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<br /> rnsurance p�emiums,graund rents,and a!1 otf►er charges whetS08vE?�lgvied upon flr assessecf,placed or made agair►st the Fn�s! '
<br /> Propert�r. Trustor furtherag.ee�,upon wnKsn req�est Dy 8etreficlary,to pratrrpt!y detiver to�enaficiary a�l recerpts for the payment of
<br /> such cha�gas. Trustor lakervise agrees fo pay a!E taxes,asSassmsnts aad orher chargss tavied upon�a assessed,ptaced or ma�e
<br /> � agarnsf,or mea�ured by,this Ueed of Trust or the reCO�dalion h�reof. ,
<br /> G� 5. ApFticatron ot Payments.AIt payments reeeived Dy Beneficrary as to on��debt,l:�bl'i(y�.�r obligation owed fa 9saeficrary 4y Trusfar
<br /> � may ba applied by Beneficiary fo tts payment ot the/radebtodnass aa to•anp suci�oihor dabJ,liabrlity or ub��d;iort,in any order or
<br /> � manner af appficaGon wnich Benerciary,in rts abs�tuto discreiran,doarrts approprrate,tJn!a�.:oLherwrse 91,a�ted Dy Benaficrary,any
<br /> r � such payment shall be deemed app!ied 6rsi ta the payrnent ol any dobt;li.ab,!:?y os obl.��aiion�ther then iha N�?e.
<br /> � � 6. Charges;liens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property fres Irom att lians and encumbrances whieh in�ny w�):.m�y,!r.the judgmer�t fl3
<br /> Benefrciary,haue�nrioriry a•rer,or impair the security ot this Uead of Trust but Truis.*ar need aot discharge a�y such lien so/ong as
<br /> ��� 7iustwshail agree,in writrng,to pay ihQ obfigativn sacurad by s:rch!ian%n a rnanrter acceptarbl�to Berreficiary arrd sha/�in gdad h��t� - .
<br /> contest such liea Dy appropriate legal psnceedings effectiva ro pre��snt the enforcement of the lisr�and the loss of any rnterest in or
<br /> � part Q!tite Trust Properry.
<br /> • 7. Hazard lnswance.Trusior sha!!kee,�the b�ildings and vihel irnprati�emenJs now awsting or hereafter erecied�an tlae Trust Pmperry
<br /> insured by insurancs carriers saasfactory to Beneficiary s�a�nsi la�b}�frre,haza�ds included in the term"'ex�a�ded coverage"and
<br /> such othsr hazards,casuaities errd contingeneies as may be requi:�Rd by BeneSciary,in such amounts an��:�s,s:rch periods as may be
<br /> requirad by BenefiCiary.The policy of insurance sha!!be in torm a�ceptabfa to 8eneficiary,prov��ie thai ths same may not be
<br /> cancelled or modi6ed withou!►iReen(15)days prior wriiten natise ta Eeneflctary,and sha'I h&:s to�s gayable pmvisions in favor of artd .
