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2� 17��999 <br /> DE�D �F TRUS�' <br /> ��ont[t7Ued} Page 3 <br /> to maintain such insurance far the�erm of the Ioan. <br /> Application of Pro�eeds. Trustor shall prompt�y notify Lender o� any �ass or damage to �he ProperLy ifi �he <br /> estimated cast o�repair or replacement exGeeds $1,000.�U. Lender may make proof o�Ioss if Trustor�ails�o d❑ <br /> so within fifteen ��5} days vf�he ca�ualty. Whethe���not Lender`s secu�-ity Is �mpaired, Lender may, at Lent��r's <br /> elec�ion, receive and �etain the proceeds of any insuran�e and appjy the proceeds to the t'eductian of the <br /> tndebtedness� payment of any lien afFecfing the Prope�ty, ❑r the restoratian and repair of the P�ape�ty. If Lende� <br /> elec�s �o appl}� the p�viceeds to restora��on and reparr, Trustar sha1I repair ar replace the damaged ar de��royed <br /> lmpro�ements in a manner satis�a�tor-�to Lender. Lender shali� upon sati�factory proof of such �xpenditure, pay <br /> ❑r reimburse Trustor from the p�o�eeds fn�-the �easanable cast of repair or restara�ion if Trustar is not in default <br /> unde�-�his Deed of Trust, Any praceeds which ha�e no� been disburs�d wi�hin �8� days after�heir receipt and <br /> which Lender h�s not Gommitred �o the repair ar resto�atian o�the Property shall be used first�o pay any amount <br /> owing to tender under this Deed of Trus�,�then to pay accrued interest, and the remainderr ifi an�, shall be applied <br /> to �he principal ba�ance ❑f the indebtedness. I� Lender halds any proceeds after payment in fu[� o� �he <br /> Indebtedness, such praceeds�hall be paid ta Trustar as Trustor's in�erests rnay appear. <br /> Complian�e with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indeb�edness described below is <br /> in effect, compliance with the insurance pra�isions contained in �he ins�rument e�idencing such Exist�ng <br /> Indebtedness shall canstitute cvmpIianc� wi�h the insuranGe prav.�sions under this Dee� of Trust, to the ex�ent <br /> compIiance with the terms vf�this Deed of Tr-ust would �onsti�ute a duplication o� insurance requirement. If any <br /> proceeds from the insurance became payable on loss, the pro�isions in this Deed ofi Trust for di�ision o�proceeds <br /> shaI1 app�y only to that partion of�he proceeds nvt payable ta the holder of�he Exis�ing Indebtedness. <br /> LENDER'S E3CPENDITURES. 1# 7'rustor fails {A� to keep �he Property free o� �II taxes� Iiens� secur-ity interests� <br /> encumbr�an�es, and other claims, [B� ta pro�ide any required insurance on �he Property, �C} to make repai�s to th� <br /> Praperty or to cvmpIy with any vbIigation to maintain Existing Indebtedness in g�od standin� as required �e�ow, th�n <br /> Lender may do so. !f any ac�ion or- prviceeding is commen�ed that would materially a-�ect Lender's inte�ests in �he <br /> Property, �hen L�nder an Trustor's behaIf mayr but is not required ta, �ake any actian that Lende� beIierres to be <br /> appropriate t❑ protect Lender's interests. All e�cpense� incurred or.p�id by Lender for such purposes wiII then bear <br /> interest at �he rate charged under the C�edit Agreemen� firom �he da�e incurred or- paid by Lende�- to the date of <br /> repayment b�r Tr-ustar, AII such expenses will become a part of�he Ind�b�edness and, at Lende�'s optian, will �A� be <br /> payable on demand� �B} be added fo the baian�e of#he Credit Agreemenf and be appartioned among and be payabl� <br /> with any�nsta�lment payments to became due durin�e�ther {'I� the term o�any applicab�e insurance palicy; or �2} the <br /> remaining term af�he Credit Agreemen�i ❑r �C} be trea�ed as a ballaon paymen�which wi11 be due and payab�e a�the <br /> C�edit Agreement's matu�ity. The Deed a�Trust afsa will secu�e payment of�hese amounts. The ri�hts prorrided fo�in <br /> �his paragraph shaII lae in addi�ion to any other righ�s a� any remedies t❑ which Lender may be erttitled on a�cvunt o� <br /> any default, Any such action by Lende� shall not be construed as curing the defauIt sa as t❑ bar Lender from any <br /> �emedy�ha�it oth�rwise wau�d ha�e had. <br /> WAF�RANTY; DEFE�[5E�F TITLE. The�ollowing pro�isions relating to ownership af the Property are a part of this �3eed <br /> ❑f Trust: <br /> Title, Trustor warrants that: �a} Tt�ustvr h�Ids gaod and marketable title of record �o the Praperty in fee simple, <br /> free and ��ear of al1 liens and encumbr�ances other�han tho�e sef farth in the fteal Property descrip�ion or in the <br /> Exis�ing Indebtedness section below or in any title insurance policy,�itIe repor�, or-final tit�e opinion issued in fa�or <br /> ❑f, and aa�epted by, Lender �n connec�ion with this Deed o-�Trust, and {b) Trusfio�has the fu11 right, power� and <br /> au�harity ta exe�u�e and deli�er this D�ed of Trust to Lender. <br /> Defense 4f TitEe. 