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<br /> _....,._A.V � ----- �
<br /> � 94+10081�
<br /> Na�-UtviFOxrt CovE.t�wh'ts.Bonower a�d Lender further covenant and agrce as foltows:
<br /> 19. Accekr�tiaa; Remedtes.Leader a1u11 gi�e eot[ce to Borrower priar to arnteration toltowing BorroRes's
<br /> breub of aay counant or a�eemeot te t6is Security Iastrumeat(but nat prior to accelentton andtr paragraphs 13 and 17
<br /> unless Applfpble Isw pro�ides otherwise).The notfce�4s11 specify:(a)the default;(b)the tetlon reqnired to cure the
<br /> � defaul�tc)�dste,nat less than 30 cLys irom the d�ts the notice is giren to Borrower.by whkh ths default mnst be cured;.
<br /> and(d)tliat fatiurc to cure the defiult on or 6�fore the date spesifted in tha aotice miy result in accetentlon of the sums
<br /> secaered by thts Secnrityr Instsvment and sale of tt�e Property.7'�e notice shd!further taferm Borro��of the right to
<br /> . reinsptte after accelera�nn and the rig6t t�hring a court action to assert the aamexistence of s defiult or any other
<br /> dtfeese ot Borrowtr to uteler�tioe and sate.If tha detault is aot cured on or before tha date speci6ed in the notice,I.eHder .
<br /> at ite optIan msy require fmmediate payaieni ia fnll ot atl sums sec�red 6y C6is Secudty Instrument�rithoui further
<br /> dtmaad�nd msy Invoke the poxer of site 9nd any other remedies permitteel by npplicabte taw.Leadcr sha11 be entiticd to
<br /> � eollect alt e:pc:nsa incnrred ia pursuing the rcmedies prorided in thts ptngnp6 19, inciuding; but not limited to,
<br /> rasoeabie attor8eys'fees and costs of title e�idence.
<br /> � If the power of sale is in�oked,Trustee sbaal record a aottce of dehult tn eacb coanty in Rhfeh aey pu�t o!the
<br /> Prupertp is lacated ind sIull mail copies of sacL aotice in W e manner prescrlbod by�applicabie IaW to Bono�er and to the
<br /> other persoas presrril�ed by�pplicable law.Afier the time requtred 6y applica6le law,Trustee shall give pvbIIc n4tice of
<br /> sate to We persons and in the manner preurlbed by spglirable ia�v.Truste�wittiout demand oa Borrower,sl�all seU t6e
<br /> Property at public auction to the hig6est bidder at the ti�ae and place and under the terms designated 1n the nottce of sate in
<br /> one or mor�ptr�s and in any order Tcustee determines.Trastee may postpone sale of�ll or any parcei of tfle Property 6y
<br /> pnblic anaoaa�c-maQt at tfle time and place a��ny�revlonsly sch�slu2cd snl�Lender or its desi�es may purch�se the
<br /> Fraperty at ang s�t�.
<br /> ' 6Tpan refleept of pay���flf the price bid,Trnstee s6All deliv�r to ti�s gruchaser Trustee's deed conveying the ,
<br /> ProperEg.The reciiaLs in the�'custee's deed sh�U be priata f�cie ev�r�enee of t�truth of the statements made there�.
<br /> � , Trastee shdl rpglg the proceeds of t6e sale in t6e following order.(a�tr�a!1 expenses of tge saie,includin�,but nat limited
<br /> to,Trastee's fees�permitted by applicable taw snd reasonable attae�ys'fees:(6)to aU sums secured by this Securit�
<br /> Instrament;aad(c)aay excess to the person or persons legally emt��cd Lo i�
<br /> �9.I.ender in Possession.Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of'the Property, Lee��er fin �
<br /> person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)sh�t�e entitled to enter upon.take passession of an�3 rn�age ch:
<br /> Froperty and to coltect the rents of the Propezty includin�those past due. Any rents collected by Lensltr or th:receives
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the cosu of management of the Property and col4.ction of rents,inc4�,3ing, b�t tt:+t.
<br /> ` limited to,receiver s fees, premiums on recctiy er's bands and reasanahi�attorneys'fees,and then to the s�ms secused�iy: •
<br /> ; this Security Instru.-a,ent. �
<br /> � Z1.Reeonse�a..Ree U�nlz payment of all sums s�cau-�d by this Sesurity In,tn�Zent,Lender sh�ll sct{uc:�t Tnistee ta
<br /> ' �econvey the Pro�•and sha19 surrender this 5ecurity Tr�Yrument and a!i-zir_t�e•:ideacing debt secured b;�this Security
<br /> Instrument to Tru�*.�e.Tsustee shali reconvey the Property witho�z w�ir���y o;�d without cha�ge to the person ar per�cas
<br /> legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay uny rrxor�ati�n.�a-r,its. ' -
<br /> : 22.Substitute Tnutee.Lend�r,at its option,m3y!"m�qme to time remqv�Trustee and appoint a sur.cessor trustee
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rt�cstzed an the county in whtch th�s Secnrity Instrument is recorded.
