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2� 17��999 <br /> �FE� o F T�usT <br /> ���nt�t�ued} Page � <br /> and eIec�ion�o cause Trustor's intetes�in�he Property t❑ be soId, which notice Trustee shai� cause�❑ be <br /> duly filed for record in the apprapria�e offices ofi�he County in whi�h the Property is Io�a�ed; and <br /> �d3 With respec�to aI! Qr any part o�F fihe Personax Property, Lender shaI1 ha�e aI�the rights and remedies <br /> ❑f a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Cammsrcial Gode. <br />. Foreclasure by Power❑f Sale. [f Lender elects to forecfose by exercise❑f the Power❑�Sale herein con�ained, <br /> Lender shaf[ nafify Trustee and shali deposit with Trustee this ❑eed of Trust and �he �redit Agreem�nt and <br /> such receipts and eviden�e of expendi�ures made and secured by this Deed af Trus�as Tru��ee may require. <br /> �a} Upo�n re�eipt o�F such no�ice f�om Lender, Trustee shall cause�o be recorded, published a�d de�i�e�ed <br /> to Trus�or such Notice of ❑etault and N�tice o�SaIe as then required by �aw and by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trus�ee shall, withou� demand on Trustor, after �uch fime as may then be requi�-ed by faw and aft�r <br /> recorda�ion ❑f such Notice of L�e�ault and after I�otice ❑f Sale having been gi�en as required by Iaw, seII <br /> the Property at the time and place of saIe �ixed by i� in such Noti�e of 5ale, eith�r as a whole, or in <br /> separa�e la�s or�arcels or items as Trustee shall deem exped�ent, and in such order as ifi rrtay de�er�nine, <br /> a�pubj�c auction to the highest bidder far cash in law�ul money of the United 5�ates payab�e at the�ime <br /> of sale. Tr'ustee shaII deli�er to su�h purchaser or pur�hasers thereof i�s goad and sufficient deed ❑r <br /> deeds con�eying the prop�rty so sold, bu� w��hou� any ca�enan� ❑r warranty, express or imp�ied, The <br /> recitais in such deed of any matters or�ac�s shall be CDI�CIl.IS1VB proof o�F the tru�hfulness thereof. Any <br /> person; including w�th�ut�im�ta�ion Trus�or,T�-ustee, or Lender, may pu�-chase a#such sale. <br /> (b} As may be permitted by lawr after deducting a!I costs, fees and expenses o�Tru�tee and ❑f�his <br /> Trust, including casts o�e�idence of titIe in conne��ion with saie,Trustee sha�� apply�he proceeds af saie <br /> �o payment of �i� aII sums expended under �he term� of�hi� ❑eed o�Trust or under the terms af the <br /> Credit Agreement not then repaid, including but not limited to a�crued interes� and Iate chargesr �ii} aII <br /> a�her sums th�n secured herehy, and �iii} the remainder, i�any, to tf�e person ar persans Iegal[y entitled <br /> thereto. <br /> {c� Trustee may in the manner provided by law postpone sale of aII or any par�ion of th�Property. � <br /> Remedies Nat Exc[usive. Trustee and Le�,der-, and each o� them, shalE be en�itled t❑ en�orce payment and <br /> per--�orman�e o�F any indebtedness❑r obligations secured by�his ❑eed of Trust and ta exercise aII rights and powers <br /> under this Deed of Tr�ust, under-the �redit Agreement, under any a�F fhe Rela�ed Docutr�en�s� vr under any other <br /> agr�ement or any �aws naw ar hereafter in fa�ce; no�withstanding, svme or all o�F such indeb�edness and <br /> ❑bliga�ions secured by this Deed of Trus�may now or hereafter be a-therwise secured, whether by mortgag�, deed <br /> o�trust, pledge, lien, assignme�t or o�het-wise. Neither�he accepfance o�this ��ed of Trust nor i�s en�or�emenf, <br /> whether �y court action or pursuant to the power o�sale or vther powers �on�ained in this ❑eed v�Trus�, shal[ <br /> prejudice or�n any manner a�FfeGt Trus�ee's ❑r Lender's r�ghf�o realize upan or en�Farce any ❑�her security now ❑r <br /> hereafter held by Trustee vr Lender� it bejng agt-eed�ha�Trus�ee and L�nder, and each ❑f�them, shaII be en�i�Ied to <br /> enforce this Deed af Trus� and any oth�r security now ar hereafter h�Id by Lender or T�-us�ee in such a�-der and <br /> manner as they ar either af ��em may in their absaIute discretion determ�ne. No remedy �onferred uRnn ❑r <br /> r�served �o Trustee or Lender, is intended �o b� exc�usi�e of any othe� remedy in fhis Deed of Trus� or by iaw <br /> pro�ided or permitted, but ea�h shalI be curriuIati�e and shaI� be in addi�ion �o e�ery ❑ther remedy gi�en in this <br /> �eed ❑f Trust❑r now or hersaf�er exis�ing at law or in equity or by�tatute. Every pvwe�or reme�y gi�en by�he <br /> Credit Agreement or any af �he ReIated Documents to Trustee or- Lender �r ta which either o� them may be <br /> ❑therwise entitjed� may be ex�rcised, concurrently or independently� f�am fiime �o time and as ❑ften as may be <br /> deemed expsdient by Trustee or L�nde�-, and either ❑f�t�em rr�ay pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothsng