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<br /> ' - � �
<br /> �0�, �OV���
<br /> - � 3b He��s�rm To Hot.t�the aame unto the Mortgagee, aa herein provided. Mortgagor represents to�
<br /> � �td covgnants with, the Mortgagpe,fhat Lhe Mortgagor has auod rsght to se'.1 and convey said premis�s; ' �
<br /> � that tliey are free from encumbrance,except a�herein ot�ferwise recited;tlpst the Mortgagor wi11 warrant
<br /> aad dgfend t�e�ame agsinat tdae fiwf�t claims of aA peraons�vhomaoever. Mortgag�or herebp relinquiahes
<br /> sll ri�ta af�tomeatead, all maritat ri�hts,either in law or in equtity,an�all other contingent int�res#a o� ' �
<br /> the Yortgt�or in aad to the sbove-�ribed premises. �
<br /> � • ,:�. . . . '
<br /> _ :;. ,..:
<br /> _ � PBOVJAZD ALW�YB, and these presen�ti�e executed snd delivered upa� �i:.e follgwing conditaans,
<br /> ' .'.��:wit:
<br /> i � . _ ,
<br /> � liort�a�o=aS'rees to WtY to the Mortgagee,or oa��::the aforesaid pri=m.y-��swm with interesi�m
<br /> 1 date at the rate oi nine and one �alf per ca�.rntt�rn( 9} �to) pFr�::;�um on the uapaid baJ:<�::,ce � �
<br /> � nntil paid The esid principat and interest shall be pa.able at fi,�:��ce of the Loan Guaranty Off�cer,
<br /> � ; Reterwts Affairs Regional Office,Lincoln,Nebrsska, or zt��t��rh other g}ace sa t�e holdar of the
<br /> s�te msY desi�►te in writIng deli�ered or mailed to the Mortgagor, iy *_nonthl3- i�stallments oP �
<br /> ; One Hundsed Ninety Three and 40/100 ----Do'��z.rs($193.4Q ;�_����-���g on the irsst �
<br /> day of "A'prii , 19 90 ,and continuing on the first day of each rnonth t���aher unri;�id ' - �
<br /> � � rr.��e is tuuy paid,except that,if not sooner p��,the final payment of principal and intere�:�.��iall be due and �� ��f"'
<br /> , � �:r-�:abie an the fast day of Mareh ,2020 ; all according to the terms c�f� cextain pro- �M
<br /> . mrssory note of even date herewith executed by rhe said Mortgagor. ;�'y`"
<br /> ; _
<br /> ; The Mortgagor further a�reea:
<br /> 1. Ht/she wiD pay the indebtedness�as hereinbefore provide�!!..L�ivilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br /> tim�e,without premlutn os fa the cr.we indeuteciness or any part t��zneof not less than the amount of one y�
<br /> installmeat,or one hundral �ollars(100,00).whichever is less. Pregayment ia�rl1 shall be credited on the i�
<br /> date received.Partia]prepayment,oihcr than on an insttillment due date,need�rst be cxedited until the next � ��.
<br /> following installment due date or th3rty days after such prepaymern3, whichever is earller. � _
<br /> _ � � 2. 'Together with, and in addition to, tt��monthly payments c;>`principal and interest payable under
<br /> � the terms of the note secured �ereby, Mortgagor will ��;� to Mart�agee. as trustee (under the terc�.s of �
<br /> this trust as hereioafter stated) on the installment du� c��."e of eacfi month until said note is fully pc�:d:
<br /> (a) A aum equal to the ground renta,if any, next due, plus the premiurna that will next become due
<br /> � and pay�ble on policiea of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, '�
<br /> plus taxeb and asscssmenta next due on the mortgaged property (all aa eatimated by the Mort- ' ,._
<br /> gagee.and of which the Mortgagor ia natified> tess all sums already paid therefnr divided by ' �,�
<br /> the number of montha to elapse before one monf,h prior to the date wher euch ground rente,
<br /> �remiums. taxes and assessments will become delinquent�such sums to be held by Mortgagee � �
<br /> m truat to psy eaid ground rents,premiuma�taxes and special assessments. �
<br /> � (b) The agaregrte o!the unounta payabie pursuant to subparagraph (a) and those payable on the
<br /> : note aecared hereby. ahall be paid in a ain�le payment each manth,to be applied to the fol�usar•
<br /> , ing items in the arder atated:
<br /> • (1) ground rente.tsxes, asseasmenta,fire a:�dother hazard insurance preminma;
<br /> _ � <tt) intere�t on the note aecured hereby;and
<br /> 4 (�tt) amortization of the principal nf said note.
<br /> , ,
<br /> Any deficiency in the umount of any auch aggaegate monthly payrnent shall,unless made� �
<br /> - by the Mort�x�or prior to the due dat�e of the next euch psyment,cc�atitute an ev�nt of de sult `
<br /> under thi�mortssae. At blortga�ee'e optionY Mortgagor will pay a"late charge"not exceed- �'
<br /> _ i�g four per centum (4%) of any installment when paid more than flfteen (15)days after the
<br /> due date th�reoi to cover the extra expenae involved in handling delinquent paymente�but auch
<br /> � . "late char�e"shall not be payabte uut of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted- ; --
<br /> neas aecured hereby,unless euch proceedssre suf�cient to discharge the entire indebtedness snd
<br /> all pro p er eoets an d expenses aecure d hereby.
<br /> � :
<br /> 3. lf the total ot the payments made 6y the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph ,2 preceding sha11 �
<br /> � exceed the amount of paymenis actuallp made bv fhe Mti:t¢agee as trustew for gr�nad �ent�, ta�es ��� � �
<br /> assessments orinsurance premiums,as the case rr,ay be�surh excess shal! be creditedby the Mortgagee
<br /> on sn6stquent payments to be made by the Mortg;�gor for such items or, at Mortgagee's optian, steall be
<br /> �etunded to Mortgagor. If, however, such monthly payments shall not be safficient to puy such items
<br /> � � � whr.ti the same sh�ll became due and payable� then the Mortgagor shall a to the Mafl � ee as trustee
<br /> PY � g �
<br /> any nmount neressery to make up the defiriency withi�a thitty (33) days after wcitten notire from the
<br /> � Mortgagee stating the�maunt of t1�e deticiency, whicf� notice may be �iven by mail. If at anv timethe �
<br /> Martg�gor shali teeArr tu t6e Mortgage�. in aceotdatt�e with tht pravis�ons uI the nt�te s�cured heteby, � -
<br /> futt p�yment oilhe cntire indebtednc�ss represented theteby,the MoNgagee as ttesste� shall,inramputing; � �
<br /> the,amount ot sueh inQrbtedness. credit to ihe atrount di the Mortgagor Any rrrdit batdne•e r�rcumulated
<br /> — ueder the prov�sions af(a� of paragraph 2 hereui. 11 Lher� shall bc'J (IE`taolt utsder�ny nt th� pr[�vts�at�s
<br /> s�f Ihis mart�;�g�resulhng �n a p�bli�� sole nt Ihr. premises covereai herE�by, ar it IA� Mort�;a�;e�• .��•yuirE•� f
<br /> +� ��
<br /> :�fi�;�. � . .
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