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<br /> Z.�G� _i�ir —=�a .�tA.�`*,�a�esl�n't���v� ''r� � r i° b:fFJl3aui:�`.�'fituiQli�.
<br /> _ __�ic�.�G�.!`i3:�4 - -
<br /> � . ' --'---' �
<br /> (d) Beneficiary may etect to cause the Trust Pmperty or any panYhereof m be sotd unCer the power of sate,and in sucn evenr, '
<br /> BeneBciary or Tiusiee sAalF give such notice o!defautt and nn6c.e of safe as may be th�n requfred by law.tfrereafter.upon the
<br /> expire6on ot such ame and the giving o►sr�ch no6ce of sale as may then ha required by law, �rusfee,at the time and piace spacified
<br /> by the nobce otsate,shal►seli sucb Trusi PropeKy,a any part thereot speciBed Ay Bene.Ficiary,af petbli6 auction fi the h;ghest
<br /> � bidde�far cash in lawful money of the Unifed SYafes of A�r.eRCa_ Upon receipt af payment o!the prlce bid,Tiustee shal!apply the
<br /> procaeds in the faffodving order.(r7 to the casi and expenses of exercising the�aa er ot s2fe end of the sa1e,in�luding but nnf firr.i:ed
<br /> [o,trustee's fess or not mose inar�3500.U0 plus anefialf af one AQresnt of ine gr�ss szlg�rice,and ieasonabls attorrtey lees. (i�}to
<br /> � Ure lndebtedness,and{iii)the excess,if any,to the persorz orpErsons Iega��y en�rlsd tt�s�ro.
<br /> All costs and expenses incurrad by Benefrciary in enforctrsg any rlghi un�d�r thls Deed af Tr4�si,incfudirtg witheut limitation,abstrect or tiUe
<br /> � tees,appraisal fees,premiums iartitte insurdnce,attomeylees and co�rtcosts,shalt be and constitrr:e Irtdebfedness secureB heretry_
<br />_ 27. OuGes of Trustee. Trusiar agees thaC
<br /> (� (a) QWes and obliga�oRS of Trustee shat!be determirted sotely 6y th�e�press prov;sions of this DEed af Trust and Trustee shaM�not be
<br /> Q liable except for the pe►formance ut sucfr duties and obfiga�i�rzs as ar�speciBcalty sei farth herein.and ao implied covenants or
<br /> obligations shat!be impased upon Tiustee,
<br /> 0 (b) No pravisfon ot this Deed of Trust si+all requirg Trvstee to expend or risk its o;�v�frrse�s,o�otherwise insur an�ffnanclaJ otr/iga�orn in
<br /> O ihe pe�fiumance of any nf its duries hereunder or rr.the exercise of any ofrts ri�t�s or powe�s.
<br /> � (c) Trustee may consult with eflunse9 ofits owR chaflsing arad the advise of s�r�!r c.�urse!sh�l be fui!and complete authnrization an�
<br /> pratection in the respect of any actiam raken or suffered 6y ith2re��dar in goad farthen�f retiance thereon,and
<br /> � � (d) Trustee sha/l rtot be liabfe for any actiGr►t�ken by ft in goa�fafrh ar;�reasonably believad f��ft to be authorized or y�rtf�.fn its
<br /> discfefian or rig":�or��srers confer+��u�on it by th+s OEed of TiusL
<br /> _ - 028. Security Agreement and Ffxlure Filing.Thrs Deed of Ttetst sh•�I!c�ns'tr�trte a securiry agreemen►_r�trd�xtura�ttling under tisa provfsions of
<br /> . � dre N2braska Unifomt Commerciat Code with respec8 to thase fixta�res described in the prearrr�'c�h��F��.s constite�ting a part of the
<br /> Trust Fno�e�ty,tr�gether with at!othsr p�psny of Trusiar,eitis�r sirrstar o�dissimitar to the samc-,.na f�a°lrerLaftar tocatsd at or on the
<br /> 7rust Froperty.
<br /> 29. Future Advances. Upon requ�st of Tiusfir,BenAficl�ry.at BerrE�Cfary's opGon,pdor to full rsca.�vay�rtce ef the Tiust Property by `
<br /> , Trustee to Trustor,may m2ke filtcr.'3 adv3tlCes[O Tl1�'stL!►.Such fut��re advances, with interest thereon,�irafl be secured by thls Deed of
<br /> � Trust.At na�me shal!th9/sr.nclpat amvur.*.o.*the In�'�G�-�.+r.ess secured by this Deed ot Trust,not inGuc�rr.�sums advanced to prafect
<br /> the security.exceed tfc�tet�surnf of$ .Rdv�►ress of dis6ursements made by Benefc!s�.�,�to profect the secu'rrty�.
