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<br /> � If Lender rcquired mortgage insurancr as a candition of making the toan sec�red by this Securiry Insinunent,
<br /> Barra+vtr shgil pay the Fttmiums res�uir�to maintain the insuraace in effect until such ame as the requuement for t�ce
<br /> - imurancr te�nates in srcordance with Borro�rer's and I.ender's Rrritten agreement or applicab3e law.
<br /> � �. I�qt�ttaa�`Lendu or its agent may cnslce rrasona6le entries upon and inspections of the Pmperty.Lender
<br /> si�ll��vt Bartewer notice at the time of or prior to an inspecsion specifying reasona6le cause for the inspection.
<br /> 9. Ca�tieamadan. The procecds of any awud or claim for damages.direct or cansequential.in eonaeciion witts
<br /> any condemr•ation or other taking of any part oF the Praperty, or for convey�nce in tiw of condemnatian;are bereby
<br /> _ assiEned and sl�ll be paid to Lenda.
<br /> In t13e evmt af a total taking of tke Property,the procads shall be applied to che sums secured by this Security '
<br /> — Instrument,whether os not ttsm duG with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a pirtial takiag of the Yroperty, �
<br /> unless Bosnirver asd L.eader otherw�..�e agree in�vriting,the sums sxurect f�t.�is Securiry Instrumeat shall b�e rr�c;.ced hg
<br /> the�maunt�f the groceedf!,�aItipfied by the falty,�.s�g fraction:(a)the��ir�t amount of the su��.�ed�-�steiy
<br /> , b�a�re t�e;�g,divided�-�±,!a;;,�a f�r maricei���,�af ihe P��aetty irnIIa�iateSy before the taking.t�.:�y:�`.,�a:�%all be
<br /> pi�d to�ar�sr. . �
<br /> � Tf t3�L?'�erty i��''���s3���crrn�c�,.�T i�a�:�w�ce�y l.e��::to Borrower that r.�,���-�*�a'�;s�
<br /> c�r_ni��:���sd�e���3:r��-�-��ar�u����EWL��'l���::�erwithin30day����c�:.•.`,.Ls�cticeis .
<br /> _ �:vf�,Lea�3ioc�.it�a�thori�r to coil��s�;�ly t�t.���cuds,r:.�_;3:��i:�>.:���to r�.�-:.,=��rre��c{tEr�,k�rty or
<br /> to the s���n:'ed by this Seeurity Ts��:assnt,arhether ar rai�i�.��:�� .
<br /> Uaitc��:rnder and Beno�ver atEzr9vise agree in writing,�}r appli�a�an of proo�s xo principal shall not eatend ar
<br /> postpone tbe due date of We monthly payments rtferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucb paynfmts.
<br /> 10 Barow� Not Rela�ed; Forbaraace By Lender Not s Waher. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modiEcation of amortiTarion of the sums secured by this Sscurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest of Sarrawer shall not operate to retease the liability of the original Bonower or Bprruwer's successors in interest.
<br /> I.ender shall rtat be tequirod to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far
<br /> psyment ototherwise enodify amortirarion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br />-� by the originat Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbeatance by Lender in exercising any aght or remody
<br /> shall not be a waiver of ar pre�lude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 11. Srecce�ors ud A�ips Bwi�d;Jaiat aad Se�teat Li�LWty;Co-sipiers. 'I'hr covenants and agraments of
<br /> this Security 1�►�trument sha11 bind and bendlt the successors and assigns of Lender and Honower,subject to the provisions �
<br />_ of pangnph 17.Horrower's covrnants and agroements shall be joint and several.Any Batrower whn casigns this Security
<br /> Instrument but das not exeeute the Nate:(a)is co-signing this Seturity Instrumrnt only to mortgage.grant and convey
<br /> th�t Borrower's interest in the Proptrty under the terms of this Socuriry lnstrumcnt;(b)is not personally obligated to pay �
<br /> 4he sums secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lencler and any other Borrower may agrce to eatend,
<br /> modify,f�rbcar or make any accommodatinns with regard to the tenns af this Security Instrumcnt or the Nate without
<br /> thai Borto�rec's consent. '
<br /> 12. Loa�n Chsr fes If the 1au�secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan -
<br /> chuges, and that faw is fi�aAy anterpreted so that the interest or oiher loan chugts collected or to be collected in �`�
<br /> cannection with the taan excad the pcnnittcd Grnits, thrn: (a)any sueh loan chuge�:all be raiuced by ehe amount � �
<br /> necasary t��rtxtuce tht charge to the pea*nitttd limit;and(Es�ar.���sums alrrady collect�?�rrom Horrower ahi:}�excaded � —
<br /> permitttd iir�ii:�azffl be refunded t�£�,�rrawer. Ltnder may��c�ose to malce this refur.d by roducing thc princ;pal owed
<br /> under t6e Nc�e dr�ay caafc:::_g a direza payment to Borrower.If a refund re��:w;ws priracipaJ,the reduction wiU be treated as a
<br /> partial prepavcr:rni wit3��t aay prc,-��ment cha.T�t�::sder the Note.
