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<br /> _s�s�GL�.����.;.����f�����l�.i����t�a��'
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<br /> the p[opeety otherwi�e after drz�fault�the Mortgage�sball apply,at the ti�ae of the commencement of such
<br /> � prQCeediags, or at the time the property is oth�cvise acquired, the alaount then remaining to cred'nt of
<br /> Mattgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the interest accn,ed and unpaid and the
<br /> ba�aace ta the prirtcipal �en cemaining uctpaid on said note.
<br /> 4. T&e tlen of thie iRStrument shall remain in full force and efiect during any post�soneme�t or exten-
<br /> alan ai the�itne ot pxyanen!of the indebt+edness ar anY part thereof secured hereby.
<br /> � 5. Kelsl�e will pay ail,graund reius. ta�es, ass�sments, water rates and other govern�eatal or .
<br /> munic� charges,fines or impositians,levied upan said premises and that�e/she wil!pay all taaes levied
<br /> upoa�mortgage,ar t�z debt sccured thereby'tageihtr with any other taxes or assessments which may be .
<br /> — levied usid�r the laws af Nebraskaa�a�nst the Mortga ee�ar the I holder of said principal aote,on ac-
<br /> � count��this indabtedness,except w6en payment for�such items�as theretofore ban made under(a)of
<br /> paragraFi� 2 hereof and helshe will promgtly delive�the official reciipts therefor to the Mortgagee. In
<br /> default thereof thc�1+iartgagee may pay the same.
<br /> 6. Ii t�eishc fails to pay any sum or kap any covenant provided for in this Mortgage,the Mortgagee, �
<br /> at its optian�enay pay or perform the same,and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum �
<br /> owing on thc above IIote,shall be s�ared hereby,and shall bear interest ai the rate pruvided for in the prin-
<br /> capal indcbtedne.ss until paid. �
<br /> ' 7:Upntt requeatoftheMortgagee�MortgagarstialI execnte and deliver a supplementsl note or notes �� �
<br /> for the aum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for tbe alteration,modernization or impro�ement made at the `.:
<br /> � Mortgagor'e requeat;ar for maintenance of said ptemises,or for taxes or asaessments against the same, � "'. ��;�"
<br /> �u►d for.any other purpose etsewhere authorized hereunder. Said nate or notes shal! be secured hereby
<br /> on a p�rity with ana as fulty as if the sdvance evidenced thereby w ere included in the note first described � •
<br /> � abuve. Said aupplemental ttote or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the principal indebt ' .
<br /> ;� ednesp and shaU be payable in approximately equsl monthly payments for such period as may be agreed � �,: . :
<br /> upan b�the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. . Failing to agree on the maturity,the whole of the sum or sums , :�.
<br /> so gdetuiced shall be due and payable thirt} (30) days after demand by the Mortgag+:-�. In no event shall
<br /> � the�n�eLvrity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. .; <!:,.,
<br /> S: He/shc hereby assigns,transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee,to be applied cow�d c�.e payment �
<br /> •of the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in tfie paformance of any of the te�s and con- �
<br /> ditiona of this Mortgage or the said note.aU the rents. rev�u�s and income to be derived fr�ra the mort- ,
<br /> ' gaged�premiaes during such time as the mortgage indebted�n�-�s shall remain unpaid;and tSt����[ortgagee '
<br /> : shall hAVe puwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting tliry rame and
<br /> collecting the rents, revenues and income,and it may-par oa�t of said incomes all necessary�t;ti�m�ssions ;. ;
<br /> and expenses incurred in renting and managing th�saane au�3 of collecting rentals therefrom;the balance ' �
<br /> rema:ning,if any,to be applied toward the d�sch�rge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> 9" ' cvr�tinuously rgaintain hazard insurance, of such type or tyges and anaounts as the -
<br /> � Mv � �" ro �t;�to time require,on the improvernents not•�or h�r:.�ftc:on said preau.��s,and ex- .
<br /> , ce�t .pr " ums has thEreeofore ban raade un�s(a)of paragraph�I��reof,will � _
<br /> ; pa�pr _._ - t➢ze;e�ar.Upan dsf�ult;heset�f.�sart^�es�y p�.y t�T��.�e.Mll in- ` �
<br /> surance sh �carried in companies approved by the Mortgag�e and thspo l i c ies a n t�.renew r�s t hereo f s h a l l -
<br /> 4 be h�ld� by L3ire Mortgagee and ha�e attached thereto L�sa �ayable clauses ia f�.�ra�r of and in fortn ;�'
<br /> � � acceptable to tis:�e Mortgagee. In event o f loss Martgagor�ri l!give imrxi.e dia t e noLice b3 ma i i trr t he l�io rt-
<br /> � gng�e,,�vho may make pr�nf' of loss if not made promptly by Mort��+�r, and each insurr�iw� company �
<br /> conGerned 90 ��reby authoris:2d and directed to make payment for s�1�li loss direc.tly to the hiortgagee
<br /> Ii16tCF1(��0�t0 wT.�?4lortgagor and the b�or�gap�ee jointly, anri'the insurance proceeds. or a�y part thereof. �
<br /> n�ay be applic�i L.y 4he Mortg�tgee�t it�upt�on e�ther to t�i�reduction of the indeb4x�ness hereby secur�d �
<br /> or to the restarai��an or repair of the�;�c��erty damaged. In event of foreclosure af iltis mortgage,or other ` ��
<br /> t�tane�far of tiL�:e +.o the mortgaged pr�perty in e!c�tinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all �
<br /> righE,titic+aaad intereat of the Mortgagar in and t±►any insurance policies then in force shull�xass to the � � '
<br /> pur�chaaer or grantee. '�`'.