in th�s <br /> ��ed of Trus�shaIl be cons�rued as prohibiting Lender�rom seeking a deficiency judgment agains�the Trustar ta <br /> the ex�ent such activn is permitted by iaw, <br /> Eiecfion ❑f Remedies. AII o� Lender's rights and remedies will be cumuIa�i�e and may be exe�cised alane or <br /> toge�her. If Lender decid�s �o spend money ❑r�o pe�orm any of Trus�ar's obfiga�Fon� under this Deed of Trust, <br /> afre�-Trustor's failure to do so, tha� dec�sion hy Lender wilI no� af-Fect Lender's right to declare Trus-�or in de�auIt <br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request for Natice. Trus�vrr an behalf a�F Trus�or and Lende�-, hereby requests that a copy of any Na�ice o�De�au1� <br /> and a copy of any Noti�e o�SaI� under�this Deed of Tru�t be mai�ed to them at the addresses se�forth in the first <br /> paragraph o�this Deed❑f Trus�. <br /> AttorneysT Feesi Expense�. It Lender institutes any suf� or- action t❑ enforce any of the �erms af this Deed ofi <br /> Trus�, Lender shaIl be en�i�led to recv�e�su�h sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' f�es at tria[ <br /> and upan any appeaI. Wheth�r ❑r nat any caurt ac�ion is in�olrred, and to the extent nat prahibited by Iaw� al[ <br /> reasonabl� expenses L�nder incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the p�-otec�ion of its <br /> interest ar�he entorcement of its �ights shal� became a part of�he �ndebfedness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> in�eresf at the Credit Agreement rate �rom the date of the expendi�ure u�fiI repaid, Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph inc�uder w�thout limi�tation� howe�er subjec�to any Iimits under app�icable faw� Lender's attorneys� fees <br /> and Lender's 1�gal expenses� whether or not there i� a lawsui�, inc�uding at�arneys' fees and expenses for <br /> bankrup-�cy proceedings {includin� effar-rs to rx-�odify ❑r�acafe �ny automa�ic stay or injunc�ian}, appeaIs, and any <br /> anticipa�ted post judgment coIIec�ion seruices, the �ast of sear-ching r��ords, obtaining ti�le reports �inciuding <br /> foreclosure reports}� surveyor�' repnrts� and appr-aisa� f�es,ti�Ie insurance, and �Fees far the Trustee,to �he ex�ent <br /> perm'rtt�d by�ppIicable law, T�rustnr aIso will pay any court costs, in addi�ian�o a��other sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Rights af Trustee. Trustee shall have a[[of�he righ�s and du�ies�f Lender as set�orth in this sectian. <br /> PDWERS AND �BLIGATIa[V5 �F TRUSTEE. The�fl[Iowing provisions reiafiing�o the powers and obligations of Trustee <br /> are part of this ��ed of Trus�t: <br /> Pvwers of Trus�ee. 1� additivn to all powers of Trustee arising as a matter of Iaw,T�'us�ee shaII ha�e the powet�to <br /> �ake�h�tollvwing actions with respec�to the Property upan�Che wri�ten request o�Lender and Trustor: {a) join in <br /> preparing and fiIing a map or plat of the ReaI Prapertyr incIuding �he dedication af streets ❑r other rights tv the <br /> public; {b� loin in granting any e��ement or creating any resfrictian an the Real Praperty; and �c� join in any <br /> subordina�ion or v-�her agreement aff�c�ing this Deed o�Trust or the interes�ot Lender under�his �eed of Trust, <br /> Trust�s, Trustee sha1I meet aj� quaiifica�ions required for Trustee under applicable Iaw, in additian f❑ �he righfis <br /> and remedies set�forth abave, with respe�t to aII or any par� of the Properryr the Trus�ee shaII ha�e fhe righ�to <br /> foreclose by no�ice and sale, and Lender will ha�e the right t❑ fvreclo�e hy judicial farecxosure, in ei�her cas� in <br /> accordance wi�h and-Cn the fuII ex�ent pro�ided by applicable iaw. <br /> Su��essar Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ivn, may�rom time fo time appoint a successar Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed under this Deed o�Trus� by an ins�rument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> office ❑f th� rec�rde� o� �ALL Caunty, S�ate af N�braska. The ins�rumen�shaII contain, ir� addit�on to aII other <br /> ma�.ters required by state Iaw, the names af the vrigina� Lende�r, Truste�, and Trustar, tf�e bovk and page� �or <br /> computer system reference} where this ❑eed of Trust is recard�d, and �he name and address of the succ�ssor <br /> �rustee, and the instrumen�shalx be execut�d and acknow��dged by aIl the ben��i�iaries under�his ❑eed o-F T�rus�or <br /> �heir suc�essors in in�eres�. Th� successor trustee, without con�eyan�e of the Property� shaII succeed ta a[l th� <br /> titie, power, and duties conferred upon the Trusfee rn this ❑eed of Trus�and by appIi�able Iaw. This procedure fvr <br /> substrtu�ian of Trustee shall ga�e�-n to the exclusion o�al! othe�pro��sions for substitu�ion. <br />