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<br /> E
<br /> D�ed of Trust
<br /> � ��nxs 9�-= 100'79 4
<br /> /�
<br /> � TH/S DFFD OF TRUST is made tAis 14th day af ��b�a�' ,19�Q by arrd between �ilton L. Nowka and ,
<br /> Char2e}�e iVawka, busbaad and wife �vhetheroneo►mo�e,(hereinaRercalfedtire"Trustot"),
<br /> whose mail;ng addr�s !s u 1 I� 6 98
<br /> N�Ry yFSTg/�yg tJ¢�raska Natiaaa2 Assas •a3f�a h rein�ftercaNedthe"�rvst t�,�rJ-tase rrraNirrg ad�lress t;
<br /> P.6. Box 1948, ast aga, ,an KflR.t'VES►��+ e r�s�ca� National Assoc�aCion .�ryg�einafter
<br /> c a l f e d t h e"8 e n e t l c i a r y'J,w h o s e r r r a i l i t r g a�d r e s s i s �•a• �a� �'+�� �st ngs, — ,
<br /> VVITN�SSElH:
<br /> WHEflEAS, TrustarisindeCtedtoBenefieiaryrnthdArincipaJsumof O�e Hun�ed Fifty Thousand aad no/lU0
<br /> DalJars(S �511,nnn_nn J,�ich indebtedness/k gvi�enced by 1'rustor's pmrnissAry n�te dated ,19 ,(hereinafter
<br /> ' ca!!ed fhe"Nofe"j,payaDfe ta the order of Beneli�fa��and having a matudry�t; 3an. 15 ,_1991 .
<br /> NOW, THEAF�OR�for[�►e purpose ol securingr �
<br /> (a) paymer,taf rhe Na[e,togetberHrfffs Jnir�rest tharenn,late charges,prepayment�enalties,an;r futurs adr�rces,aod al!e�en�ians,
<br /> modifications,su6s6tu6ons and cgri����ts�r�at.
<br /> � (b) paymentot al!athsrsums,fees ar chzrge;tcryeChe�wirh interest the�ean,advanced ta prntect the sscurity of ihis�eed of Tiun snd
<br /> the per.`ormarrce oJ tha covenarr�an�ag►�e�°n�rts al Trusior,whether or not set forth h�rein, ,
<br /> (c) performance,dlscharge otand campE:ance dvith every temn,covenant,obligation a»d agresment ot Trustor contairr8d herein or �
<br /> incorperated byreterence or any ac�Ersecurity instrument at any0'me given to secur�lhe Note,and • ".
<br /> (d) the re�aayment of aIi othersums or future adrsrrces,wifh interest thereon,whlch may herefofare Aave 6een or hereafter be ad►anced
<br /> � by Berte►iciary to Tiustor or Tiustors succe�erv in interest or titte,
<br /> a!1 of which i�hereinalter collectively calted the"lndebtedness",Trustor iaevac�Gfy grants artd transte�s tn�iustee,irr.*ru�t.WITH F�WFR
<br /> QF SAt�ihff.fatfowing described property.• The Nozth Three Hundre� Forty—Two (342)Feet of thc� i��st Five
<br /> Hundred For�y (540)feet of the Northwest Quarter (NW�)af the Northeast Quarter(Lr��� of SectLan �
<br /> Ten (Id� ,Ta�.�nahip Eight (8� North, RaAge Nine (9) West af the 6th P.M.,�ub�ect to. �$Catutory road,
<br /> and except the North Seventy—€our (74•)- feet of the West 'lw•o Hundred Seveg.L�(2J0) �eet thereaf; . .
<br /> AND The Southwest Quarter (SW}) of S�ction Thirty—five (:35), Towaship Nia� (`?} Yo�th, Raa�� Ten ,
<br /> (10) West of the 6th P.M., I�a�l County, Nebraska. .
<br /> ' fogether rvith n ail buitdings,structures,additlnns,enlargements,modilfcatioas,r�a�rs,r�p�acements.and improvemsms naw or hereaRer
<br /> located thereon,(il)all equipment,machinery and rxtures(inc�uding,without Lms,�lion,all Jighting,heating,ventilaGng,cuolir.g,air �
<br /> - conditlon/ng,spdnkling and plumbing i/xtures, watErard powersysiems.engirrus,boi/ers,ranges,ovens,dishwashers,mirrors and mante/s,
<br /> ; ca�peting,furnacea,al burne�s,elevafors and mot�:�,.�efdge�ation pfants or unirs,communicatian sysfems,dynamos,transfnrmers,elecUfca!
