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2� 17� 1458 <br /> Pa��el 1� N u m h��: 4��01�2 4 3 which currentl�ha� the address af <br /> �715 Tn� D i�i s i o n S t ��tr•eet} <br /> Grand I sland �Cr�y}, Nel�r�ska G8 S 0 3 (�Ip �Qde� <br /> �"Property Address"): <br /> T�GETHER�VITH al� the impr��eme�it� naw �r���r�aft�r erected on �he pra�er�y, and a�l eas�m�nts, <br /> appurtenances, and fixture� no��r❑r t�ereafier a part af th� prr�pert�. AII r��lacements an�i additians �hall al�� <br /> �e co�ered b� tl�is 5ecurify Instr�rmen�. A11 �f t��e f�regai��g is referred to in this SQcurit�In�trumeni as the <br /> "Propert�r." 13arrawer understar�ds and agr�es t�lat MERS �inlds on��Iegal title to t��� ir�terests grant�d b� <br /> B�rr���er in �his�ecurit�In�trument, but, if n��e��ary to campl�r tivith ia��r�r custam, IVIERS �as r�amin�e for <br /> Lender and Lender's success4rs and as�igns} �ra� the right: t❑ ex�reise any ar al� of those interest�, incltiding, <br /> but not�itrrit�d �o, tli� ri�h� to fare�I�se aY�fi ��1� tl�e Pt•a�ert�; a��d to take ar�}�actiail required af Lei;d�r <br /> inc�uding, but n�t limited to, releasi�zg and canceling t�iis�ecurit�Instrument. <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS t12a# B�rrai�ver is 1ati�f��l��r sei�ed Qf t��e estate�ier�hy�onveyed and has the right <br /> ta�rant and con�re� t��e Peapert��ant� �hat ���e Pr�perty is ui�encumbered, e��ept for encumbrances of rec�rc�. <br /> Lorrn��rer tivarrants and��Tiil defend generail� t��� title �o the Praper���against aIl claims and demands, su�ject <br /> �o an� �ncumbrances of recard. <br /> THI� SE�[JRITY INSTRUMENT combines un�fUrm cavenants f�r national use and non-uniform covenants <br /> ti��ith limited �rariations b�juris�ictian t� �orlsti�ute a urliform �ecurit� in�trument �ov�ring real propert�. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENA[VTS. Borro�er and Lericler eovenant and agr�e as fal�a���s: <br /> 1. Payment af �rir�cipal, int�rest, Es�r�w I�em�, and Late �har�es. Borro��rer shall pay�rh�n due <br /> the principa� of, and inter��t an, the d�bt e�ridenc�d b� the Not� and Iate c�iarges due under the N�t�. <br /> Borr��ver shall also �a�funds for Escrativ It�ms �ur�uant t❑ �e�tian 3. Payments due under tl�e Nate and <br /> t��is 5e�ur�ty Instrument shall be made in U.S. currenc�. Howe�er, if any c�ieck ar alher instrument <br /> received hy Lender as payment under the No#� or this Se�t�rity Instrument is returned �a Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender may require t��at any❑r al� sulisequent pa�m�n�� due ur��er the Note and t��is Securit�In�trument <br /> �e made�n one �r m�re af th� f�l�o����ng forms, as selected b� Lender: {a} cash; �b� maney arder; �e} <br /> ceriif ied c���ek, bank c�ieck, tr�asurer's check �r �as�tier'� che�k, pr�Wided an�such eheek is dra��n upon <br /> an in�titutian w�iase d�posits are inst�red��y a fez�eral a�en�y, �n�trurYYentality, or entit�r; or �d� Ele��rani� <br /> Funds Transf�r. <br /> Payment� are deemed r��eived by Lender���ien recei�red at the laca#ian designated in t�ie Note �r at sucl� <br /> ❑ther iaca�ian as may he designated by Lender in ac�ordan�e with the nat��e pravi�ions �n Sectiarr 14. <br /> L�nder may return any pa�rment or partial paym�nt i�t�ie pa�ment ar par�ial �a�ments are insuff i�ient tQ <br /> bring t�le L�an curr�nt. Lender may acce��t any��ayment or paetial pa�rment in�ufficient t�hring �he Loan <br /> current, �rit���ut�vai�er�f an� ri�hts hereun�er�r�r�jud�ce to its rig�its to refuse such pa��ment or <br /> �artial payments in th� future, but Lender i� na� a�li�ated to apply suc�l payments at t�ie time such <br /> �ayments ar� accepted. �f ea�h Periadic Paymen� is app�ied a� ❑f its sc��edu�ed due date, th�n Len�er <br /> need not pay interest o�i unapplied funds. Lender ma� hold suc�� unapplied funds until Borrower make� <br /> �a�me��� to bring the Loan current. If�orrower doe� n�t do sa v�rit��in a reasonab�e period ❑f�im�, <br /> Lender s��a�1 eit�zer appl�r such funds ar return t�iem �a Borrawer. If no� applied earlier, such funds tivill <br /> be applied ta the outstanding prin�ipal balance under th� Note imm�diatci� prior tv f�reclosure. Na <br /> affset or claim�vhich Borr��ver mig�it �ia�e naw or in the future again�t Lender shal� re�ie�e Borr�tiver <br /> fr�m making pa�ments due under th� Nate and t��is Se�urity�nstrument or performing the cov�nants and <br /> agreem�n�s secured b�this Security Instrument. <br /> �3�78H1�� Q09785079� <br /> �HA De�d af TruSt With MERS-NE 9I301��'14 <br /> Bankers SysLernsT'�T VMP U VMP4N�NE)(15�5}.�❑ <br /> Wolters Kl�w�r Financial 5ervi�e� Page�af'17 <br />