<br /> rn torm accapfable to Beae6cisry.All premiums on insuranco pot.'cies shall be paid in the mannar prnvida0 uader paragrapt►4 hereof
<br /> or,if rtoi paid in such man�eT,by Tiustor making paymen:at lsast 6fteen�E5).days priar to dse ds,�date�,c�b�rnctly to the insurance
<br /> carrfer.Beneficiary shall have fhe right to hold the po,�.^.ia�and ranawaFs tharer+l.and Trustor shaH prarn��y�famish to Beneficiar�a���
<br /> renewal notices and alt paid premiu3►r receipts received by it. Jn na event sdalt��ane�rciary or Trustse be Re/d responsible foa f�liire t�
<br /> pay fnsarance premtums or for any foss nr damaga arising Qut ni a daftt�i Iq,an}�.pa:��y or arising out ot any lailure ot any sr�suren�e
<br /> company to pay foi any loss or damage insured agaFnst ar fdr f�i�;�ra 6)�l'i�str�r tb�sff�ct tha insurance requlred hereunder.In the event
<br /> of loss,Trustar shalt give prompt no�ice by mai►to the insurance car�la�:antl B�naT�atary.BeneTicfary may rnake proaf of lass if not
<br /> mede prompi/y o�in proper form by Trusior.AlJ pal��ie�of inse��anc�and enj+-anaf 911 refunds of uneamed���smiums are hereby
<br /> assigned to Beneficiary as addifiona!security far the paymenf of ths lndebFe�fAass.!n the event af Beneficr2ry's exe�cise oi the pow�r
<br /> of ssle contained herein,or In the event af lareclas�re,a!t n�ht�titla and•interest of Trustor in and to any insurance policy then in force
<br /> sheli pass to fhe pu�ehaser at the hustes's sata or forecfo�we sa�g..in case ot any ross,the insurance proceeds may,at ihe optinn of
<br /> Beneficiary,be applred by Bensficiary upon ihe►ndebtednas�,auan�t paR thereof,an�l in such order and amount as Bene�ciary may
<br /> determine;or said insu�ence prnceeds,at the�pGnn of�ena��r�ry,�mnyl either be used in repfacing or restoring the Trust P�operty
<br /> partia!!y or tofallyv destroyed to a condi►.ion satista�t�ry ta Bvnafi�iany:ar seid irtsurance praceeds,or ar�y potion thereoi,may be
<br /> refeased to Trusfar. Urrlesu Beneficiary and Trustof athanv�s agrea an w�ng;any such application of insvrance proceeds shall not
<br /> extend or po�tpprre�re dr��a date nf the h'ote,or any��o►Mp'��neniD.a�'�d for therern,or change the amourn 4t such installments.!f fh�
<br /> Tiust PropeRy f�acqui�ed by Benetia+anf pmvuarrt to tha�xe�cise a�the power of sale or other foreclosu�e,a!1 right,tiNe and infere�.Qt
<br /> Ti�star in and to any insu�ance prnceeds payablF��s a result of damage to the Trust Pioperly prior to the sate or acquisition sha�1 p�ss
<br /> to Beneficiary and shall be appli�d rrst ta ihe�o�i�r�nd•expenses,including attomey tees.incu►red in coltecting such proeeeds,ihr�
<br /> in the mznne�and in the ovder proW�led ha►ei.n.
<br /> � 8. PreseNarion and Mainte��anae of Tn�st Proportj:�Traatar wi11 keep the buildrngs and other improvementa now or herea/ter erected on .
<br /> � the Tntst Property in gaod repai�and cond'rtlrn and wi/1 nat carrrmit�r permit waste,w111 nnt alfer the design or structuraf cha�ecter
<br /> constituutinp any bui.'tling no�v a harertltar�ernei8d on and�crr•�ri��.�irrg r.he Trust Property withaat the priar written consent of
<br /> Beneficiary, wift not do eny aci ar thl,�g whtcl�.would unduly in.pa:�r depreciafe the value of tir�Trust P�opeRy and wil!not abandon • .
<br /> the Trust Properiy. Tru�tor wilE not remove any ll�tu�as cansGtuting the Trust Prope�ty unJess the sams a�e immediately reptaced with .
<br /> , like prnperty subj8ct to ths!i�3n and seourity inierest of this Deed of Tiust and ot at teast equ�l value and util;ty.Trustor will comp/y with
<br /> ; atl presenJ and future ardirrances,►egal�6�ns an0 requirements ol any go�iemmental body sr,:f.ich are applicable to fhe Trust Property _
<br /> and fo tha accupAncy and u&a ihareof,!/rh�s Deed ot Tiust ls on a unit.�n e cundominium or a•pianned unit development, Trustor sha0
<br /> perfam•�1r%of•Tiv�:a�s flbii,��ti��nu under ihe dec/a�aSons or covenants creating or goveming 2he condominium or the planned unit =
<br /> devsfoprnPnt,th�by47�v.s and��r�u4aNdns of fhe condominium or planned unif development and the constitue.nt dacuments. __
<br /> 9. InspECtion.Be+rpff�i�ry ar itEr 3��i�tts mAy,at all reasona6fe times,enter upon the Trust Pioperry lor the purpase of lnspeetion. .