<br /> � Withaut coriveyance of the Property,the saccessor trw�;�e shall succeed to all the title.gc�wer and duties confened upon
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law. , _
<br /> 23.Re.quest for Notices.Honower requests t�:�t copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's
<br /> address which is the Prop�rty A�dress. • -
<br /> 1A.Riders to this Secutiy Instsamen�If one or�are riders are executed ts�Borrower and recorded tagether with ��
<br /> . this Security Instrur�nent,the covenants and agreements o�each such ri�er shall be incarporated into and shall amend and '`
<br /> . sapplement the cov�nants and agreements of this Seu�rity Instrurn�nt as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt.[Ch:cl:applicable boa(es)J
<br /> i ('�' Adjtistable Rate Rider Q Cond��cr.inium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider __ �
<br /> ; ❑ Grsduated Payment Rider Cj Planned Unit Dc^�wtr�pment Rider �"��
<br /> , ,
<br /> ; ❑ Other(s> [specif}•J ��'.
<br /> ,•,�.;,,`.
<br /> BY SI(;N1NG BELO�. (3urrower accepts and :spr�:s to the terms and covenants contai ed in this Secucity •
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)eaeeuted by Borrower an�i recarded�cith' . �
<br /> .............................. ........................... .................... � ..�...�.......�..�...... .. .....�...........
<br /> ..... ...... ........ . . . . . .. ..(Seal)
<br /> Charles R. Enc 8T —Borrower
<br /> ........................................................................................ .�,,.�1/.l.r�. �, n:�'�� ................. ..(Se�cl)
<br /> , t ary E�Encinger -eo«o�e�
<br /> STn�rr:o�� Nt:s�nshn. Hall ('uuniy 5�:
<br /> Un this 15th ��y �` February ,1Ng� . bcfure mc. tlic u»dcrtiigncd. a N��tary ['uhli�
<br /> ; - duly commissioned and yualificd for 5aid county.prrsonally camc Charles R. Encinger and Mary E.
<br /> Encinger, each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each �t118D mc knu�vn tc�h�;Ehc ` �
<br /> .
<br /> _ identical persnnls) who5r namc(5► t�re tiubscribed tn the fore4oinr insirwncnt a�i:1 .1CR111►14IClILCd �F�e e�rrutiun
<br /> - thcrcof to bc theiT ��oiuntar� ��ct ancl derd. �
<br /> Witncss my hand and nntari�l sral ut Grand Island, Nebraska in�aid cc�unt�•,thr
<br /> — datc afvresaid. �.....
<br /> �
<br /> t My Cun�mi . . ->j v / 1 � � �
<br /> r nrr(e1�� ��-���l �4���� c �)
<br /> I (,.� ' a.u.a M�IEM�AJ.ALDE�1 .;7Y.'. .. . .��..L/.�-���:C�.-�. . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . .
<br /> �� Y1tQ�E�.Nw.�1lM ti,,,.�,, t����,;�., �
<br /> . 12!(�UI�5i' I UK ItE•t'ONVt�Y�1N( l ���
<br /> , 'r��'t►tti�t�t
<br /> '(Fi: unttertii��na�d i. th�• li�,lifcr r•f th:•tiutc e�r n�,tc�, .rcnrccS Iw rl�i� ilrc•�f +�f i+ts�! 4,�icE ir„�� „r ��r.tc�. tsrecCffri� • y... _
<br /> t�It1�dIlntEirri�idchtcdu::ti,.:�cir<<Ihr11iI�.I7cc�f�i[Ttu,l.I�;�L:G�•�n��.zul �u�ul! ti�nts.u� lurrh�. �jfS..I�J�..,.ni..cf.,�a�f
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<br /> 1)r:•i) �,t I tn�t. ��hi�l� :ire ilr{itctcci(a.icin, ,�u�l !� IC�f�SIL�t, Y�I:h.•ni �� ri.tnit. ,jfl �li: r:�.�•:
<br /> h:��- hcltl ht �.�,t� ��t��lir +in. Itc�c! of lintil 4��Ific ��,�.�r�� nr �,..t.,�n� I���.tll. �i�'��I.�! tii.!�I��
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