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<br /> r If Lender required mortgage iASUranre as a condition of making the loan secure�by this Security Instrument,
<br /> Borrower shall pay the psaniums requirc�to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirem�nt fur the
<br /> , insurance terminates i�accardane�with Bonow•er's and Lender's written agrezment or applicable laa.
<br /> 8. Iesyection. Lender or its aggnt may make reasonabie entries upcm and inspections af the PrcpeYty. Lender
<br /> shall give Borrower notise at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonablecause for the inspectian.
<br /> 9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim f�r damages,direct or consequentiat.in connettion vrith �
<br /> � any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,or fos conveyance in lieu af condan�atian,are hereby
<br /> . assigned and shall be paid to I,ender.
<br /> � � In the e�ent of a tatal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied ta tha sums secured by this Security - `
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due,K�ith any eacess paid to Bonower. in the event of�a partial ta�Cing of the Property,
<br /> unless Barrawe�'and Yxnder otherwise agree in wsiring,the sums secured by this Secnrif�f Li�4t`iament shall be reduced by '
<br /> the amount of the prac�multiplied by the follawer�g fraction: (a)the totnl amaunt�f tht�ums�zcured immedimiefy
<br /> before the taking,divid�3 by(b)the fair market v�I�of the Property immediately before the taking:Any balance shall be -, �
<br /> paid to Bottower_ � .
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Barrower,or if.after noiice by Lender to Butri��rer that the condemnar a8�to�
<br /> make an award or settfe a Claim for damages,BarrowEr fails to respond to Lender�r�ithin 30 duys after the date the nnti�is... � � , .
<br /> given,Lender is authori�d to collect and apply the�=oceetis.at its option,either to aestprntion rnr c'qsair of the Property or� . � �
<br /> to tf�e sums secured by thl5�Security Instrument,w•k�her os not then due. . .
<br /> Unless I.ender and Bonower otherwiseagree in writing,aay appli�tia�n otpsnceecL to Fcvt�apal shall not ehtend nr
<br /> � � postpone the due date of the monthly gayrnrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z or.chan�.�°_'tlie�..�oant of such payments.
<br /> 10. Borroser Not Releised; FOJLCIIJ��CE By IRAdCT NUt A W81Y@i. Eatc���a:o���time for payment or
<br /> . : modification af amortization of the sums secureai by this Security In..�rument granted by L.end�-to any successor in '
<br /> ` interest af Borrower shall not operate to release Ehe liability af the c�riginnS�Bdrrower or Borrower'�successors in interest.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to cumm�rtce procexdings a�.inst any success�r in interest�or refiese to eatend time for
<br /> payment ar aEherwise modify amortization�f the sums secured by.this Security Insuument by reason of any demand made '
<br /> by the origin�!�onawer or Borrower's sucsessors in intese5t.A.n}forfsearance by Lender in eaercising any right ac cemedy
<br /> shall not be a waiver of oF preclude the eaercise of any right nr r�P3y. ,
<br /> li. Saccaso�s�Assips Boaad;Joiat,aatl Several Cis�ilIty;('�-signers. The covena�and agreements of ,•� � �
<br /> tlais Security Instrume:�t sJeall bind at�d E�ene�it t(t���cessors and s:�igns of Lender and Borcower�sufs�act tathe provisions . �
<br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's covezant�an3 agreements shall be joint and severaJ.Any Hor►r_ccer who casigns this Securiry �
<br /> Instrument but does noi eaecute tir:h:trte:(u)is co-signing this Security Instrument onl��to mortgage,grant and convey ,
<br /> ' that Borrower's interest it�the Prop:rt4 usv.ier tlre terms of'this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligaied to pay .;:�'?-
<br /> Qie sums secured by this Security Instrura�_rst;ans�(c�agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, . ';;,� ;
<br /> rr�odify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secuaty lnstrument or the Note without '
<br /> that Bonawer's consent. . =
<br /> • 1Z. Uaan Gbuges. li'the loan secured by this Security instrument is subject to a!aw which sets mazimiim loan
<br /> � charges. ar�d that law is finally interp�reted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ac ta be caiy�3cze3 in �°
<br /> connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charg�e shall be rc�uaed by the amaunt • �;�r�:��-
<br /> necessary to reduee the charge to the permitted Jimit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrawer which exceeded ,;, �
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Bonower.Lender may choase ta make ihis refund by reducing the principa)oa•ed
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to�orrower.If a refund redaces principol,the reduction wilt be treated as a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepa��r_►�ent charge under the Nate.
<br /> � � l3. Lep,islatioa �.;�ecting Lender's R�ght�. !f enactment or expiration af applicable laws has the effect of
<br /> rendering any provis:ac,;.:the Note or this Secur.ty lnsirument unenforceable according to its 4erms,Lender.at its option, .
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security ]nstrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted�;�;aragraph 19.If L.ender eaercises this option.Lender shall takc the steps specificd in the secnnd parag�aph of .