<br /> 8eers��i�ry.sita'I:'r��ui�u yut��.t�csnAka such inspeation end shall nnt bA llable to Tiustoi or to any person in�.;��session il it mekes or ; �.r
<br /> lailg to mAk3 any s�ah tn£aec?�-an�,
<br /> 10. Protectlon of Se�rrt��: lO�Tiu�fiyr fAils to perlorm any o/the coven�nt:�and agreements containec�;n this Desd of T..�s��,cr.•i!any aeGon
<br /> a pr�ceedi»��s cor�-�ran�ad Nhlch does or may adve�dely atfecr tbe Tiust Prapeiry or the inta:ast of Trr:sxr or b�����'�.rary iherein or
<br /> � tr��t;?of 7iustar tM;��e'.b,thYn Beneficiary,at!ts opUan,rr�y pedorm such convenanls a.nd agieements,�^rz��Q such apvea�ances, ,
<br /> d�!��r,d agalnst and:nv�sr`g�:•a such action or procee•���3 and take such other action es Beneliciary dee:r�;necessary to protect irE
<br /> ; Inte�est lnclwding,but not;;i�i��ad to,disbu�sement�!:�:as�nabte attaney lees and entry upon�he 7rust Pioperry io make repairs.�;:p �
<br /> amounts d1�b�.3��d by BanE:�aiary puisu�re�o thrs,�a�'2y:aph 10,wilh interest the�eon,shalf�an�:'tute lndebiedness cf Tr;�stor '�.'
<br /> secured by it:�L7�ed of Trus'.Unlass TresMr�rrd f3c:�E.:���ary agree to other terms of payme:�?.s�ch amounis shall be r:�yabfe upon
<br /> n��ca from�'ccc"�:•���r ia Fn�s�or requostirtg paymerr:t�reo%and shall bea�Interest fiom ihe c'ate of disbu�sement at btie del�ruUrale, �
<br /> if a��f;sei for:h:c�'t:�CJota,e.r,�ihen+vlse at the hlghesr��t9 pe►miNed by law.Nothing contained in thls paragiaph shar;�3qulre •
<br /> , Berseficiary to ir,curGr,;�e a;c�:�se or take any action f;�:eunde�. Trusior Inevocably authoiizes and empowers Beneliciary to enter upon
<br /> fhe 7�usJ Prope�r as Tiusioi s agent and,in Trustor's name or othenvTse io peAorm any and aN covenanta and agreerrerts to bo
<br /> 'pQAormed by Yrvsror as ha�eln provided.BeneUciary shall,at its optlon,be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien,cl�:��-demand
<br /> and do aJl�ights and secu�itles for�he payment thareaF paid or dlscha�ged by Beneficlary under the p�ovlsians he�eot ar^x any such
<br /> s�•��gation righls sha!!be a�?�:�ionaf and cumulativa�ecudty for thls Deed o!Trust.
<br /> 11. Ccr4emn�tlan. The procee��cf any award or clairn fardamages,dirgct or consaquantlal,ln conrrection vu�r�r any candemr.a�aa or
<br /> other taking al the Trust Prope�ty,a sny part thereof,or for conveyanca!n lieu ol or Fn anticipation ol con�ar+znntron,are rJ�et;,•
<br /> asslgned to and shaU be paid to Bene/iciary. Trusfor wilf file and presecute,in good laith and w�'h dua diligence,ils clw,�i.;r a�y such
<br /> award or payme;�t,and will causo the sarrv to be coltected and peid to Beneficlary,and,sho.l��r't lail to do sa,Trustor�.���ocably
<br />' authoi(zes and ompowers Beneflclary,Jn the name of i'iustor or otherwlse,to flle,piasecute.s2c�19 0�camp!omise any sJCh claim s rrat
<br /> !o callect,recelpt foi and retaln the proceeds.l!tha 1'r ast Propertyls abandoned by Tiustor,c�.after notic��y Benaficiary to Trustv�
<br /> .tzt tho condsmnot oHe�s to make�n Aw�rd o�se:t.�z��'aim for demages,Tiusto�faiis to resp�nd to BF�+e��;,�ary withln ihrrty(30)B�/,
<br /> a`er th�date such notice Is malfed.Beneficlary is u;.".,�rorized to coltect and apply lhe proceea:�.a t.he m�^�ner lndlcafed he�ein. Tho ��
<br /> proceeds ot sny award or claim may,after deduct�r.�all reasonable costs and expenses,inc�_•a.�ng atton�ey fees, wt.���^�ay hAVe
<br /> been irtCwred by BeneOcl�ry!n!he collacUon therec.`, at the sa/e discretion ot Beneliciary,b�r�teased t�'��ustor, appl:��1 to
<br /> r�:storetion of Trust Propo�ty,or applled to the pay�7�:°'o/the Indebtedness.Unlass Beneficiary and Trus:i:�otherwlse agrea!n writin�, . _
<br /> �.^�y such sppllcaUon a!p�oeeeds to lndsbtedness s�•:�tl not oxtend o�postpone t:�a duo date o!the Note or the payment of any '-- --
<br />. instal/ments called(a thereur��'er.
