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<br /> gp.� l0�8'73 � ,
<br /> UNifORM COVENAfvTS. �onower and Lender covenuit and agree as folio�vs: '
<br /> �^- !. Pay�ae�t of Prinefp�!sad Interes�Pteqymeat and Lte t,Uarges, Borrowcr s�211 pramptly pay when due .
<br /> ` the principai af an�interest on the debt evidenced by tre Noae and any prepay ma�t anc!izaa ch.�zgrs dur under thr Note.
<br /> 2. Fua�f4rTua and Ias�rance. Subject to agptiaeble law or ta a written wai�•er by�,ender.Bonower shall pay
<br /> ���a���+��'i n+an=�Y pey��ES an due under ti�e�Tote.until the tiote is paid in i'ull,a sum("Funds")equat to '
<br /> oaatwelfih of (a}yeariy taxes an�assessments which may�attain priority ovu this Sernrity lnstrument: (b} yeasly
<br /> feisthoM paymmts ar gronnd rents on th� Pr6petty. iF�n�;(c) yearlX hazard insuran�premiums; and (d) yeariy
<br /> mortg�ge insurancc premiums,if any.These items arc c�ed"cscroar items."Lenda mx�y estimate tlte Funds due on thr
<br /> � buis ofcv=rerit dus and rnsonabte estimues of fnture escm�u itims.
<br /> The Eunds shill be heid in an institutipn the depos�e�raecounts of which are insured ar guaranteed 6y a federal or
<br /> �� stue sgency f�civding Lender if Lender is such an instit�n�.�Le:eder shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> Lender msy not charge for holding and spptying the Fn�r�d,.anaiyzing the account or vcrif}�ng the escro�v items,uriless
<br /> Lender pays Bamawa interest on the Fur�ds and spplicahIs ia�permits Lender to malce su��h a charge. Bonower aad
<br /> Leadec may�g�ee ia writiag th�t interat shall be paid ma tto�Funds. Unless an agre�a�i is made ar applicable law
<br /> raquir�s inte.�est w 6e paid,I.en�er shall not be required cck�ny.p�rrawer any intaest os eamings on the Fuads. 3.�ader
<br /> shal!giti-e Eo Bormwres,withaut cfiarge,an annual accou��s{„t af tEa rrwtds shnwing credits aa�de5its to the F�ds an�th�
<br /> purporre f�s whi;.t��.�ebit to ths Funds was made.The Fsitds ar�pledged as additionxp s�ecurit��For the sums secured�g� :. �
<br /> �is Sec�::i�}�:,�nr�ma�r.
<br /> I`iEt�n�:a�:�'t�the Fua�d:�TR.�d by��er,toget�,rs wYt�t�the future montts�f��ym�ts�a�Fv:�ds tsa.`ir��,=J i�� . . ,
<br /> ' the d�r�c:s;te�of thn ctscxow's'>e�r�;i mxce�x�t a�¢c�:��qir3r�ct t�pay the�r���i whea:ub::,t�e �-�.,,�s ^r�� �. "
<br /> � ':� � at Hcecta�rr's qQ�,��t8er p:ro�;pa1!`f�e�ai�t��arr.,:•;.�•���x�i:33 e�w 3orrower c!�,��ntt�y���ir�rw�'';i�:��:�.��,�;�i:r� � .
<br /> � �no�.�t-a�'31ic r,u��i,f�id����-is n�t s�r_��x r.���..,:.,�:�,.>eacr�c�'..�s w�tr�du�Borraw��*�.ai;�a.a�:�;es.s:-�F
<br /> ammuc:nx��cD�:r�i•������iciency in one or marw�.�,��;;c�red by.Lrnd�a
<br /> ���pay�:cr:�f�31 n`�1I sums secured by 3his�uri���r,s?�-_rs-�t,Lender sh$Jl pzamptly refund t�Borrower '
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under puagraph 19 the Pro�erty%s:s�;�.�c acq�ired by Lta�der,Lender shall apply,no tater
<br /> than immodiately psior to the sa2e of the Propeny or its acquisiti�n;i��.Lender,any Funds hsld by Lender at the time of
<br /> apptication as a crodit against the sums secured by this Secu�it}•!r:msuiu�nt.
<br /> 3. Ap�licatlo�o!Payments, Unless applicable 1aw pca•�i�rib otherwise,all paym�ts rcceived by Lender under
<br /> puaaraphs i and 2 sh�ll be applied:firsi,to late chuges due und.�r-.�r1�Alote;second,to prepayment charges due under the �
<br /> Note;third,to am�unts payablt under puagraph 2;fourth,to inrJ:rs�i due;an�tast,to prin�pal due.