<br /> paragraph I"". '
<br /> 14. Notices. A�y notice to Bonower provided for in this 9ecuritu T.nstrument sha1)be given by delivering it or by ,y-�.'
<br /> � ::�ailing it by first clas� mail unless applicable law requires use of anoth� :nethod.The notice shall be directed to the , .
<br /> Property Address or an� other address Borrower designates by notice to f.c::�der.Anp notice to Lender shall be given by ,
<br /> first class mail to i,ender's address stated herein or any other addr�s Lender designa��L f�y notice to Borrower.Any notice ' �
<br /> � provided for in this 5ecurity Instrum:-:-�t shall be deemed to have been givero:�Bc�rca�+���•ur l.ender when given as provided �
<br /> _�this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Coverning Ia�v;5everstbileSy. 7'iti� �-e�:urity Instrument sha?i �:governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdicti�n in which the Property is lncated. In t::e event that any provi�,t�,�s or clause c>f this Secutity Instrument ot the
<br /> Note conRr:��.s with applicable law.s�'�conflict shall not affec:x other provisions a!'this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> which can��eiven effect without the�onflicting provision. 'C4 tiis end the provisinns oi'thic Security lnstrument 1nd the
<br /> � Note are dcclared to be severabte.
<br /> 16. Botrawer's Copy. �orrower shall be given one confbrmed ca�y of the Note:+nd of thiq Security lnst rument.
<br /> 17. Transfe�ot the Property or a Bcneficial Interest in BoreoKer. lf all�r any part oP the Yroperty or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or�f a beneficial interest in Burrower is sold or transferred and H��rrower is not�naturUl �
<br /> person)w•ithout Lender's pri�r writtcn consent,Lender may,at its option,requirc imm��diatc payment in full of al)sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity lnstrument. Hnwever,this option shall nn1 be exercised by 3�ender iP exerci5e is pr�hihitr� by
<br /> – feder�l law as nf the date�f this Security lnstrume��. %-=—___
<br /> if Lender exercises this nption,Lettder shal!give B�rrawer notice nf acceleration.7he notice shall provide�perind •
<br /> - of not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered at n�ailed within which Bnrrc�wer must pay all sum�secureci by .
<br /> this Security 1nslrurnent.lP Horrower Pails tn pay t3�ese sums prior to the cxpiration oi thic periad. Lender may im•oke any
<br /> remedies permitted by this Secunty lnstrument without further notice or ciemand on U��rraticer.
<br /> _ fo.�,.��;:�'�Ri��i f�Rei�hiYie. i{'ge,rrc►;�er���c-�t��e:ta��«nr��i�i�ns. S3a:r.��cr sS�a:t E:avc ih;:r.gh� suE:acr • :�_�-
<br /> enfnrcement uf this 5eeurity Instrument discantinued at�ny time priar w the earlier uf�(a)5 dayt(ot such c�ther penod a� �
<br /> � upplic�le law m�y speciPy for reinstatementl befe�re vale i�f!he Prc�perly pur�uant to an}•pnwer+�f'satr cnnt��meci in this
<br /> � 5eeurely ln;ttum�ns:r•:,h;cnlr}aFa�udgmeni enfur�ing thi�;5ecurity (nstrum:nt. Tho;e cond�ti�m�are th;,t i3nrrou•er. �
<br /> f�)p�ys l,ender all surns wi�ich tf�rn w�iuld he due uuder thi5 Securil�� Inctrument �i�d the ti��te had nn acceter:�tinn
<br /> ` �rccurred; (bi wres any def;tuh «f any othe�ca�r.�ena�t4 c�r agreements: (i) pays all expenseti incurred m enfi�rcmg thts �`'
<br /> � 5ecut�ty fusttun�ent,incluJ�ng.but tic�t I�mitcd tn. rea�:utrablc alturncy� fcr�, �ncf ld) takcti ruch urti�m.tis 1 cnc�cr rn.iy ��
<br /> rc�tnn:►hl} scUu�re t�a�wrc that �he lien uf th�c Ss�cunty Inctrun�e�et, l.ender's n�hts m the I'rnperty and linrrower'� � • -�
<br /> <,h1;�Siif�it iEY pay st�e �urE3� 4ceu.rd hy tk:�ti�e€ursty tntitrurne:;t ;halM lsstlElFiUN u:,�liss�f:ect t'��a��i rri��rt:ttcvF�:nt h} _, .
<br /> � Flr�rrnwer.thtti tiecurny Insttument;�nc�Ihe a�hlif�.►tu,n«reurecl hcrehc�hnft rrin.ut��itll�.i�f.rctite•.i��4 nn a�.•efe►attnu 1�ad
<br /> ;�{r ��z�urrccl ll��ac�er.th►c n�;F�t 4o re�n�t,�te sh,ill n�,t;ij�nl}iri thc tare��{.�u•elcr.}tn+n�ir;_t.f"(�.kf.�c•r.�(,Ii� I �„� I 7
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