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2� 17� 1287 <br /> �. App�i�ati�nof P�ym�nts or Praceeds.Except as othervc��se descr�bed in this Section 2, all payments <br /> a�c�pte�t a�nd app�ied by Lender sha�l be applied in t�e fa�lowing flrder of pri�rit�r;�a}interest due u�der the <br /> IwTo�e;(b�pr�ncipal due under�he Note; �c�amounts due under Section�3. Such payments shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Pa�y�nen�in the order in whi�h it becarne due.�ny remaining ama�.nts shal�be applied f�rst�o <br /> late charges, second ta any other amounts due under this Security�nstrument,and then ta reduee the <br /> princ�pal balan��e af the No�.e, <br /> If Lender receives a payment fram Borrower far a delinqueat Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> amaunt�o pay any late charge due,the payment may be applie�t�the delin�u�nt payment and�he Iate <br /> charge. If mare than one Periadic I'ayment is autstanding,Lender may apply any payment recei�ed fram <br /> �arrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if,and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu�l.To the extent that any excess ex�sts af�er th�paymeat is appl�ed to�he fu11 payment�f on�ar more <br /> Periodic Payments,such excess may be app�ied�to any late�l�arges due.Valuntary prepayments shall be <br /> applied fus�to any prepayment charges and then as desGribed in the Nate. <br /> Any applicatian of pay�ent�, insuura�c�proceeds,or M�s�ellaneor��Pr4c�eds to�rincipai due�under the Nate <br /> �hat1 not extend ar postpa�.e the due date,or change the amount,of the P�rivdic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Escrow�t�ms.B4rrower sh�ll pay�o I��t�der�n th�day Perivdi�Paym�nts are due ur�der the <br /> Note,until the N�te is paid in fu1l,a sum�the "Funds"}to pXo�ide for payment of am�unts due for;�a��ax�s <br /> and asses�m�nts and other items which can attain priori�.y a�rer this Se�urity Instrument as a lien or <br /> e�cumbrance on the Froperty; �'b}leasehQld paym��ts or gr�und rents on the Prdp�rty, if any;�c}premiums <br /> f�r any and a�1 insur�n��requir�d by Lend�r under Secti�n 5;and�d)1V��rtgage Insuranc��re�iums,if an�, <br /> or any sums payab�e by�3orrower to Lender in lieu af the paymen.t of N�artgage Insuranc�premiums in <br /> accordance with the provisions�f Section 10,These iter�s are called"Escr�v�Iterns."At originati�n Or at <br /> ar�y time during the term of the Loan,Lender may require that Communi�y Association Dues,Fees,and <br /> A.ssessments,if any,b�escrovved b��orro�er,and su��a dues,�ees and asses�rnents shal�be an Escrow <br /> Item. B�rrower sha�l promptly furnish ta Lender a11 noti�es of amounts to be paid under this Section. <br /> Borro�er shal��a�Len�l�r t�e Funds fv�Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrawer�s�bligation to pay <br /> �h�Funds for any�r alt�scraw Items. Lender may wai�e B�nower's obligation tv pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or all Escraw Items at any time.Any such v�aiver may only be in writing.In the�vent of such wai�er, <br /> Bonower sha11 pay directly,when and where payable,the amounts due for any Escro�v Items for which <br /> pay�r��ent of Funds has been u�aived by Lender and,if�,ender r�t�uires, �ha11 fiunis�t�Lender receipts <br /> evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender rnay require. Borro�ver's obligatifln to make <br /> such payments and ta provide rece�pts shall f�r alI purpo�es�e deem�d to be a cavenant and agreement <br /> �ontaine�in this Security Ins�rument,as the phrase"�ovenant and agre�ment"is us�d in Section 9.�f <br /> �3�rfor�ver is obligated to pay Escrow Item�directly,pursuan�to a waiver,aad Borrower fails to pay the <br /> arnaunt due for an�scrow Ttem,L�nder may exercise its r�ghts under Sectian 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrawer sha�1 then be abligat��under Section�to repay to Lencier aay�u�h amount.Lender may re�oke <br /> the waiver as tQ an�or all Escrow Items a�any time by a notice gi�en in accordance with Section �5 and, <br /> upon such re��cation,Borrow�r shail pay to Lender all Funds,and in such amounts,�hat are then re�uired <br /> under this 5e�tion�3. <br /> Lender may,at any time,callect and hold Funds in an am�unt�a}sufficient to permit Lender ta apply the <br /> Funds at the time specified un��r RESPA,and(�}n�t to exceed the maxirnum arnount a ler�der can r�quire <br /> under RESPA.Lender shall estimate the amount of Fund�due an the basis of current data and reasonable <br /> estimates of ex�p�nditures�f future Escrow It�ms or vtherw�se i�.accordance�ith Appli�able La�r. <br /> NE9RASL�A-51ng1�Family-Fannle Ma�lFreddie�4ac UNIFORM 1NSTRUM�NT WITH MERS Farm 30281f�1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA[NE][1342}.4Q <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Finan�iaf Services Page 5 vf!7 <br /> q� 7�z8 2�1 0 3 55 4�1 <br />