2� 17� 1287
<br /> Th�Funds sha11 be he�d in an institution�vhase deposits are insur�d by a fed�ra��gency, instrumentatity,or
<br /> entity�inc�ud�ng Lender,if L�nd�r�s an institution wha��depos�ts are�i�.sur�d�}Qr in any Federa�Home
<br /> Loan Bank.Lender shal�apply the Funds t�pay the Escraw Item�n�later than the time specified under
<br /> RE SPA.I�end�r sha�1 n�t�haxg�$orr�wer far ho�di�g a�d a��l�ing�he Funds,ann�ally analyzing the
<br /> esGraw account,or verif�ing th�Escrow�tems,unless Lender pays Borro�rer inter�st on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable La4v permits Le�der to r�ake s��h a charge.L.Tn��ss an agreement is made in�riting or
<br /> Applieable Law requires int�rest ta be pa�d on th�Funds,Lender shall not be required t�pay B�rro�ver any
<br /> interest or ear�ing�or�the F��ds.�3�rrower and Lender car�agree in writing,�iov�ever,that interest shall be
<br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender sha�l gi�e ta Borrar�er,withaut charge,an annual accounting of th��unds as
<br /> r�quired�by RESP1�.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds heid in escrow,as c�ef ned uader�ESPA,Lender shall account�o Barrower for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA.�f there is a shartage of Funds held in escrow,as defined under
<br /> R.�SPA�Lender shall notify B�rrow�r as�equired by RESPA,and Bortvwer sha11 pay ta Lender th�amaunt
<br /> necessary ta make up th�shortag�in ac�Q�dance with RESFA,but in na m�re than 12 mon�hiy payrx�ents.If
<br /> �h�r�is�deficien�y of Ft�nds held in es�row,as defined under R�SPA,Lend�r shall notify Borraw�r a�
<br /> requ�red by RESPA,and Bonower shal��a�r to Lender the amaunt necessary tfl rnake up the d�f ciency in
<br /> a�cordanc�with RESF'A,but�n no rxzare than 1 Z monthly pa�ments.
<br /> Upon paym�nt in ful�of a1i sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall pram�tly r�fund ta
<br /> Borr�wer any Funds heid by Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges;Lisns.Sorrower sha1�pay aIl taxes, assessments,charges, fines, and impositi+ons attribu�a.ble to
<br /> the Fraperty which caa attain priority ove�this Security Instrrament, leasehold payments or graund rents on
<br /> th�Property,if any,and Community AssaGiati�n Du�s,Fees,and Asses�sments,if any.To the extent that
<br /> �hese items a�e Escrow Items,Borrower s�a�l pay th�rxx in the manner pravided in S�ction 3.
<br /> B�rrower sha11 pra�nptly dis�harge any li�n wh��h has priarity aver this Security Instrum�nt unless -
<br /> Borrawer: �a)agrees in�vritin�to the payment af the abligati�n secured�y the lien�n a manner accepta.ble
<br /> to Lender,but only so long as Borrower�s performing such agreernent;�b}contests the 1i�n in�oo�faith by,
<br /> or defends against enforcement of the lien in,lega�proceedings�vhich in Lender's opiniot�ope�ate to pre�ent
<br /> the enforcement of the lien while those pr�ceedings are pending,�ut only until such praceedings ar�
<br /> conclu�ed;or(c}se�ures fram the holder�f the lien aa agreement satisfactvey�o Lender subardina�ing the
<br /> l�en to th�s 5ecurity Instrumen�.If Lender�etermines that any part of the Praperty is suhject to a 1�en which
<br /> �an attain priori�y o�er this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying th� lien,
<br /> Within �.�days of the date on which that notice�s gi�en,Borro�ver sha11 satis�y the tien or take one or more
<br /> of the a��ions set f�rth above i�.this 5ectian 4,
<br /> Lender may require Barrawer to pay a ane-time chaxge for a real es�ate tax�erification andlor ieporting
<br /> s�r�ic�e us�d by Lender in connection�vith this Loan,
<br /> 5. Property Insurance.Borrawer shall ke�p the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Propert�insured against las�by fire,hazards in�luded withit��he�erm"extended co�erag�,"and any o�her
<br /> ha�ards including,but no�limited to,eart�.quakes and floods, for whi�h Lender re�uires insuran�e.This
<br /> in�urance shall be maintained in�he�.maunts�including deductible levels}and far the periods that Lender
<br /> requires.�hat Lender requues pursuant t4 the preceding sent�n�es can change during th�term of�he L�oan.
<br /> The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be choser�by Borrower subj e�t to Lender's right to
<br /> disappro�e Borr4wer's choice,which right shall not be exerGis�d unreasonal�iy,Lender may re�uir�
<br /> Barrower to pay, in connectian with this Loan,either: �a}a ane-time charge for#lood zone determination,
<br /> certification an�tracking services;or(b)a one-time cbarge f�r f�aod zone det�rrninatian and certifi���Yon
<br /> NE6RA5lCA-Single Family-Far�nie MaelFrsddfe Ma�UMIFQl�M IIVSTRUMENT ViliTH MERS 'Form 3ti2��fati
<br /> VMP� VMP6A[i�E}�1342}.DD
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial Services Page fi of 9 T
<br /> q 374 85�Q1 �Z33 559 ll
<br />