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2� 17��999 <br /> _ aE�� oF -rRus-r <br /> ��o�7tinued} Page 2 <br /> inspections and tests, at Trus�orrs expense, as L�nder may deem appropriate �o determine comp�iance o� the <br /> Prvperty wi�th this section of the [7eed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall �e �or Lender's <br /> purposes vnly and shall not be construed�o create any responsib�i��y or Iiahility on�he part of Lender to Trus�or or <br /> tv any other Rerson. The representa�ions and warranties contained herein are based on Trustor's due ditigence in <br /> in�estigating the Praperty for Ha�ardaus Subs�ances, Trustor hereby �'�} reieases and wai�es any fu�ure claims <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or c�n�rzhu�ion in the event Trustor be�omes �iable for cIeanup or ath�r costs under <br /> any such laws; and (2} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and a�� C��1m5� losses, <br /> Iiabilities, damages� penaities, and expens�s whi�h Lender may direc�ly�r indirectly sustain ar suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of this sectian ❑f the Deed ❑f Trust ❑r as a �ansequence of any use, generatian� manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, reiease or threafened reiease occur�ing prior t❑Trustor's ownership ar interest in the Property,whe�her or <br /> na� the same was ar should ha�e been known to Trustor. The pro�isions of�h�s section of the Deed o� Trust, <br /> including the ❑bligatian to indemnify and defend, �hall sunrive the pa�ment of the Indebtedn�s�and the�atisfacti�n <br /> and recon�eyance ot the lien of�this Deed of Trust and shafl not be af-Fected by Lender's acquisition of any interest <br /> in the Propertyr whether by foreclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, VlJaste. Trustor shatl nat cat�se, conduct or permit any nuisanc� nor cammit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> stripping vf or waste on or to the Property or any portion of the Property. Without Iimiting the genera�ity of�he <br /> forego;ng, Trustor will not remave. or g�ant to any other party the right to remo�e, any timber. minerals �including <br /> oi1 and gas}, coaf, cIay, s�oriar soij� gravel or rock prvducts without Lender's prior written consent. <br /> Remaval of lmpro�ements. Trustor shalI nat demalish or remove any lmprovements fram the ReaI Property withou� <br /> Lender`s priar writ�en cansent. As a condition to#he removaI of any Imprv�ements� Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangem�nts satisfactory to Lend�r t❑ replace such Improvements wi�h [mpro�remen�s of a� least equaf <br /> value. , <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lende� and Lender`s agents and representati�es m�� en�er upan the Real Property a�aIi <br /> reasonabie t�m�s to atkend to Lender's interests and to inspe�t thg ReaI P�operty for purposes of TrustorFs <br /> campliance with the terms and condi�ivns ofi this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Campliancg with Governmenta� Requiremenfis. Trustar shall pr�mptjy comply with aIl iaws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�ations{ now or hereafter in eff�ctt of a11 governmen�aI authnrities appCicable to the use or accupanGy of the <br /> Property. Trusto�may contest in good faith any su�h law, ordinance, ❑r reguIation and withho�d complian�e during <br /> any praaeeding� including appropriate app�als, so Iong as Trustor has n�ti�ied Lender in writing prior�a doing so <br /> and sn lang as, in Lender's snle opinion. Lender's interests in the Property are not Jeopardizec�. Lender may require <br /> Trustor to post adequate security or a surety band{ reasona�fy satisfa�tory to protect Lender's inte�est. <br /> Duty to Pratect. Trustor agrees neither to abandon or Iea�e unat�ended �he Prvperty. Trustor shaII do aII o�her <br /> acts, in addition tv�ho�e act�set fvr-r� abo�e in this section, which from the character and u�e o�the Properry are <br /> reasonabiy n�cessary�❑ protec�and prese�-ve the Praperty. <br /> �UE QN SALE--CaNSFNT BY tENDER. Lender may� a�Lender's optionr decIare immediately due and payabie a[! sums <br /> se�ured by th�s Deed o�7'rust upon the sale or transfer, without Lende�r's prior written cansent, o�al! vr any part of the <br /> Real Properry, or any interest in�he ReaI Properry. A "sale or�ransfer" means��e con�eyance of Reai �raperty or any <br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Real Property; whe�het- legal, beneti�ial or equitable, whether �oluntary a� in�oluntary; <br /> whether by ❑ut�ight sale, deed, installment sate contrac�, land contract, cvntract for de�d, leasehoid interest with a <br /> t8rm greater than three �3} years, lease-option �ontractr ar by saIe� assignmentr or transter of any bene�icia� interes�in <br /> ❑r to any iand trust ha�ding title �o the Re�� Praperty, or by any ather method of