<br /> � equlpment,stQrm and screen windows,daors,awniaga and shad��J now or herea/ter attached fo,or bailt in,any buitding or improvement
<br /> now or hereafiu-�ocated thereon,(Ili)aD easemenis and rights af c��rE appuKenant thereto,(iv),all/easehold estate,�ight,title end lnte�es!of �r
<br /> • Tivator fn artas t�all/eases, whether now or hereafter existing or entered lnto(Including,without limitaUan,aN cash and securlty depasits. _
<br /> ' �.+vence►eniels and deposits or payments of a sim.�rgr naiure),peRaining theieio,(v)a!1 rents,issues,prolits and Income therefiom(subject , =
<br /> to ftre right of Trustor to co/iect and epply such ients,issues,prolits a+rd Income as they become dua snd payable so fong es no oveFtP ol =-
<br /> . default exlsts heieunder),(vi)all roy�sltiss,mineral,oii and gas rights and profifs,wafei,weter rrghts,and water stock,(vii)all tenErr�_-nts,
<br /> hered'damants,privileges and apputt�nr�rr,�s belong/ng,�sed o�enjoyed in connect/on ther��vfth,and(viii)all proceerls af conversrcn,
<br /> • vo/untary orinvoluntary, 01 any o�the t��L�i�,ing lnto cash o►liquidated claims(including,uvrri��.rst Iimitation,procesds ar�i-;�france and ,
<br /> condemnaUon awards), a/l of which is hE.2inafter caUectively called the"Tiust Property".
<br /> ' 1. Title.Trustor covenants,war�anJS and agrees with Beneficiary,its successors and asslgns,that Tru:;t;,�o�4r�t��Tiusi Proparry free
<br /> ' from any prior llen or encumbrance,that thls Deed af Tiust Js and wiN�emaln a velid and entorceabie t��st G�c�T c!~the Trust Proparry, -
<br /> ' thaf Trustof,at its expense,will preseive such title and w11!malntaln thls Deed o!Tiusl ss a rrst and p x�d,�o��r:���n upan the Tius! "•+ '
<br /> • Property and will forever wa�rant and defend the validrry and pdvrity of tha lien hereol agalnst the cla;=:�;a F�;l�f����sons and paR/es
<br /> whomsoeve►. Trustor,at its expense,wlit ca�:e this Deed ol Tiust,and eaah amendment or supp.+���•-�:-�?'��re:�,to be/iled and �
<br /> re�orded as a mortgage o/tha Trust Properrxr�+-such manner and/n such p/ace and will take suct^�^:ron as ln the opinlon of Tiusiee '�
<br /> may be requJred by any presont or future lewr o�order to perfect,maintain and protect the lien of Ua�s 7eed o/Trust,as the same may
<br /> ba amended or supplemented lrom time to time.Tiustor wiil make such lunher assurance or assurances to pedect!ts title to the Tnist
<br /> Property as may 6o iequlred by�xcneficiary. Trustot hereby�ellnquJshes all�ight oi do�ver and homestead In and to the Trust Prope�ty.
<br /> 2. Payment of Indebtedness.Trustor sha/l puncl�lrt,y pay the A1�Inclpal ol and lnterest on the rrt�eb.'e�ness secured hereby.
<br /> 3. ConshucBon of Imp.n:�r�ments.Tiustor shall c�.�n��rete 1n good and wo�kmaNike manner any bu;;drrr��rmprovements or repairs rci�6ng
<br /> thereto whkh ma}��1��begun on the Tiust Prc��c^�or cantempleted by 1he loan evldenced by�he l":,te secured hereby,to p�i�when
<br /> due all cosis and tiabllitles lncurred therefore,a^d not to penrrit any aonsfructlan ilen agalns!such Tiust Propeity.!n the ever;t
<br /> constr�fetlon o!buildings,�mprovements or repr�irs are corlc=;���lated,7�ustor aiso agrees,snything/n thls Oee�ol Tiusf to rha contrary
<br /> noh��.:i�°kanding;(a)to promptly commence ary such wark and to complete the proposed Improvements promptly, (b)to co:���;lete the
<br /> s�me�-n acCOrdanCe with the plans and specif,��ttons as epproved by Beneficiary, (c)ro comply with F':fhe rerms of a bu:lc:���,1oan
<br /> � 4�3reement,il any,beriveen Trusior snd BertQ�iclary,the terms ol whioh a�e lRCOrpoiated harein by�c'ucr;ce.a�Y made a Es�r*r^areol,
<br /> (�)[o aliaw BenetrCfary to Inspect Nre Trust Pioperty at all timas durfng canstroc6on,artd(e}to r�pla,_•r•✓-�,��:,��or materra/.s ,�
<br /> unsetlslectory to Beneflciary wi.r�rr litteen(15)days after wrltten notice from Beneficlary of such fact. .
