y`t6e�ro�.•'s 6f�ee ss��::�t�e f��i��.��r�A,�:C�at��z:l�a��;,€�+���:�,iacla�.�t nat f�.�rir.�d �� � �.
<br /> _�� t�,T*�cstee's C�s�permitted by agaEic�Lry QZW S3���U�G x^.i�r£'�g�51�'?�.4:crLt�b,7.:Ll�5�.*IL5 SL�.'3f��Li;�t�JLS C(3Aic;.�_r. �
<br /> , . �rs�ea�sai�ccf any excess to t6e p��ar gers��`�,�[J c�tiri+��:�i Fx. � � .
<br /> Z{i.d;w�e!tn Possession.Upon acceleratian under par�iro;a i9 or aa:.zdonment of the gra�x�:s; Len��r c��n � '
<br /> person,by ag��or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter uQon,take possessian of and maaa�e t�i�e
<br /> Property and U��oilect the rents of the Fropsrty including thnse past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receivec
<br /> shall be applied�irst to payment of the costs of management af the Property and collection of rents,includin�,but not
<br /> � limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasanable attorneys'fees,and ti�en ta the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. .- •
<br /> 21.RecanYeyance.Upon payment af all sums se:.urec!by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to �
<br /> recunvey the Property and shal!surrender this Security Inslrument and all notes evidencing debt secure<i by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trnstee shall recanvey the Property without warranty and withnut charge to the person or persons �
<br /> legally entitled ta it.Su�ch person or persons shall pay any rewrdation wsts. ; �
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.L,ender.at its option,may from t�me to time remove Ttustee and appaint a successor t rustee
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security lnstrument is recorded. '. -
<br /> Withovt cnnveyance of the Property,the successor trustee sha1)succeed to all the title.pawer and duties conferred upon -
<br /> Trustee herein and by ap�licable law. _ -
<br /> 23.Request for Notices. Bnrrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale bs sent to Borrower's � �_
<br /> ' adAress which is the Property Address. : - �`
<br /> 24.�tiders to this Secue�ty Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recor�ef tab�Iier with �
<br /> , this Security(nstrurrsent.the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and s'raiL amecc�3 and ' �
<br /> ' supplement the covenamts and agreements of this Security lnsirument as if the rider(s) were a part �f this Security '
<br /> lnstrument.[Check applical�le box(es)] �r:
<br /> " _ [] Adjustable Rat� Rider ['j Condominium Rider � 2-4 �',xnily Rider �, i ,ti�'
<br /> � Gra��aated Paymea�t Ridrr (] Planned Unit �evelopment Rider ��
<br /> ❑ Other{s) [specigyj �''
<br /> ,� '�.
<br /> BY Str�1NG SELOw, Borrawer accepts and agrets to the terms and covenants contained in this S�urity ' �
<br /> Instrument ar.d in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. .
<br /> ! . . .... ..................... .. .��;l....f.1�4..�t.c. ..: .��.., �..' .. ..:�..a.:...�. .(Seal)
<br /> ...... ... ... .. . .. . . . .. , ,,. . ...
<br /> . J9rry . �effer Debra L. Jeffers ��� —Sorrower
<br /> .�
<br /> ............................................................................,,........,. .......,.............................................................,.............. .(Seal)
<br /> —8arrower
<br /> S�rn�rf:c��- Nc�Kns►;.�. Hall C'�,umy �s:
<br />_ Un this 1st �;�y �f February ��g 90, n�r��� mc. ihc tuidcrsiEa�cJ. a Notary 1'ublic
<br /> - duly commissioned and yualificd fnr suid cc�unty.persoiiaqy camc Jerry 0. Jeffers and �ebra L. Jeffers _
<br /> each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, .<<�me k»own��hr ihc �
<br /> ' iclentieal per���n.�s) whnse namels) ar� sahscrihed to ±:�c fe�c•��c�in�. instrument and ackno��lccf�_ed the crc�u!i�m
<br /> i ,
<br /> ttaereaf tv� �c i�is / her vnlur.tary act ar�� drrcl. � �' ,
<br /> � �, ��;,c-css �ny hand an�i notarial sral at Gr�r,r Is3ar.-�,r �t��raska ��•:._.:A ,:,_�-:,ti•...:c ,
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<br /> tirilh all utltrr e�tdch[cdttrti�4cca�rcd hy thi� I)rrd�sf"fru;t.lr�rc becn�,:ud iri t�itl. ti'�nr a�z•iir►rh� ili�crlccl��,�a��rc•I..�iil
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