<br /> 10. Ao ad�itional and collateral secusity for the paymea�t of the note described,and aU sums ta becoin� � ��
<br /> duo undei•this r�ortgage,the Mortgagor hereby assigna to the Mortgagee all lease bonuses, profits, revc- �
<br /> nues, royuItie�, rights and other benefits accru�ng to the Mortgagor under any and all oil and gas t�ases
<br /> now., or during the life of this mortgage, executetl an said premises, �cith the right to receive and receipt
<br /> for tho eame and apply them to said indebtedness as well befure as after default in the conditiorns of thia
<br /> mortga�,sn�f�e Mortgagee inay demr�nd,sue tor and recover any such paymentn evhen due and payabl�,
<br /> but s1�a11 not l�e rc�yuired so to do. Tfriss,�asignment is to terr�inate and beeome iiull and void upon relenac;
<br /> oi t3�iss mortgsge.
<br /> — i l. He/she shall not commit or percnit wast�;and shall maintain th�property in as good cr�ndition as ,
<br /> at�sent.r�asonable wtaz and tear excxpted. 11pon any failure to�o�aintain, Mortgagec, x�its option.
<br /> may cause rea+sQnable maintenance work to be performed at the co�s of Mortgagor. �ny arnounts paid
<br /> ther�for by �n�¢gagee shaU bear interest at the rate provided for in the principal indebtedness, shall
<br /> therougon�baccmt a part of the indebtedness ssa�red by this instrument,ratably and on a parity with all `
<br /> other indebtcdness secured hereby,and shaD be{aayable thirty(30)days after demand.
<br /> ]l. Helshe will not execute or fite of record any instrument which impases a restrictiou upern the sale
<br /> � ' ar accupancy of the property described herein on the basis of race, col�r or creed. ;-_ _--
<br /> 13. If the premiaes,or any part thereoi.be condemned under the power of eminent domain,or acquired
<br /> + for s pub11c us�, the damagea awarded, the �tc�eeds for the taking of. or the consideration for sttch
<br /> acquieltcun�ta tiie eatent af the full amount ol the remaining unpaid indebtedness secUred by this mor� • �
<br /> � lCSge,are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee,and shsll be paid forthwith ta said Diortgagee,to be a�pli�d •
<br /> on account og the last maturing inataltments o!s�th irec�ebsedness. • �
<br /> L . 14. IP t,�t� Mortgagor fsils to make any ps}ments wh�n due,or tv cunform to and comply a-ith zny +�
<br /> oi the conditivns�r agreements cantained in this mortgage,nr the r:otes�ti•hich it s�cur�s.ur if the Mort-
<br /> � g�gor be adjudic�ted b�nkrtlpt or madQ defes�dant in a bankruptcy or seceivership pruceeding,thrn the � .
<br /> ent�re pranripsl eum and eccrtted intere�t ahal�a�once t�ecome due enc�payable,at thc•election of the Mort-
<br /> �ag�e� and thie martqage msy thereupon ire iateciosetl emmediately fot the whnle of th� indF�htc�dness �'"'
<br /> � hereby aecured,including the coat of extending the abatrset of title from the date af this mart a e to the ��
<br /> iime oi commenring such auit,s reasanabte atE�tney's fee,and eny aue'ns paid by the Yeter�ns �f�,►i rs ;, ��a�
<br /> on acca�nt nf thc� �eranEy ar insursn�e u!t.hp inaebt,edrsess s�curec2 hpr�by, alt ��f Hhieh s�alt h�� ;: t
<br /> included in the decree of fornrlosure.
<br /> = i� 1"►_ Tit�e 3fl United Stxtee Code.and the Rcgvtatinna issuc�i lher�e:.�rccler sh�J!�;over�tttk�r�fthts.dwties
<br /> +� And liabilitiels oi the{Nlttit��eretu,and any pacv�sine►s c,f thi3 e�r othc�r in;.trt�menty�x�ctitevi in camnErt�on
<br /> "; witt� eai�4 irtt3ebt�dnc.sa wh�rh nre iseunsisten� wj,h s�.i� Titic� nr Rc�gu➢ut�c�n: arc� i�f•rE�l�y runE•ndFCi ar�d
<br /> �i: nup�,terr�ente�f tc,ecenCarm theretv. �
<br /> ,�
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