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<br /> � 25. ccont.)
<br /> � tk) Trustor sAa11 fail to property mair�tain and preservo tRa Trust Property, inetudtng. but
<br />= rtot limited to, the matc�tenanca of the Trust Property free f�an atl hazardous`suDstanc�s aad
<br /> hazardoua reste as describqd (n ParagrepA 34 belor.
<br /> 34. Nazardous Waste. The Trustor represents, �arrants and cov�enants�to Beneficiary an4 Trustee
<br /> as fotloMS:
<br /> + � 6a1 No hazarQous substances or hazardous rast0 are presentty stored or otherMfse tacated on,
<br /> in or under the 7rus? Prcaperty, artd no part ot the Trust Property, InCiuG{ng tM ground rater
<br /> Ioceted thereon, Es presently cortt�mlqated by any such substencas or xaste and no
<br /> � � iRVestigatTans, iflqut�tes, orders or �fL-�r pro:._sdings 5y or be.�re eny gpvarnn�ntal agfnCy
<br /> are psnding or threatan�c� resaacfing haiardous substences or hezardous wa�te. Far purposes
<br /> • ot this instrunent. tho ternt� "fiszarQous, toxtc, v- �anc�erous waste, suRsi�n^..e or materta) • _
<br /> vithFn the meantng o� tha Fede�-al Cortprehensiva EisvCrasuner►tel Response, Co�q�nsatTaci.aM - �
<br /> �tabit[ty Act, or any other Federal, sttrt� or ior✓�t .statuta, law, ordinance, cod6, tuie, � ,• •
<br /> regulatiac►. ord�� � decree regulatlrtr�,.:r•►siatirt� t�, or impestn;� Ilobi:lt� ar stamla-ds ot ' '
<br /> . condei:h wncerrting am� �r�tar�us, toxic� .ar�ar.;r�tts xaste, substanCe'a�natertat, as nor or,�" � ' "
<br /> � � ' at anytine hereafter es•;F Ur� {n ef fect. .
<br /> ' Cb) Jnti 1 fihe FR2�;�-edness is paid In tul t, al I hazardous suS�tasticas or� hezardous raste les
<br /> � ' Qetined a°.cve), whic[� may bo used by any person for any p�spose u;✓sn.tit� Trust Prc�perty sff�il
<br /> ' Ise used ar stored thereon onty in a safa, approved asanner, in acc�rdtnas��.th all industrial .
<br /> - standrsr�� anE al l lars. regulatlons anQ requtraeertlr!� for suct�,storage p�riulgated by'any ' '
<br /> governme�fal authority, and the Trust Pru�art�j wi:t not be �se�•for ttw pr�inctpa! purpose of
<br /> + storirt� an�r such substenees or Maste and rt�:s�cn sy�rage ar usa rilf otherrlse b�: atCor�d on ���?�
<br /> ths Truu1` Property Mhlch rtll cause, or shicb wt�l I.nsrease the Iikelihaad of ca:c�t`ng. the
<br /> rolease of such substances or Maste on, tn or unCEC- ttrs Trust Property. ; �,?�
<br /> �
<br /> �c) Trustor shall pronptly notliy Beneficlary o! any event Tisnt would renGer any �
<br /> -- � representatlon or Nerranty contalrted tn this Paragraph 34 lncorrect in any respect. In sucA -
<br /> , �wnt, 8�n�flclary may requ�,ra thet all vlotatlons af ler witb rospeet theroto b� earreeted _
<br /> , and that el! nscessary goverrraental permlts be obtmCned all at Trustor's sote expenss. '
<br /> � (d) Trustor Eoes hereby lndemnify end tmfd Bene4fciary end Trustee, thely directors, �
<br /> ; otficer„ emplayees, agents aad eny succ:s�sr or s�scessors to their interasts in the Trust `
<br /> � Property hcrmless trom and against any and all I�s.ues, ctalms, damages, penelttes,
<br /> liablltties, response costs and expenses lincludirtg all out-of-pxket 1ltlgation costs and
<br /> ; tbre reasonable fees and expenses of counsel) �I) artsing oat of the inxcuracy, breacb ar �
<br /> , Incpnpleteness ot �ry representatlon, rarranty or covenant �ad� by Trust (n this Peragraph 34
<br /> � or in any dxument in rritin� Csliverad toncurrontly� hereMith, vr �I1) rrrising out of erty - .
<br /> , laMSUtt tt��ought or threateneC, settlement rexhed. or goverrmental ordacr relating to the �r'
<br /> , ' preserx�, disposal, release, or threatened�relea5e of any hezardous substance or hazardous �
<br /> ; waste upon the Trust Property, or llil) arising out of any vlolation of any appllcable
<br /> � statuts or reguletlon for tAe p�otection of the environment Nhlch occurs upon the Trust
<br /> PropertY=o provided that, to the extent thet Beneticlar.y or Trustee ls sYrictly IlBbls und�r
<br /> any si-�rute or regulatlon, Trustor�s obligatlons hereUnder shell I1ke�nlsa• be without regard
<br /> to fautt on the part of Trustor Mith respect to the violatlon ot law Ml,�cb rosutts in �
<br /> + liabliity to Be^Qr6ciary or Trustee. Tha la0ent►iflcatlon haratrt praviCed by Trustor shall
<br /> continue In fu� l fcrce and effect indetinitsly and shall survive the r��yment ot tfrs tiote,
<br /> eny r�s�veyance of the Traast ?roporty by Trustee, nnd any tcreclosur� crtiether Judiclelly or
<br /> � pursuent to the porer of sale grer�ted herein) ar Eeed ln Ileu of torecl�sure of ths Trust
<br /> Prop�rty.
<br /> .
<br /> � OG09d-12
<br /> :-
<br />