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2� 17� 1111 <br /> �21'151���7 �LVSrVVV.VV <br /> Pr�vided, howe�er, �haf fh�f��al principal Indeb��dness�u�s�anding and secured hereby af any one t�me <br /> w�ll no��xc��d the sum of T11V� HUN�]��C� F�VE THC�USAN❑ �$��5=���.��}, exclus�ve of in�eres�and <br /> p�ote��ive ad�ances au�horr��d herein or in any L�an C7vcurr�en�and su�h ather amounts�IIawed by law. <br /> NDTHIN� ��]NTAINE❑ HER�IN SHALL ��NSTITL�TE A ��Mi1lllTNi�NT T� MAKE FIJRTHER C�� <br /> AQ�ITC�NAL ADVAN�ES �N ANY AMC�L]NT AT ANY T1ME, 1NHETHER �R NDT TH E T�TAL <br /> PR!N�C PAL IN DEBTEC�N ESS AB�VE HA� BEEN ADVAN�ED. <br /> This#rust de�d vvill be due Ja_nuarY �, ��4�. <br /> Trustvr h�reby v�arrants�ha�Trus�or ho�ds good and marke��ble titie in f�e�rmple to�he�b���described <br /> �r�pertyr �h�t Trus�Qr has g�od and lawfu��ufihori�y ta tru��d�ed th�same, �ha��he Pr�perty is f�ee and <br /> ciear of alI liens �nd encum�ran�es, e�cc�p�fihose set for�h i� a title paIicy or title opinian purc�ased �y <br /> Lender and deemed accep�able by Lender, �n i�s �oIe discretion, in rela��on to �his trusfi deed and tha� <br /> Trus�or will warrant and defend the 1�roperty a� Trusfor's expense agalns� all claiman�s whomsoever. <br /> Trus�or als� hereby waives �nd relinquish�s aII righ�s af dower, hor�nes�ead, d�stri�u�iWe shar�, and <br /> e�emption in �nd ta th�above d�scribed R��I Property. <br /> [t Es und�r��oad and agre�d b�tween �`rustor and Lend�r that this t�us� de�d �s given to sec�re the <br /> repaym�n�in full of the all �bligations, regardle�s af whe�her Trustor is liabl�therean, ar�� alI future and <br /> add�tianal loans or ad�ance�, pro�ec�ive�r othenrvise, which may be mad�by Lender, af r�s ap�ion, a��h� <br /> reques�of, �nd�o or for�he accaunt of Trustar,any of�he par�ies I�able ur�der�ny af�he Loan DaGuments, <br /> far any purpose, pIus in�er�st thereon, ail p�yabl� accordin� t� the �erms of the Laan Da�uments. Any <br /> C�bligations�ecur�d by thi�trust deed shal� be payable when due as set farth in the Loan Documents. <br /> This trusf��ed may secure more than on� L�an Documenfi. <br /> Trus�vr h�r��y assign�, firansfers, and canveys to Lend�� all ren�s, is�ues, income, profits, rayaffies, <br /> b�nuse�, �nd delay moneys or a�her praceeds that may�rom time to�ime beGvme due and payable under <br /> �ny rea[ �state lease or und�r any oil, gas, grave�, rock, �r other m�n�r�l leas� of any kind inG�udi�g <br /> ge�therma[ resaurces now�xisting vr th�t may hereafter come into exisfien�e, co�ering the Pr�pert� or <br /> any part�hereof. AII such sums�o recei�ed by Lender wtll be app[�ed�o�h�Qbli�a�ians�ecured hereby; <br /> or Lender, �t its aptivn, m�y �urn �ve�and d�Iiver to Tru�tor�s} or�h�ir successors in int�res�, any or�II <br /> of such sums withau� prejudice ta any of L.�nd�r's right� �o take and r��ain future sums, and wi�naut <br /> p�e�udice tQ any of its ather rights under �his trus� deed. This assignmen� will �e cons�rued to b� � <br /> praWisivn far�he paymenfi vr reduc�ian of the Ubliga�iQns, subject tv�he Ler�der's option a� hereinb�fare <br /> pro�ided, inde��ndenfi of the�rust deed on the Proper�y. <br /> Trustorar�d each afthe�furtherc�v�nant�and agree�with,orcer��fres and repres�r�ts to Lender <br /> as fo�lov�r�: <br /> 'I. Ta pay al[ li�n�, judgments, ar �ther a�sessments against the Property, and �o pay when due aIl <br /> assessm�n��,taxes, rents, u�ilifiies,fees, charges vr encumbr�n��s upan th�Property ar und�r any lease, <br /> permit, licen�e, �r-�ri�ilege assigned tv Lender as additional�ecuri�y�o�his trust�eed, including�hose in <br /> �r on �u�li�damain. <br /> �, To insure and keep insured alI buildin�s and vth�r improvements, including frxtu��� and attachmen�s <br /> nvw on�r hereaft�r p�aced on�he Real Praper�y�v�he s�tisfactivn of Lender. SuGh insur�nc�wi[[cantain <br /> an�ndarsemen�shawin� Lender as BenefiGiary. �n dem�nd, Trus�ar will furn�sh said poii�ies or praof of <br /> insuranc� to L.ender and �he insurance c�rrier shall be ���isfactQry�a Lender. Trus�or�ha[I giWe wrEt�en <br /> notice �a Lend�r immediat�fy of any claim or loss. Any sum� sa received �y Lender m�y be appli�d in <br /> paym�nfi�f�ny ma�ured �r unma�ured C�bligations s��ur�d by tn�s trust de�d, or at the❑pti�n of Lender <br /> may b� used �a pay for �econstruction af �he destroy�d impro�emer�xs. �uch insurance vtirl[I be in �r� <br /> amvun� �� Ie�st equal fa fihe lesser af�he la�n ba2ance, fihe ac�ual cash ��lue o� �h� Property, or th� <br /> App#:5439848; G!F#:'i 1 G3�6; Nate#.3n?2Q2� 233MM Legai Dvc.Dat�:Fehruary'�5,�U�? <br /> F4RM 50�i'I,Trust Deed and Assignrnent of Ren�s Page 3 n�7' <br />