<br /> 12. Trustor Not Holeased. Eicteln5:�;n ol thA tme lar payment or modilication of any amoRtxation;�`:��.t,^��,�fednoss gianted by Benelicrary .
<br /> � i t�eny successor!n Interest,4 trustor st�.3:i not aperato ta reloase,in any manner,tho l;abiGty,;,`+i:;,s:s�and Tiustvr's successors in '
<br /> �rre�est 8eneficlary shall nat be requlreC i4,s commonce p�oceedings a,qainst such successa or reluse t��x:�nd'.:^��y�r payment ar �
<br /> r,�r�enylse modify amonitation of ihe lndebtedness C,�resson of any demand made by Trustor and 7rust�•'s$JCCES'r.`^J1S
<br /> ;"�rnlsrest � . ,'
<br /> i1;�`
<br /> L '.�. flnanc�aJ Infarmation. Upon rvquosf a}Benelictary, i r;,�;ar wdl pravide to Beneliclary,within nlnery(90)ciays al tha r.tose ol e�ch fisca! �i
<br /> year ol Trusta,the consuJldated bulance sheet and statemant of eamirtgs ol Trustor and any anci e!�guarantors of the lndebtedness
<br />- secured heieby,il sny,and will provtde and deliver ta Benefrciary such othar linancia!mlorrnAtion and in such manner as genellcrary st
<br /> mey rttasonnbty iequest lram time to fime. r"
<br /> G�1
<br /> 14. Financia!Covenants. !n addrtiorr to any othtrr lin�nci�t cvvdnnnts ol Trustar nredo in�ny o[h��agre�nront.lnstrurnent or document. �y�
<br /> Trustor shell cornply wifh and sh�ll cbuse any�nd el!gua�antors a!tHo/ndUbled�r�ss sacurutl hert�by lo r,amply w�th,or be,n � ,-
<br /> abnrplrance wifP►.the lulk,wrn�lrnerrcialCOVOnants�tThrs par�graph sh�7i1 not applyit covon��rrts�7nd raqt�rromants are not set n- �-
<br /> fo�th herein.l
<br />- f 5 Sthftdule�l t EtaSgS Nldnin ten(tUl d�ys ellor dl�nutrrrf, T►usiUr sh�d!furmsh ta H�nc 1rc�aiy�7 scheUu��. cu�hl,�d R=bv Iri�stn�.t�1f nq
<br /> Ibrth all laast�s��Iha tru:i l�rvpe�ty.a�ny pU�trore fht�raa�,rnc;lu�int�+rr C�;�Ch;:�SE�.�1tf�nf�rrrf�(��'���tc��r,���ts nr nr rup�iaf:.cr dt�si^qrf���n
<br />' r�f fh�sp��cc�uecup�Ud by such tontint v�t�eCUpnnl.Iiro remfnl pr�,�T�hl�fni 5UC'h.s�,•i��s ,��rN�.uCh r,�ht��u,irvn�:+R�vr;�ru!:!��rumc�'C��•rdir �
<br /> tUC1iBGt f(2;ul;h It�;�sCS 1+nd fCnF�nC�es t�s liE�nF�f�(:�<ary rn,�y ronsturrdily rey!ta5t
<br /> — - - - - — --__ — —
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