<br /> 4• C6arQea:IaeW. Borrower sh�ll piy ali taaes.asse�..sman`s,charga.fines ansi impositions attribatable ro the
<br /> Property which msy attain priarity,over this Secwity lnstrumear,�and le�sehol� paymra�u or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Barrowrer ahall pay these obligations in the manner provided i��arr.�aph 2.or if not pai�in that menner,Borrowar shall
<br /> pey them on time directly to the person owed payment.Barrov�er,�ull promptly fumish ta Lender all noaces of amourtts �
<br /> to be paid und�r this paragsph.lf Bonower makes that pa�cenr���directly,Borrower stiall promptly fumish to LeRder
<br /> receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrowor shall promptly discharge any lien which haa pr.i7rity over tbis Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br /> a�in writing to the psyment of the obligatian secured by tLe uor�iu�a manner accepts�b.e to Lcnder.(b)cantests in good
<br /> faith the lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien ta,Ie�t proceedings whirh in ahe Lender's opini�n operate to � =
<br /> prevrnt the enforesmsnt as the lien os forfoiture of any par¢r�Er�a�Property;or(c)�r�from the holda af rtrx liea an •
<br /> sgreemmt satisfactory to Lender subordinating the tian to s:���t�rity Instrummt.Yf Lr�der dctermines that g:�y�art os � '—
<br /> the Property is subject to a lirn which may at�i:���;a��w u,e�this Securiry Instrumrnt;Lender may giv�Bes-.ewer� '
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy t�e Iiers ar.talce qne or more of the aciion3 set forth above wi&�en L O da��y •Y
<br /> of the aiv�:,��of notice. •
<br /> ' S. Hasard Insunece. Bonower shall keep the im�rov,entents now eaistiesg�i�•h�reaPter erected on she Property '
<br /> ' insutod saainst lass bb flre,hazar�s cncluded within the tem"aritacufed coverage"a.��ar�y other hazards for which Lendec , '�
<br /> � requires inaurance� 'II'�s insurancx sha11 be ena;ntained im 1Lb:an:Qtin��nd for�th:ptsiods that Lender requires.Tlse ""
<br /> in�urance carrier prov:�ing the ires�.arance skaPJ be chosen by 8�trowe.*::fziect to Lendtr's approval which shall nat be �
<br /> unrnsonabJy withhetd. �
<br /> All insurance policies and renewa]s shall be accepta�ta;to I.endec and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shaq have the dght to hold the policies and renew�l�:��Zender requirrs,Horrower shall promptiy give to Lender
<br /> all rectipts of paid premiums and reaewal notices.In the evcnnaf loss.�orrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br /> carrier and Lereder.Lender may make proof of toss if not mude prompily by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Borrower otherwise agra ia wsitsag,insurance proceeds shzll be appJied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged,if the restoration or repair is econ,an�icalty feasible and Le��cr's socurity is not lessened. lf the
<br /> rcatorition or repsir is not ecanomieally feasible or I,cnder's stcurity wonld be lessan�,the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> appliad to tbe sums secured by this Security lnstrament,�whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Iionower. 1P
<br /> Borrower ab�ndons the Ptoperty.or does not answ�r within 30 days a rtotice from Lender that the insurance c�rrier has
<br /> off�red to settte a claim,then l.ender may collect tre inourance proceeds.l,ender may use the procoeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to psy sums usured by this 5ecuritq 9e�5trument,whethtr or not th:n due.The 30-day period ai11 begin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unkss Lcnder and Borrower othcr�vise agrec imwriting,any applicati�n of prtueeds to prinripal shall not eatend or "
<br /> postpone the due datr oPthe monthly peymrnts referreA to in paragraphs f an�2 or cf►ange the amount of'the paymer�ts. 1f
<br /> under paregraph 14 the Property is acquired by I,ender,Bortower's right to any insurnnce palicies and proceeds resulting
<br /> fiom dtrnsge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lendtr to the eMtrnt of the sums secured by this Security -
<br /> Instrumer.s;mmediately prior co the acquisition. - T
<br /> - 6• Pre�trrat��n and Maiatenaeee ot Proper�;Lea�eholds. Burrower shall not dcstroy,damage or substan tialt�+
<br /> chsngs�@�e Praper�. �,(J�w t��Praperty to deteriorate ar comr.ait wasi�. If this Security lnstrument is on a lease'.:o:si.
<br /> Bo�r!'o*'c�^sua3}scm�';�a�;ciZ*_P�s Cr�,,�;sions o!'the least�and if�3crroxer acqstres fee tt?te to tlte Properry.the leasehold gr,d �
<br />_ !ee tit.�ss3�:t::c�o!r.�:.*�.�.^.:�.�ss T:�c�agreestd thc merger�r�•ntiag. �
<br /> �. Frotttw3^+� �f Zeeder s tiights ia rbe 1Proptee�ys :'�lncEg�gc Iasnrance. If Borrower faits to �xs�'orm tS�e �
<br /> - covenants snd ag,:��,r,ts enntained in this Sexasrity H�stcy,Te,.t,ar at:_:x c;a tega��roce�d�ng t�at may significan t1y affect
<br /> L ' 1.ender's tiahts in ti�;�raperty(such es a preti�.�d;ng Erc Lar.kr�sptc;, pr�bate. Por cordemnatian ot to enfosce laws or �t
<br /> re�ulation�),then LrnBer may do and p�y far w�utever is rtd�s,ary to protec;t thr va;u_a�tht Property t�nd tx�:�'cr's righEs �St
<br /> • in the Property. Lendtr's actinns may inelude paying asay�csn�s secu►�d by a tien a;►;cch has priar�ty over t};,s Securisy iri
<br /> Instrumtnt.appearing in cauft,pay�ng reasonable attomeys'fees and eoterng on Ehe Yroper�y to m��ke repa�rs.Althaugir � ` J��
<br /> LenQer may take artian undcr th�s p�ragrbph 7,(endar does not hovt to d�s�. �,�.
<br /> Any Amounts d�sbursed by i,tnder under this parngraph 7 shali be;,ome fcd8�ttnnal deht nf(larrower securecf by th4s C
<br /> 5ecunty Jnstrument.Unless Harrc�we�and Lendet egree taotherterms of payment,these ar��ountc shalt be�r mteres�fram
<br /> tht date of disbutsemcn� �t the Note rate nnd �hall be payable. wi�h �nt�rest. u�n not�rt from Lendtr to N��rrower
<br /> t; ttqnesting payment
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