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<br /> If Lender required mortgage ensurance as a condition of making the loan secured by�Security Instsumertt.
<br /> , � Borrower shal!pay the premivms required to maintasn the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br /> � insurance terminates in aceordance with 8orrovuet's and Ixr�der's writt�n agreement or apg�icabte l��v.
<br /> 8. Inspectioa. Lender or its agent m�y make reasonable�ntries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br /> shaU give Borrower notice at che time af or prior to an inspeciion specify�ing reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 9. Caademnatio�. The proceeds af any award or ciaim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with
<br /> any coademnation or othar taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in lieu af condemnation, are hereby
<br /> -- . assigned aad shal!he paid to L.ender. :
<br /> �,,, � ta the event of a tota2 taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secwed by this Security
<br /> � Instrumea�t,whcther or not thert due.with any eacess paid to Banower.in the event of a partia!taking of the Prop�rty,
<br /> - . unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> ths amount of the praceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the total arriount of the surns secured immediately
<br /> � before th�taking,divided by(b)the fair market valur af the Property immediately before the taking Any balance shall be _
<br /> ' paidsoBanower. •
<br /> If ihe Property is abandoned by Bonawer,or if,aftes notice by Lender to Borrower that the cs�nd�mnor offers to
<br /> ra2ake an award or settle a claim fc�r damages,B�rraa-er�a;.ls Eo respond to Lender wit�hirb 3Q days�s'.�ci�ie t]t�notice is '.
<br /> given,Le�er is auEhariaa;,';zo coL.-et aad appl����rr.�`.�,aE its optiar.,either ta ce�tJr�.zicr er s:�°..�-'_-c:�����petty or . . �
<br /> to the su�secured b�tt�:i�yxurity Instrumer�,���eti:�v*wai then d��n .
<br /> U:.'�s Le�����;��rmccer otherwis���-�°e in wr��i;��aay 2���_,:��i�r af,��u,�,s to principal shall mo�»..,s ea�oY .
<br /> postpa�_�1r�ae dat�af the m�:,ylti,���ayments referred:�in�aragrap!as Y and 2 c�rti�•_.;._�°;e the amount of sas����•ments.
<br /> `��� iu:. �tro�ser Not Rele���orbearance$g ��ea Yoi a «'s€ver. Es�s:�ion of the time for p31.m�nt ar
<br /> — " mod'ifca�Lr��f z..:-h-za.tion cf�ce �-�s secnred b; t�is Sect�rity Instrument �.�by Lender to any s•=�essor in
<br /> interest c,�`33:Lra�.�r s�.�i::c�:,��.���s�:re3���'.�:�I���ility of the originai Bonau�er o-�orrowe€'s successers in interes�
<br /> ' Lendzr s��:*cot be rey�r.:ired ta e�.r__r_��:a.�:���in5s aga�nst any successor in intares: OF 2''.rL-S� LO L'?ei4L3 time for
<br /> - paymest��ratherwise modify arr��rc�v�:�a��f�z sums secured by this Security Insttu��nt by re.�a;�oFanG d�nand made
<br /> � , by the original Borrower or Bonower's success�;s in interest.Any forbearance by Lertder in eaercising any tight or remedy
<br /> : shalt not be a waiver of or preclude the eaetcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> , ll. Successors and Asstges Bound;Joint and Severa!Y.iability;Co-signers. The covenants and agreements oP '
<br /> ' this 5ecurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L.ertder and Borrower,subject to the provisions
<br /> : of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants ar�d agreements shall be joint and sevcral.Any Bnrrower who casigns this Security
<br /> instrument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Scrurity lnstrument�nly to mortgagz.grant and canvey , '
<br /> � that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(t�)is not personally obligated ta pay •
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Inslrument:and(c)agrees that Lcnder and any other Borrower may agree t�extend, . �,
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accammodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without �
<br /> that Borrower'sconsent.
<br /> 12. Loan C7targes. If the loan secured by this Secarity Instrument is subject to a law which sets m�ximum loan ' . -
<br /> charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in .
<br /> connection with the laan eaceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any su�h laan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums a3ready collected Prom Barrowcr which eaceeded '; �
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded ta Barrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal o�ved �'
<br /> under the Note or by ma'�.ing a di7�c�payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principa_l,the reductian will be treated as a
<br /> partial prepayment evdtraut a,�s pTe�ayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> ' 13. I.egisla�inn �lffecting Lender's Rights. If enactrrtent or e�piration oi applicable la�vs hns the effezt af' .
<br /> renderinr�any provision of the Note cr this Security Instrument unenforceable accarding to its terrns,Lender,at its optian, ;'
<br /> may rea�uise immediate paymcnt�n full of a!1 sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoY.e 3m� remedirs � :.