5ubject t❑ the exception in the paragraph abo�e, Trustor warran-�s and will foreWer defend the <br /> �itle to�he Praperty agains�the lawfu[ c�aim� of aII pe�rsons. In �he e�ent any ac�ion or prvicee�ing is commen�ed <br /> that ques�ians Trus�or's tit�e❑r the interest of Trustee ❑r Lender under this ❑eed o�Trust,Trusto�-shaI1 defend the <br /> action a�Trustor=s expense. Trus�vr may be the r�aminal party in such proceeding, but Lender shal[ be entitIed t❑ <br /> participate zn the prviceed�ng and ta be represented in the prQceeding by cvunsel of Lende�'s ❑wn �hviGe, and <br /> Trustor will de�iver, ar cause�❑ be de�s�ered,t❑ Ler�de�such instruments as Lender may request from time ta time <br /> to permi�such participatian. <br /> Cvmpiiance With Laws. Trustor warrants that the P�aperty and Trustar's use ❑f the Property camplies with aII <br /> existing applicable�aws� ordinances, and �egulations o�gv�ernmentai authorities. <br /> Survi�a[ ❑f Promises. A[f promises, agreements, and statements Trusto�- has made in this �eed af T�ust shall <br /> �ur�i�e the executivn and deIlvery vf this Deed n-F Trust, shall be continuing in nature and shall remain in full fo�ce <br /> and effect until such�ime as Trustor`s Indebt�dness is paid in fu�1. <br /> EXESTiNG INDEgTEDNFSS. The f�ilowing prv�s$ions conceming Existing Indehtedness are a part of this Deed a�f Trus�: <br /> Exis�ing Lien. The Iien of this Deed of Trust securing fihe �ndeb�edness may be secondary and inferiar �o an <br /> existing lien. Trustar expressly cv�enants and agrees to pay, or see to the paymsnt of,the Existing Indebtedness <br /> and�o pre�ent any default on su�h indebtedness� any defauIt under fihe instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> ar any d�fauit under any security documents ffl�such sndebtedness. <br /> I�❑ Modif�cation. Trustor shall not en�ker int❑ any agreement with the holder �f any mortgage, deed of trust, or <br /> ❑ther security agreement wh�ch has priarity o�er t�is Deed of T�ust by which that agreement is modified, <br /> amended, extended, or renewed without the prior' written consent ❑fi Lendet-. Trustor shall neither request no� <br /> accept any future ad�ances under any such security agreement withou�the p�iot-wr�tten consent ofi Lender. <br /> C�NQEMNATI�N. The fa�iawing pra��sions reIating ta condemna�ion pra�eedings are a part af this D�ed of Trust: . <br /> Praceedings. If any p�oceeding i� condemnat�on is fxledr Trusto� shaII pr-omiptly notify Lende�- in wr-iting, and <br /> Trustar shall promptIy take such steps as may be necessary to defend fhe acti�n and obtain the award, Trusto� <br /> may be the naminal parky in such praceeding, but Lender sha�i be en�itled t❑ participate in the proceeding and ta be <br /> represented in the proceeding by �ounseI of its own choice, and T�usta� w�II deliver ar cause to be de�ivered to <br /> Lende�- such instruments and documen�ation as may be requested by Lender from �ime to time to permi� such <br /> p�rticipatian. <br /> AppIicatian vf Nefi Proceeds. lf aII o�any part o�the Prnperty is cvndemned by emznent domain pro�eedings ❑r-by <br /> any praceeding or purchase in Iieu ofi condemnation, Lender may a�i�s efection requi�e tha�aI1 vr any partion ❑f�he <br /> net proceeds of �he award he applied to �he �ndebtedness ❑r the repair ❑r �estora�ion of the Properry. The net <br /> proceeds of the award shail mean the award af�ker payment o�all �easonable casts, expenses, and at-torneys' fees <br /> in�urred by Trustee❑r Lender in connec#ion with the condemnation. <br /> IMPQSCTi�N ❑F TA�ES. �EES AND CHARGES BY GQVERNM�NTAL AUTH�RIT�ES. The ���4owing pr��isions �e4ating <br /> ta ga�ernmental taxes,�ees and �harges are a part af this Deed ❑f Trus�C: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon re�u�st by Lender, Trustor sha1I execu�e such documents in additian to <br /> this Beed a��'rust and take whatever other activn is reques�ed by Lender t❑ perfect and continue Lender`s lien on <br /> the Reaj Property. Trustor sha�l reimbu�se Lende� �for aI1 taxes, as described below� together with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording. perfec�ing or cantinuing this Deed of Tru�t, including wi�hau� Iimita�ion a11 taxes, fees, <br /> documentary stamps, and❑th�r Gharges fa�recarding ar�egis�er�ng�his Deed o�Trust. <br />