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2� 17��999 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���r7tIt7U�d} Page � <br /> �[aTICES. Any nvtice r�qusr-ed t❑ be gi�en under this Deed o�Trust, in�luding w�thou� Iimitation any notice ❑f default <br /> and any notice of sale sha11 be gir�en in wri�ing, and shalI be eff�c�ti�e when actually de�iv�red, when actuaiiy re�eived <br /> by teiefacsimile �uniess ot�erwise required by Iaw}{when deposi�ed with a nationa[fy recognized overnight cvur�er, or, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in�he Uni�ed Sta�es mai�, as first class, certified ❑r registered mail po�tage prepaid� directed�o <br /> the �ddresses shown n��r the beginning af this ❑eed vt Trust. Ail copies of notices of foreciosure �ram �he hoIder ❑�F <br /> any Iien which has pria��ty over th�s Deed of Trus�shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near th� beginnzn� of <br /> this Deed of Trus-�. Any person may change his or her address tvr no�ices under this Deed of Trus� by gi�ing farmaI <br /> written n�tice to the ❑ther person ❑r persons� specifying that the purpose of �he nati�e is to chan�e the person's <br /> address. For natiGe purpos�s,Trustor agrees t❑ keep Lender in�Fo�-med at aII fimes o�Trus�or's current address. Uniess <br /> ❑therwise prov�ded ❑r required by Iaw, i�F there is more than one Trustar, any na�i�e gi�en by Lender t❑ any Trustor �s <br /> � deemed to be notice gi��n�o af�Trustors. It will be Trustor�s r�sponsibili�y to te��the��hers❑-F the notice fram Lender, <br /> MISCELLANEaUS PR�VISIDNS. The following mEsceIlane�us proviszons are a part a�this D�ed❑f Trus�: <br /> Amendments. What is wrtt�en in �his Deed of Trust and in the Rela�ed Documents is Trustor's en�ir-e agreement <br /> with Lender concerning�he matter� covered by this �eed o�Trust. To be �ffecti�e, any chan�e or amendment to <br /> this Deed ofi Trust mus�be in writing and must he signed by whoe�er wiII be bound or obIigated fay the change or <br /> amendm�nt. <br /> Caption H�adings. Caption headings in tnis Deed of Trust are fo� c�nvenience purposes onIy and are nat t❑ he <br /> used to interpret❑r define the provisians o#this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Nl�rger, There shalf be no merger of the interest or estate �reated by�his Deed of Trust with any vther interest or <br /> estat� in th� Property a�any time he�d by or for the benefi�❑f Lender in any�apacityr wi�hout the written �onsen� <br /> o�Lender, <br /> Governing L�w. This []eed vf Trust wiIl be governed by federaI law appIicabie ta Lender and, to the extent not <br /> preempted by federai law,th�Iaws vf the State of Nebraska without regard to i�s conflicts of law prvvisivns. This <br /> D�ed❑�F Trust has been accepted by Lender in the State vf 1Vebraska. <br /> Choi�e ❑f Venue. 1�th�re is a �awsuit, Trustor agrees upon �ender's requ�st to submit tn the�urisdic�ion ❑f�he <br /> caurts o-�Ha1l County, Sta�e ❑f Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Several Liabi[rty. AII obiigations of Trustar under�his De�d of Trust shaII be joint and se�eralr and aII <br /> r�ferences tv T�ustor shaI1 mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means that each Trus�or signing below is <br /> respansib[e for aII obligations in this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> No V�aiver by Lend�r. Trustar understands Lender wi�1 not give up any of Lender's rights under this Deed o�Trust <br /> unless Lender does sv in wri�ing. The fact that Lender de�ays �r omits to �xercise any right wiII not mean �hat <br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� right, �f Lender daes agree in wr�ting to gi�e up ane of Lender's rights, that does not <br /> mean Trustor will no� have to campiy with the vther provisians of this Deed af Trust. Trustor aIso understands <br /> that if Lender daes consent t❑ a request, that does nvt m�an that Trustar wi1I not ha�e to get Lend�r's consent <br /> again if the situation happens again. Trustor�ur�her understands that just because Lend�r consents t❑ ❑n�or more <br /> ot Tr-ustor's requests, tha� daes nat mean Lender wi�I b� required t� consent to any of Trus�or's tuture requests. <br /> Trustvr wai�res presentment� demand for payment� prates�r and notice❑�F dlshonor. <br /> Severability. If a court f�nds that any pro�ision ❑f this ❑eed of Trust is not vaIid or shauld no� be entor�ed, �hat <br /> fact by itseIf will not mean tha�the rest af this Deed o�Trust wil� not be�alid or enfvrced. Therefore, a court wili <br /> �nforce the rest of the pra�isions af this Deed of Trust e�en if a pro�ision❑f this aeed o#Trus�may be fvund t❑be <br /> in�alid ❑r unenforc�able. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Sub�ect�o any limitations stat�d in this Deed vf Trust on trans�er of Tru��or's interes�, <br /> �his Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to �he henetit of��e parties, �heir successvrs and assigns. Ifi <br /> ownership of the Properry hecomes�ested in a person ather�han Trustor, Lender, withou�no�iae to Trustor� may <br /> deal w��h Trust�r's successors with reference t❑this Deed o-�Trus�and�he f ndebtedness by way of farbearance or <br /> extension wi�hout refeasing Trus�or frvm�he obligations of this De�d o�Trus�or liability under�he [ndebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of�he es�en�e in the per�ormance o�this Deed of Trust� <br /> Waiver ❑f Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby reIeases and walves all rights and benefit� af the homestead <br /> exemp�ion Iaws of the Stat�vf Nebraska as t❑all Indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> DEF�N�Tl�1VS. The folivv�ing word�shali ha�e tha fo�lowing meanings when used in this Deed vf T�us�: <br /> geneficiary. The word "Ben�ficiary" means Exchange Bank� and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrowe�. The word "Borrowertt means MARTIN JUNGEN and 1�AD1NE JUNGEN and inc[ud�s aII ca--signers and <br /> co-makers signing th� Credit Agreement and aII their successors and a�si�ns. <br /> Cre�iit agr�ement. The words ttCred�� Agreement�' mean the cred�t ag��ement dated February 9� 2�'�7, with <br /> credit I�mit af $8�,��4.�❑from T�ustvr�o Lender,togethe�wi�h aII r�newals ot, extensions af� modificatians <br /> of, refinancings ofi, consvlidations vf, and substitutians �or the prami�sory no�e ar, agreemen�. N�TICE T� <br /> TRUSTOR: THE CREDIT AGREEMENT C�NTAINS A VAR�ABLE 1NTFREST RATE. . - <br /> Deed of Trust. The words n�eed of Trus�� mean this Deed ot Trust among Trustor� Lender� and Trusteer and <br /> inc[udes wi�hout Iimitation a[l assignmen� and security interest prou�sions re[ating to�the�Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> En�irvnmentaI Laws. The words "Enviranmental Laws" mean any and aiI state, federal and Iv�a[ statu�es, <br /> regulations and ordinances re[ating �o the protectzan o� human health or the en�ironment, inc[uding without <br /> Iimitation the Camprehensirre Environmental Response, Compensationr and Liability Act o�f '198Q, as amended� 42 <br /> U.S.C. Sec�ion 98��r et s�q. �nCERCLA'�}, the SuperFund Amen�iments and Reauthori�atian �4ct of �986, Pub. L, <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARAtt}r the Hazardous Ma�erials Transportatian Act��-9 U.S.C. Sec�ivn�'I 8�Z, et seq.,the Resource � <br /> Consenra�ion and Recavery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. S��tivn 590�� �t seq., or other appIicahfe state ❑r f�d�ral laws, ru�es, <br /> ar regulatians advp�ed pursuant there�v. - <br /> Event❑f DefauIt. The words "Event o-F Defauit'� mean any of the ev�n�s of de�ault se�forth in th�s l�eed o�Trust in <br /> the e�ents vt de�auI�se��ion of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The words nExEsting lnc�ebtedn�ss'� mean�h� indebtedness described in�he Existing Liens <br /> pro�ision af this Deed of Trust. <br /> _ <br /> Hazardaus �ubstances. The wvrds "H�zardous Substances" mean materiaEs tha�, because af thelr quan�ti�ty, <br /> concentration ar physicaI, chemical ❑r in�ectious characteris�ics, may cause or pose a pres�nt ❑r potential hazard <br /> t❑ human health or the en�iranment when improperiy used;treated,stared, disposed o�, generated, manufactured, <br /> transported or o�herwise hand�ed. The words ttHa�ardflus Substances" are used in�heir very broadest sense and <br /> include without [imitatian any and �II hazardous or �oxi� substances, materials vr waste as de��ned by ❑�- Iisted <br /> under the Environmental Laws. Th�tgrm "Hazardaus Substances" a�so inctudes, without iimitation, petr-o�eum and <br /> petroleum by-produc�s ar any fractian ther�o�and asbestos. <br /> � Impravements. The wn�d "lmpro�emen�s" means a1� existing and future improvements, bt�i�dingsr structures, <br /> mabil� homes af�ixed nn ��e Rea� Properry, �aciiities, additions, replac�ments and vther cons�ruc�Cian an the Reai <br />