2� 17� 1111
<br /> �blr�at�ons: [ncludes, wifhouf limitation, ail credit including principal and any advances, inferest and
<br /> other amounts due to L�nd�r under the Loan D�cum�nts wheth�r ar not this trust deed is �pecificaily
<br /> referred to in the e�idence of debt, including withaut I�m�tatian, fees, casts, and expenses, toge�her with
<br /> all r�newals, extensions, or refinancing vf same and any future and addi�ianal loans ar advances made
<br /> at Lender's op�ion fio or on behaif �f Borrawer by Lender vr� under any other Loan Document far any
<br /> purpose wh�ther reiated or unrelated ta the purpose of the ariginaI credit, including ad�ances f�r the
<br /> protectlon of fhe Property, a11 at�orney fees, c�sfs an� expenses incurred by Lender ta the ex�ent
<br /> permi�ted by law�n fhe�ollec��an �f any Ioan �r in the enforcement or preservation of the r�gh�s of Lender
<br /> in and to the Property, regardless of whether Trustor is obligated thereon as a mak�r or co-maker,signer
<br /> or co-signer, or as a guarantor, end�rser, surety or other accamm�daflan party.
<br /> Personal Property: All equipmen�, f�xtures and other persona� prvperty that are naw or her�after
<br /> attached or affixed to the Real Pr�perty; together wifh a!I accessions, parts and additians to, all
<br /> replacem�n�s af and all substi�utivns for any of such prvperty.
<br /> Real Prvperty:Tvg�ther with the below legally describ�d real estate, alI existing or su�sequently erected
<br /> ar aff�xed auildings, sfructures, 'rmproWements or fix�ures; all �rops, timher,timb�r to be cu�, tre�s, plants,
<br /> vines or oth�r p�antings; aCC water, water rights, inc[uding riparian rights and surface water rights,
<br /> water�ourses, irrigati�n, drainage and ditch rights; a[[ rents, issues, uses, income, profits an� rvyalti�s;
<br /> all [�ases, permits, licenses, pri�ileges, �asements, rtghfs �f way, rights �a passession; alI rights in and
<br /> to th� lands lying in st�eets, alleys and raads adj�in�ng th� Real Prap�rty and appurtenances; al� leases,
<br /> permi�s, licenses, vr privi[eges, appurtenant ar nvn-appurtenanfi to th� p�operty, now�r hereaft��issued,
<br /> extended, �r renewed by Trus�or, any Staf�, the Un�ted Stat�s, �r any department, bur�au,
<br /> instrumen�al�ty, or agency �here�f; aI[ proceeds in eminent domain, insurance payments, prviceeds �r
<br /> refunds ot premiums or any o�her payment o�sett[ement relaf�ng to the Prvperty; ai�oil, gas, graW�I, rock,
<br /> �e�thermal an�l similar resaurc�s or other minera� �ights of whatever natur�; and any and al� �ther rr�hts
<br /> re[ated �v�he real property.
<br /> Praperty: �ollec�ively the Real Proper�y and the Personal Pr�perty, inciud�ng withaut �imita�lan all
<br /> insuran�e pro��e�ls and refunds of insurance p�emiums related to said Property.
<br /> Trustee: As se�f�rth ab�ve.
<br /> Trustar:As set torth abo�e.
<br /> Th� above named Trustor for good and �afuable consider�ation, hereby irreWocably transfers, con�eys
<br /> and assi�ns to Trusfee, I N TRUST, �1111TH P�1lIIER �F SALE, far �he benefi� and security of the
<br /> B�neficiary, its successors and assigns, an assignment and secur��y interest in all af Trustor's righ�, �i�l�
<br /> and inf�rest whefiher currently exist�ng or here�nafter acqu�red in and to th� following-d�scribed R�aI
<br /> Praperty `rn,Hall County�ies , Nebraska, t�wit:
<br /> Th� Southwest Quarte� �SVI!%4} �f Section Twen�y-se�en �27}, T�vtirnship Ele�en
<br /> ���} N�rth, Range Eleven ��1} �lVest of �h� ��h P.M., Hafl �aunty, Nebraska,
<br /> EX�EPT Lot�ne ��}, S and L Su�division AND E�CCEPT fh� Southeasf C�uarter
<br /> of the Sou�h�ast C�uarter vf the Southwest Quart�r �SE%4 SE�/4 S�lV�/4} of Sec�ian
<br /> Twenty-s��en ��7}, Township EI�Wen ��'I} North, Rang� Eleven ���} Vl�est vf the
<br /> 6�h P.M., Ha�� C�unty, N�braska.
<br /> In add`rtian, Trustor hereby grants�o Lender a Unifvrm �amm�rcial Cvde securi�y int�resf in all P�rsonal
<br /> Property; �nd a11 proceeds fr�m �ny sale ar ather disposition �f the Prop�rty. The trust deed is also
<br /> eff�c�ive as a financing statement f�ed as a fixture filing under the LlnifQ�-m CvmmerCial Cad�.
<br /> l� is unders�aad and agreed betvveen Trustor and Lender �hat this �rus� deed is given ta s�cure �he
<br /> repaym�nt in full vf the �bligations as set f�rth in th�s trust deed and any L�an D�cum�nt. All amoun�s
<br /> shall be paid when due as pra��ded far�n the L�an Documents creating the �bligafions secured by this
<br /> trus�deed.
<br /> This�rust deed secures aCl �blrga�ians, including, but not limited ta the follow�ng:
<br /> Date vf N�te s or vther Loan Document s Principal Amount
<br /> App#:5439848; CIF#: 1�6325; Nvte#:3072�25 �3�MM Legal Doc.Date:February�5,��1�
<br /> F�RM 5�11,Trust Deed and Assignment vf Rents Page 2 af 7
<br />