con�eyance ot an interest tn the R�ai <br /> Praperty. However, this option shali nat be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibi�ed by fede�ai iaw or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The �o!lowing prvvisians reIating ta the taxes and Iiens on the Praperty are part of this Deed ot <br /> Trust; <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due {and in al! events priar to de�inquency� a�I taxes� special taxesr assessment�� <br /> charges ��nGluding water and sewer��fines and impvsitions Ievie� against ar on account❑f the Prvperty, and shall <br /> pay when due ar� ��aims t�r work done ❑n or for setvices rendered or material furnished to t�he Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain the Property free❑f a!I �iens ha�ing priority❑�er❑r equal t❑the interest❑f Lend�r under�his ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trust, except for �he jien o� �axes and assessments not due, except tor �he Existing �ndebtedness referred to <br /> belowr and except as atherwise pro�ided in this �eed a�f Trust. <br /> R�ght ta �ontest. Trustor may withhold payment❑f any tax, assessment, ❑r claim in connectivn with a gaod faith <br /> dispute❑�er the obIigation�o pay�so Iong as Lender's inter�st in the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or <br /> i� fzled as a resutt of nanpayment, Trustor shali within fifteen �15} days after the fien a�ises ❑r, if a lien �s �iled, <br /> within fifteen �'15} days after Tr�star has notice of the fiIing, secure the discharge o�F the lien, or ifi requested by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash❑r a suffi�ient corporate surety bvnd ar other security satistaG�ary to Lender�n an <br /> amaun�su-F�ficien�to dzscharge the I"ren plus any casts and attorneys' fees, ❑r other ch�rges that could ac�rue as a <br /> resu[t❑f a foreclos�tre or saIe under the lisn. �n any cantest,Trustor shaij defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment before enforcemen�aga�nst the Property. Trustor shaZI name Lender as an additional abIigee <br /> under any sur�ty bond furnished in tf�e �ontes�proceedings. <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trus�or shal� upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory eviden�� of paymen�of the taxes <br /> or assessments and shalf au�harize the app�vpriate governmental ❑fFi�ial to deli�er ta Lender a�any t"rme a writ�en <br /> statement o�the taxes an�assessmen�s against the P�vperty. <br /> lVoti�e ❑f Con�tructivn. Trus�or shaII natify Lender a� Ieast fifteen ��5} days before any work is commenced, any <br /> services are furnished, ar any materia�s are supp[ied to�he P�operty, if any mechanic's lien, mafierialmen's Iien, ❑r <br /> other lien could be asserted ❑n account of the w�rk, ser�ices, ❑r materia�s and the �ost exceeds $�,�00.�0. <br /> Trustor will upon request of Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance as�urances satisfactory to Lender that Trustor can <br /> and will pay the cost❑f such improvements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1NSURANCE,�The faIlowing pro��sions rela�ing to xnsuring the Property are a part of this Deed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance ❑f Insurance. Trustor sha�� procu�-e and ma�ntain pvli�ies of frre insurance with standard extended <br /> cv�erage endorsements on a replacement basis fa�the fuli insurable �alue covering all lmpro�em�nts on the Real <br /> Property In an amount suffi�ient to avoid appIication of any cvinsurance cIause� and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�or of Lender-, together wit�su�h other ha�ard and Iiabi�zty insurance as �ender may reasonably reqt�ire. <br /> Policies shail be wr�t��n in farm� amounts� cov�rages and basis reasonably acceptabie �o Len��r and issued �ry a <br /> company ar companies reasonably acceptable to Lender. Trustor, upon r�quest of Lende�� will deli�er ta Lender <br /> �rom time t❑time the policies or �erkzficates of insu�anoe in fv�m satisfactvry to Lender, inaluding stipulations�hat <br /> caverages wi11 not be can�elled ❑�diminished wi�hou�at least thirty [3�} days prior written not�ce to Lender. Each <br /> insurance policy a�so shafl include an endarsemen� p�o�iding �ha� c��erage in fa�or of Lender wifl no� be impai�ed <br /> in any�nray by any act, omission or defaul�of Trustor ar any other person. Shvu�d the Rea! Property be focated in <br /> an area designated by the Administratar o�the Federar Emergency Management Agency as a special flood hazard <br /> area, Trusto� agrees tfl obtain and ma�nta�n FederaI Flood Insurance, if a�ailabie, for the maximum amount af <br /> Trustor's credit line and the full unpaid principal balanGe of any priar liens on �he pr-aperty securing�he foan, up ta <br /> the maximum policy limits set under the Nationa! Flood Cnsurance Program. or as otherwise required by Lender, and <br />