<br /> . 13! �,e�isistlon AReMia� Le�dtr'e Ri�6ts. If e^�ctment or eapiration a;;�pplicable laws has rf.'�:effect of
<br /> rendering auz��r�rovision of the Note os this Sxurity Instrum.rr,t uttenforceable accordir,.�ta its terms,Lcnder,�t e��s option,
<br /> c�ay require immediate payrraent in fuQ of all s�zr;s secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke ar.y semedies , �
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender ea:rcises t�:is option,Lender shail take the steps spscified in tia.•e secand paragraph af �X� �
<br /> parsgraph l7. • '
<br /> 14 Notieq. Any notiee to Borrower provided for i�t?:is Security lnstrurrtmt s'c.�31 be given by delivering it or by �'�
<br /> maiting it by fitst claas mai) ��nless applicable law requires u�of anoiher method. 7'ne notice shall be directed to the •
<br /> Property Address or any other addtess Borrower designates�y Rotice tm Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> fxa�st cl�ss mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address Len��r designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shall be damed to have ban given to Bonawer or Lender whcn given as provided
<br /> in this peragraph.
<br /> 1S. Gqferels�I.�w;Setenbllity. T'his Security lnstrument shall bc govemod by federal law ancl the law of'the
<br /> jurisdietian in which the property is located.In the event that any provision or clause oP this Security Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable taw�such canflict shall not affect other pravisions of this Security Instrument or the Nate
<br />— whieh can be given eRect withaut the canAicting provision.To this end the provisians of this 5ecurity lnstrument and tht
<br /> — Note are dectared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowar's Co�y. Borrowcr shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. Trap[er o!t6e Proptrty or a Beeeflcid teterest in Borrower. If a91 or any part of the Property or any
<br /> inttrest in it is�ld or transferred(or if a bcneficial interest in Borrowcr is sold ar transferred and Horr�wer is not a natural -
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent.Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of ap sums
<br /> —" soeurtd by this Security Instrument. However, this optian shall not be exercised by l.ender if eaercise is prohibited by
<br /> � feder�l law as of the dateof this 5ecurity Instrument. ;____�__---
<br /> If I.ender exercises this option.Le�der shall give HorroR:tc��ti�a bt accelerat;>��. �'he norice shall prov;�t a perir�d
<br /> af not las than 30days fram the date ths notice is d:'ivered or^�a:'r,��:y 7'���ieh B�rrcwer must��y.:'.)sums secured by
<br /> � this Security InsttumerZ.If Borrower Pails to pay t�:�e svms p::�s to�P:r��,,r,�.ration of thss period.l,c:��f:,rza,�:ntioke any
<br /> remedies pesc�r:tted by t�:is Security lnstrument without fur4t�r_-c:,tite or ciemand on E�:r�wer.
<br /> � !�_�n••r•+Q�c�ltQp•E�•�.te. !!'Bntro�:�rr.;,-��v M.:i:�car,c3it':�sns,�y;��rtrshallhavet�e�i�t�t'lV IlG1C ' Y
<br /> enforam�c:�fi this 5eslr.ty Instr��:erit discontinued at a^y t�.�:�prior t���e eariitr���;a�5 days(or such�th�r periad as �.�
<br /> � � �,��licabte t�w may sp::if3�for reinstatement)bcfor�sa?t of the Property*-,rrsuant to any pnwer of sa:e cvntaiaed in Ihis
<br /> ti�ssurity I�stsument;or(b)entry of tt judgment e;:�'o:Cing 2hiS Stcutity�lnsfrument. TP;e�con�i¢:*r.:5�re 3hat $arrawer: �
<br /> fai pxys Ltr��r all sums which t1:�?r would br��� under t!Rss 5ecurit� tnstrumer.� �:d the Nate nad:za e;;,tier�tion
<br /> ` acet�sred: f�i :ures any default of��ta; other cave;tants ar a�..�y-rcer.ts; {c)pays at6 er.��e•-ses 7r.curr:� s�s enf�x_cng this ���
<br /> � 5s�ar�ty Instrument, includ'fng,but not limited to, reason�ble attcr.:c�=' !'ees; and (d�takes su�h aLtia�as ixnder mgy µ,
<br /> reasanibly require tn as5ure that the lien of this 5ecurity Instrument, T.endrr's ng6ts in the �'re,*+ercy nnd 13orrower's �.
<br /> ' obli�stiun to pay th! sums st�utet! by this Stcutity instrumtnt shal! cantinue unchanged. Upon retnstntemen: by �. -:
<br /> _ Barrawer.th�s Sccur�ty lnstrument and the obligatiuns stcuted hereby shel)rema�n fuUy effective ns J na acceleruti�n hed
<br /> � c�trurred.Hnwever,thtt nght t�reinstete sh�11 not apply�n the casr of acr.eletntion under pa:agr��hs t a��r 17
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