<br />' 4. Funds tor.Payment o!Charges. �u!:Ject to appticable law or to a written watver by Beneficlary,trustar shatl pay to Bene�iaiary on the
<br /> , ti�st day o/each month,o�such ofher date each month as may be specifiad by 6eneficlary,unNl th�l��dsbtedness Is pald irr full,a s�m
<br /> (herelnafter called the"Funds")equal to t t�r�r of the yearly taxes and assessments which may s�r��»priority over this Dee��7���Trust •--=-_-_—__
<br /> and graund rents on the Trust Property,fian�,pfus fif2th of tho yeai/y premlum Installments fo►hFUaid insurance,plus f�f�:�r o!the �
<br /> yearly premluminsfaliments!or mortgage insurance,il an��,a!/as reasonably esfimated initiafiy and fram time to time by Beneticlary on
<br /> tko basls o!assessments and b/lls and reasonable estirr,�'i;;thereol.7he Funds shafl be hefd 1n an institution,the deposits or
<br /> accounts of whlch are insured or gua�anteed by a fedes�',�r stato ageRC y including Beneliciary. 2eneficiary sheU apply the Funds to ,
<br />- pay s��r!t:.x�,�ssa;sr:r,�nt�,lrrsurarsca pr�rs�iusn��.��-gr�and r�nts.Bensficiary stral!rroi tra rsqutrar�tcs pay Trustar arsy ints�ast ao -
<br /> earnings nn the Funds. Beneflciary sh�,7 g��v�n�.Fru;.�}r,wdhouf cheige,an annual accounting of the Funds showMg c�edits and
<br /> debifs la Ihe Funds artd fhd purposa�or El,'-n�!*+;ach d�3bit to the Funds was made. �he Punds are pladged as addilional security for �j�
<br /> � the/ndabtedness sacuiod by thls Dead o!Trusl.t�tha emounf ol the Funds held by Benef�clary, toygtlrt�r wifh lhv luture manihly �,
<br /> installrnonts ol funds payab/a p�lor to the dus datos ot taxes,assessments,lnsu►ortce piemiums and grvund rents,shall exceed tho
<br /> amount r9quiivd to pny SUltd tt►xbs,assassmonts,insu�anc�p�emlums and ground rents as thoy!aU due,such excess sha/l be,at `t
<br /> Trustor's optlon,aithot promptly�epaid to 7rusta�or c�odrtod(a T►ustar ugainst lufurt�manthly mst�!lments ol Funds. !f thv r�maur►t ol ��
<br /> the Funds held by Ben�liclary shal!rtot he sulllciant lo pay t�,res.Assessments,insuraneo p��miums antl ground►Unts as thoy/bll due. �;[
<br /> �r�sto�shalf pay to Bsnohcrary eny amau�+t nacessary(o m�ke ap tha dalrclancy within Muty days!rom t�ro dato rrotica is ma�lod by :r-"
<br /> t3enefrclary t�7�ruStor��questing anymonf thd�doi. Upan dnymant in full bi oli lndebtotlnpss. E�onohcinry shnif p�ampt/y rofund to r, <.
<br /> TrusWs any�unds hbld by gonQlr^itrry.I/thv Tre�st PrapQny is sald undbr tho powE�r of salo or!ho Tn�st Propnrty is olhdnvise�7cquv�d
<br /> by Qnnelici�ry,Br�nalrciary shaA apply,�mm�d�atuty prror fa thn sa/o at thv T,ust Prvpo�ty a�ts c�evu�srt�on h y Hcnetrcuiry,.�t�y Fr�nhs
<br /> hald b y Banyliaary at the hmo ol�pplrcnGOn as u ctedrt ttgainyi thu►ndohtc��tn�,ss �l Hr,�nhc�a�y�'NE'G UI4S�i wntter►wc+�vor c>t J�us!n�s
<br /> obJ,qrrtians undo�lh�s�a�ay►vph 4, rrusivi cav�n��nts and ag�eius tu ptiy hMn�a Urf►s�7+r,te hecrrnEr dC/mt�ue�rt a�l t;�vns asscssm�ntc
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