<br /> , permittod by paragraph 19.If I.e:^der exercises this option,Lender shall take the scev�.��ecifted in the secand paragraph of '�
<br /> paragreph 17.
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Barra��::-'rTovided for in this Security Instrumenc snaU be given by delivering it or by� �•'�,
<br /> mailing it by flrst class mail urz'ess ap;�'.:�1;T�_]aw requires use c�f another metU��.T':�e nntice shall be directed to the �
<br /> Property Addsess or any other a�L�ress Berrowcr designates by noiicc to l.ender. �#n�� notice to Lender sha11 be given by
<br /> first class mail to Lender s address s2ated here:n or any other addresc Lender designat��by n�tice to Barrower.Any noticc
<br /> provided for in thiy Security lnstrument shall oe deemed tn have been given to Anrrcnver or Lender when given as provide.�
<br /> in this paragraph. •
<br /> 15. Corerning I.aw;Severabllity. This Security Instrument st�all be governed by fedcral law and thc law of the
<br /> _ jurisdietion in which the Property is located. ln the evcnt ihat s�ny pravisian or cls�use of this Security Instrument ar the
<br /> Nate conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shap not�+ffect other provisions of'this Security Instrument ar lhe Noie
<br /> � which can be given effcct w:thout the confticting provision.To this cnd the provi�.ians of this 5ecurity Instrument and thc
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy oP the Note and os this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> 17. Tnnsfer of the Property or a Beneflcial lnterest in Horrower. lf all or any parc oi'thc Pruperty or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borro�ver is sold or transferred and Hnrrower i�not a natural
<br /> � person)withc�ut L,ender's priur written constnt, I.ender may.at its�ptian,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shal) not b��xerciced by ixndcr iP rxercise is prohibited hy
<br /> federat ta�as oPthK�'�r.�af�his�ecurity lnstrument. %`'__ -
<br /> U�E:�:�td:!c;.:±::ss:s this a�ri;,n,Lender shall give Borrower not�_c�:,;accetcratran.'�he-;t:c�3 shall providc:a period '
<br /> • of not(�j:s cl:an?O d;:}°=.frcm the�ate the ttotice is deli��ere�i�a�m�ilec!w;t!�in which�ic:*a�a�er-�?w��ti�;.�1i��stns:�cured b;�
<br /> ' •� this Seeueity lnstrum�_h�e Cf Borrower fails to�;3y�lhese s;;rr:s prinr ta ti;r:�xpiraticfr�of this pe�nc�;.►.ende:�•,:.;m�•nke ainy ;
<br /> retnadita perqnitteci t,x,r.i�ia 5ecurity instrumenc c�rithout further nnticeur demand�n$orruwec.
<br /> ""� 1$.Borrower'�Righe to Reinstate. t"i'�3orrower meets certain conditionti.Horrc�wer SL•�:.�h�ve the right tv have
<br /> � enfurcement of this 5ecurity[nstru�-.ent discnntinued at any time prior to the earlier�f:(a)5 days(vr surh r�ther period as �
<br /> ' � appiic�ble law may speciPy fnr r�t���4atemenl)before sale os the Yroprrty pursuant to�ny pawcr��f'salc ccnuained in this
<br /> Security Insttumet�t:�r(b)enuy�f a judgment enforcins thi�Secunry 1n�trument.7'1»sr ronditivns arc that Qnrrower.
<br /> �"' , (a)p�►ys l.ender all sums which then would be due under this 5erurity Instrumcm and thc Uute had n� accelcration �
<br /> �= ��ccusrrd: (b)cure�any defauh of any other covenants nr �gre�mentti. (c) pay�;aU expcnse�incurred u� enfi�rting this �.
<br /> Security instrumrnt, including, but not I�mited to, reason:�ble attntneys'fees:��nd(d�t��kcti weh actinn as Lendcr may 1t��
<br /> reasa�r�ably rrquire t��assure ti►;.�t the lien of tt�is Security instrument. Ler�tier's nght� tn the i'rnper�} .md 1#,rrow�eti ti r� �-
<br /> obl��ata�n tc� pay thr wms srrutcci hy this 5ecutftv Irrtilrument �hall eemlmae unchan�c�l l�p��ci re�ntitatcmcnt by '' '•
<br /> ftnts�,Het,th«Secunty Intitrun�eul:.u�tl the e�hligati�►nt Srcu�cd hetehy ti�u�l)rrm:nr�(olla eflcclF�•c:���f rta;ccceleruu�,u hxei
<br /> �� nccurred 11���r�eccr.tlu�.rigl�t tn reiutitate�hcili n��t apply u�ttie cas���f c�rrricr.:tu„i�inJer p.ir�et:i��l��1 I��r 17
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