<br /> under the te.zrrs h�rsci,�s�ite discr��or,.�rp.sl:�J!•n�c±t�3 dspme�ta be optional advances. .
<br /> � : 30. Recan�eyarrs�.UFan pa;n!►ent at all Irr,it.�r�'nes�a��rred by th;s Desd of TrusG Benefi�iary shafl request Trustc-�t3r.�convey the
<br /> Trust Pr�pe�Ey ar��:,half nt�ender this�Eed af�iust�rrd aU notes evidertc�ng/ndebtedn�ss secured by tfrf�Deed<-;f'.'r�st fo Tiustee.
<br /> Tiusiea shall reccr�r�y tf�,Trust Pr�Aerty,with.�ut v:arr2+rry and without charge to the persoR or persons ter��.'k Er.h:led thereto. Such
<br /> -- perso�ro:perscrs.^,h�ll���7r.allcastsofrecordatic:r ifn_ny. ,
<br /> � 31. Subs6t�^A Tiu?tES BenC-ticaary,ai its a,�tlatr..may from irme fo timo remove Trustee and appoint a Success�r Tr���n�ny Tiustea
<br /> - ap�oln�h�3r�unr,�er by an lnstrumentr�er,�d2d in!he counry in whlch thfs Deed ol Trust Is recorded. Wirl�out com�t�rce of the Trr�st
<br /> Pro�rty,th�Sur,cssG�t FIlt,stee shall5ucceed to all tiUB,powe�and duGes confarred apvn 7rustee here;r�and by app3ica6/e/aw. � '
<br /> 32. 1�J�iacellaneeus Ai�h.1s of 9s�s�ficiary.Beneflctary m�r st any time and/rom tims fo tima,wifhnut nofice,ca�z�ent to the makirrg ot a�sy '
<br /> — piat of the Trust Prap2rty or the creation o/any ease��rEC:i thareon ar any covenants reatricting usa or ot��l�:.aney ihereof or agree�y ,
<br /> a/ter or amen�the terms of thls Deed of Trust.Any persona/p�perty remaining upon ihe Trust Properry�;7er the Trust Pioperly has
<br /> been passesss�or occupisd by Benef/ciary,its agent or any purchaser taltowing Trustee's sale,forec/osure,or under any deed tn lieu
<br /> of Trustee's sate or foreciosure,shap be conclusively presumed ta�rave been abandoned by Trustor.
<br /> 33,,Nofice to Tiustor.Trustor hereby requests that a copy of any rtotice of defauit as�d no�ce of sale made cr Fx.ccuted by Trustae purs�ant ..�.
<br /> t�+the provlsions hereotbe sent to Trusto�et its mailing address se �a . See Exhibit "z�" ar raph 34.
<br /> IN WlTNESS WHEREOF,thls Deed of Trust has been duly exe d the day artd year t a ova wr' -
<br /> , , '
<br /> � �L'��'� Timothy C. Plate ' '-"�
<br /> STAT�QF NE�fiA�6K�i. ) - �
<br /> )ss. �
<br /> �
<br /> counnvoF o�nJbe �
<br /> ; � � ��
<br /> ' ,y@rt!hr�1 j� day o� r�,C $i9�$�bpPZ rre,a notary public ln and f��sa/d counry,personally came , ;�.;
<br /> ; I!_.Mt�1�'A�� L.t . . ' .
<br /> t ,ki�own fo me to be the ide,^:���1 pe�sons who ;�
<br /> � stgr,e��i�e foregoing Deed of Trust and ackno�v!edged the execution th&reol fo be theii�o/untary act and deed, , .�
<br /> � W!-1'fI�SS my hand and nofari�f sea�on thls tha day�r,��•ear las[above written. �
<br /> � '
<br /> (SEAL) � � •
<br /> F( EA
<br /> SA1I1 ABqAFU►AA
<br /> wawtv wauc•G�tsdlw► v�o;,o
<br /> ' ��°`�'" ��f• . !9�`3
<br /> � IA/c m�;s,on exp��e;:
<br /> _
<br /> STAt�0�'�f�SRi� CALIFORNIJA
<br /> � )ss. .
<br /> � '. co��,�oF �
<br /> On this ---�_ day o/ , 19�.,belore me,a rrotary pub/ic in end for sald county,personalty came�... �`--- -
<br /> and_�_ - - - _.�. ._,known to me to be tho id�:::,cal porsans uvho '
<br /> � sigr�iho toregoing,beod of T.�;�si and acknowledged th�execu�ion the�eof to be c��r�,�voluntary act artd dead.
<br /> _ I�a,+U��.ESS my hand and no:�:��:rt seal on this ihe day a���ysar last a6ove wriKen.
<br /> . . �
<br /> �� {S��.i:) —-- ---------- -—----- �
<br /> � f!s''Jry P�f,SC �
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